Ice cold.
Shine stood under the birch tree twirling the blades of grass she just uprooted in her bare fingers. No matter how hard she concentrated on healing the cut on her arm thanks to the recent Herbology class, it stayed the same. Red, raw and bleeding. There was definitely something wrong with her powers. They weren't working as before. Not just unlike before. Her powers had completely vanished. This had happened only once before and Shine knew her powers had come back but she was scared. Last time for them to come back she needed to be happy. To get back in control of the situation. If she was unable to do that, which she feared, she would be rendered as a normal human.
Shine knew she should expect this considering her depressed mind state but all she could think of at the moment was how that left her even more vulnerable than she already was. She sighed sitting down on the small patch of grass uncovered with snow. Mir didn't even bother to reply to her letter. Instead he sent back remains of the burnt letter tied to Nins' leg. That broke something deep inside her even though she was totally just expecting this. Shine felt for the leather pouch of ashes in her pocket. That was a reminder of why she shouldn't even try another reconciliation unless she wanted to be insulted in a manner worse than this. She grit her teeth against all the anger bursting inside her. Gryffindor won against Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw lost to Hufflepuff. Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff.
Now just one match remained, Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff. But Shine was so drained out emotionally, she was in no mood to play yet another quidditch match and face it if they lost. Most of her free time was now spent in practice. All of that extra practice and exercise along with the combat magic retraining had helped her build a better physique. She appeared more calmer now. Less stressed out. She could climb seven floors straight up without panting. Her aim had developed and so had her concentration. But there was one problem. She was lonely.
The loneliness was eating her out from the inside, slowly, like assasin ants. But she too had no choice but to bear it. To deal with the depression. To deal with the nightmares that had increased in intensity ever since her mother healed up. Somehow Nagini weaved through her dreams even more frequently now.
Shine couldn't even cast her patronus anymore. She had to learn to employ Occlumency against those rotting creatures. And now Dumbledore was planning on sending all of the Order kids to Grimmauld Place for the Christmas. Shine hated the place. Shine hated being around Sirius. She hated the amount of love he showered on Potter instead of his own kids. And worse of all she hated that she would have to face the insane woman yet again. She tore the blades of grass in frustration. The sun was dipping down beyond the mountains. Her stomach growled, soon enough it would be dinner time. Shine's eyes narrowed looking in the direction of the Entrance Hall. The pink silhouette of Dolores Umbridge was clearly visible. What was that abnormally pink coloured toad doing out here at this hour, she wondered silently. Shine's nose scrunched up in confusion. She frowned and started walking inside. Umbridge turned around and walked back inside the castle to Merlin knows where, but mostly her office.
Shine trudged down through the dungeons and knocked on the ebony doors. She waited a long time for a response but none came. Shine shifted her weight from one foot to another and crossed her arms protectively over her chest waiting for a response. After a minute she knocked again and waited trying hard to listen to any voices. She could hardly hear anything. But in the silence of the usually quiet dungeons a girly, overly sweet voice floated over to her, faintly.
“...and if you don't mind I would like some Veritaserum to question Potter as well as your own daughter, Severus. Now that you are ready to help the ministry let me confide something in you. We believe she may be in contact with her biological father. She might know his location and keeping it from is is a matter of national security. It could land her in Azkaban. Am certain you do not wish her to? Hmm?” she asked overly sweet as if concerned about her safety. “He might even addle her brains or use her against us! You can never tell what a criminal mind as that can do.”
“Yes I perfectly understand your concern but I can garauntee she has nothing to do with filth like Black. However I will provide you with the necessities and you can question her if you wish.” he drawled in reply.
“Thank you, Severus. I will take your leave.” Shine could perfectly imagine her lips curved up in a pointy toothed smile. That demonic, nasty, foul breathed gargoyle! And that double faced, back biting bastard! She should murder them both. And she would, with her bare hands, right there, if she had her powers right now.
The door opened and Shine stood there, her eyes blazing in anger, her arms crossed over her chest stubbornly. Umbridge looked mildly surprised to find her there. While Snape looked pretty much shocked.
“What did you hear?” Umbridge asked dropping her sugarcoated voice and tone, her expression turning uglier than she was.
“About what?” Shine retorted going completely on the defensive. She knew the hag couldn't talk the truth. Using Veritaserum without any staunch proof was illegal. Umbridge's fake smile returned to her face.
“Oh, about how terribly you are performing in your class. I was here to complain to your head of house about that.” she replied in her most sweetest voice. Shine nodded.
“I know.” she drawled. “I find it difficult to concentrate with the quidditch practices, that's all...”
“You are expected to do much better, however.” Snape cut in. Shine's eyes flashed in anger, settling on him. “Thank you Prof. Umbridge. I will deal with her from here onward.” he said politely asking her to just get the effing hell out of his office and give the two some much needed privacy to talk alone. Umbridge either didn't get the hidden meaning or she thought he actually wanted to punish her, for a moment later she hurried out of his office pure delight on her face.
Shine rolled her eyes in exasperated annoyance at her retreating back, the kitten heels echoing across the flagstone. “C'mon in.” Snape said calmly opening the door wider for Shine. She walked in and settled on the chair opposite his. She removed her shoes and put up her feet on the table, leaning back in the chair.
“You can't do that.” Shine got straight to the point. He sat opposite her with a single eyebrow raised at her questionable posture. He waved his wand once, locking the door securely and placing secrecy charms.
“That foul woman. You can't give her the truth potion. You know what happens if you do that? She finds all of the secrets. Even your secrets. And-”
“Am giving her fake Veritaserum.” he cut in. Shine's eyes snapped up to look at him, sitting there in front of her smirking. A smirk graced her own features.
“Smart!” she smiled. “I had no idea you had so much brains, Dad.” He rolled his eyes merely in annoyance, making her laugh.
“Now the real reason why you were here?” his eyebrows rose up his forehead. Shine sighed.
“I don't want to go live with Black in the Christmas. I can't.” she whispered.
“You can, kid. And you will. We don't have a choice. That is the safest bet.” he said after thinking for a second.
“Firstly am not a kid. Am over seventeen. And secondly, I thought Hogwarts was the safest bet?” she muttered in reply making him sigh.
“It is, honey. But we can't garauntee anything at the moment. The ministry is desperately trying to gain control and replace Dumbledore. Plus we are cut from our minimum level of freedom. We can't garauntee anything at the moment. Personally I wouldn't bet on a single month!” he tried to explain.
“So you too think I should go to Sirius' place? Why can't I be with you? Why can't I stay with you?” she asked pleading desperately.
“Try to understand, kid. It's not possible. Or even I would want that, always.” he replied.
“Why not?”
“Shine....” he sighed. “Why do you always have to insist on being so difficult?”
“Please, Dad. This may be the last Christmas we spend together.” she pleaded. He sighed once again and closed his eyes.
“Okay, I will try and make some arrangements.” he replied.
“You promise?” she asked with childlike glee in her voice, a genuine smile spreading upon her face.
“I promise...” he smiled back, his eyes sad.
“What the-” Shine was woken up in the middle of the night by a large bucket of water splashed on her face. She sat up groggily angry, searching for the idiot who dared to this to her.
“Shh...” Severus Snape whispered quietly in the dark. “You both will leave for Grimmauld Place tonight.”
Shine sat up straighter observing two silhouettes. She rubbed a hand over her sleepy face. “Go away, Dad. This is no time for jokes. Let me bloody hell sleep. Please.” she mumbled through her fingers and lay down again. She was hit with a pillow in the back of her head.
“Ow! Go away, Dad.” she grumbled sleepily.
“Wake up, you bloody idiot! Mr. Weasley was attacked tonight by Voldemort's snake.” Vega shrieked in her ear. Shine sat up straight at the words, reminded instantly of her many nightmares.
“What nonsense!” she exclaimed looking at the thinner, feminine silhouette of her twin.
“He was protecting the weapon, when he was attacked.” Vega answered her voice breaking, talking to Shine finally after two months, well not properly talking... but still.
“But how did Nagini even gain entry to the Ministry, least of all the Departm-” Shine almost blurted out but Snape cleared his throat at the right moment. Shine involuntarily bit her tongue and started chewing on her lower lip.
“The department of what?” Vega prodded desperately for some information. “What do you know about the weapon they guard, Shine?”
“Huh..? What weapon?Am sorry must have sleep talked or something...” Shine muttered unconvincingly.
“C'mon girls the portkey is waiting for you up in Dumbledore's office.” Snape changed the subject, hurrying them up. “Let's go Shine. C'mon get up.”
“Pick me up, please...” Shine fluttered her lashes. “It's seven floors, Dad.” Snape rolled his eyes.
“No. You are not a kid of seven anymore, you are seventeen as you pointed out just a few days before. You will walk.” he said sternly. Shine groaned. “And hurry, we don't need the hag to know you are out of your beds.”
Shine shot out of her bed and they all rushed off briskly to Dumbledore's office under the Disillusionment charm. They hurried on to reach the gargoyle. “Fizzing Whizzbees.” Snape said giving the password. The gargoyle stepped aside immediately. They ran up the escalator, knocked and entered without waiting for a reply. Just as Shine opened the door a flash of gold flames burnt bright in the middle of the office. A single gold feather floated down.
Shine's eyes widened and she looked at Dumbledore for explanation. “That was Fawkes' warning.” he explained in general to everyone in the office. “Umbridge has noticed that you are out of your beds, somehow. You need to leave and feed her some story, Minerva. Any story... I will arrange for a portkey. We can't afford to have them go by floo. The lesser people are aware, the better.” he said turning to find a silver instrument and muttering Portus.
“C'mon, now..” he gestured them forward just as the blue light started glowing.
“Do I have to go too?” Shine asked. She really didn't want to go. She didn't want to see Sirius. And least of all Iris. She hated seeing both of them have a go at each other like dogs.
“Obviously.” Snape answered for Dumbledore, pushing her ahead to touch the portkey. Shine sighed, her hand hovering in indecision. Fred started the countdown.
“Three, two... one.” they all touched the silver portkey and felt a tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach somewhere. They whirled, their shoulders bumping into each other and hit cold, hard, black marble of the Black house kitchen.
“Sirius Black!” Iris screeched from upstairs. Moments later there was sound of a person stomping angrily down the marble staircase. Even Walburga Black began her screaming of insults.
“Shut up. JUST SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP, YOU MURDERING BITCH!” Iris shouted back at the portrait calling her mudblood, slut, cheat and money hungry and even defending her son, who she had so popularly disowned.
“This is one argument I really don't know who to side with.” Sirius muttered under his breath making Vega chuckle. She didn't exactly hate her mother. Once she heard her background story she definitely sympathised with the woman, unlike her twin. But she did feel a bit hurt at the desicion she took now. It had a terrible effect on Sirius. It was a miracle how he had recovered so easily and fast when he looked like he has gone through irreparable damage, extreme depression, just weeks before.
He was happy Harry was here and he was happy that she was here too. Vega couldn't understand the cold, hatred Shine felt towards him. Mr. Weasley had almost made a full recovery.
Iris came at the bottom of the staircase, her nose flaring. Her eyes roving around to settle finally on Sirius, emitted flames. Her hair was flaming red too. Flaming red? But wasn't it supposed to be dark brown?
“Lily! Merlin, you are alive!” Sirius exclaimed in fake joy making Vega snigger. Iris shot her a sharp look.
“What effing nonsense is this?” she hissed through her teeth.
“You look so perfectly like Lily right now. I couldn't resist, I thought it really was her.” Sirius frowned innocently. Iris growled in pure annoyance.
“Colour my hair black, right now.” she shouted.
“I thought you said you had no interest in associating yourself with black.” he replied innocence showing off on his face only interrupted by his slight smirk. “And then, Snape would love them better that way...”
Iris flushed red, her expression rapidly changing from embarrassment to rage to pure fury. Flames burned in her eyes. Snape was a very soft topic. Extremely sensitive. Sirius knew that and he was hitting right below the belt with that comment. Although Vega didn't understand why, she thought she could very well figure it out. She looked desperately between Sirius and Iris. Sirius' gray eyes were cold as steel on a harsh winter's day. He smirked at her like he had planned it all along, even the Lily taunt. Suddenly her eyes turned wet and she looked away. Vega saw a single tear roll down her cheek.
“Why do you have to remind me of that every time? I know what he said, I heard him. Okay? You don't have to take up the job of reminding me of what he said everyday.” her voice rose in pitch with every word she talked through her tears. The bell rang loud and clear, echoing through the whole home. Kreacher came out of the kitchen and opened the door. Shine walked in. The girl's feet never settled inside even once, ever since they arrived here. She was always out of the home, recently. Vega noticed Iris hastily wipe off her tears.
She whistled a tune, looked between Sirius and Iris, merely rolled her eyes muttering about arguing baboons. She shoved her hands in her pockets and was about to walk up the staircase when she turned back.
“Red hair doesn't suit you.” she said to Iris who looked up at Shine with a very blank, unresponsive expression. “Cool! Now, why are you crying?” she asked, some concern slipping into her cold voice and sneering demeanor. Iris merely shook her head, trying not to respond. Shine shrugged and walked back up to her room and slammed the door behind her.
“What's wrong with her?” Sirius asked Vega. She didn't know the answer. No one did. No one knew the reason why Shine had turned so ice cold suddenly.
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