Shine waited for the two to be gone enough before running out in the opposite direction, in the direction of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. The only one, no one ever used. If anyone ever saw her doing what she was about to do next the bullying would be endless. Shine pushed open the door to the bathroom.
It was oddly dry and empty, unlike the others, but that was somewhat expected. No one ever used it, it was obviously dry and clean and as for empty, it was beyond curfew.... Shine stood at the basin and pulled out a small vial. She took out a mini scalpel. She grazed the sharp blade in a thin line over her index finger. Nothing happened except for a little redness. Determined, she sighed and applied a bit more pressure, cutting her index finger. Thick, red liquid oozed out in drops. Shine held the vial to her index finger, collecting all the blood, squeezing it out. She ignored the unpleasant stinging sensation and the pain along with the horror of self harm. Especially the horror of self harm, this was essential for an experiment and Shine would do anything in the name of alchemy.
A few moments later no matter how much Shine squeezed, no blood oozed out, the cut had healed too fast. She needed a deeper cut. Only a quarter of the vial was filled before she stopped bleeding. She frowned, she definitely needed more blood. At least a vial full of it. That would help with experiments without having to draw out a sample every time it was needed. But she was in no mood to cut herself yet again on the same spot after the torture Umbridge subjected her to. Shine splashed water on both the injuries, cooling them off, causing them to sting even worse. She stuffed the knuckles of her right hand into her mouth to stop from screaming.
Shine pocketed the vial just as a head popped out of an open stall, giving Shine a mini heart attack. “Hi! What are you doing?” the girl asked with a broad smile.
“And you must be Myrtle.” Shine muttered back ominously. “Hi there.” she replied politely.
“What are you doing?” Myrtle repeated her question. Shine rolled her eyes. Why don't you mind your own business, she thought scathingly but controlled her tongue. It won't do to have the bathroom locked against her. This place was perfect for brewing this one ultimate potion. A resurrection potion.
Shine knew her blood would have to be the most important ingredient in it, the sacrifice. Now what she needed was to replicate a philosopher's stone. Combine the properties somehow and recreate the resurrection stone.
The resurrection stone was believed to be a tale of fables, told to children to warn them against strangers, against craving for power and to make them toe the line. But if the Elder wand could exist, so could the stone. Shine's hand involuntarily reached for her wand. She heard a soft meow in one corner, behind the knight statue. She groaned in annoyance at the cat peeking out at her. Not Mrs. Norris for Merlin's sake! She still needed to think of a way to nick the potion. If Filch was to follow her.... Filch!
It was like suddenly a flint was struck in her head, lighting up. All she needed was Filch! Filch would drag her down. He would lecture her and the moment his back turned, nick. A simple, non verbal summoning charm would be enough. Shine hissed at the cat, she hissed back, arching, her tail fluffing up. Shine banged her fist into the knight statue.
“Who goes there?” the voice of the school's old, creepy caretaker sounded.
It is I, Salazar Slytherin's to only living heir, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Shine wanted to say but decided a female voice would be incompetent for the job. So she stayed silent until the squib came up and flashed his bright lantern in her face, making her squint, so she could see. Mrs. Norris meowed yet again and curled around his leg.
“Hello missy, I think we are in trouble.” he sneered down at Shine. Shine rolled her eyes. He caught her firmly by her collar and started dragging her off.
“Depends....” she replied in a voice low enough he wouldn't hear. And if he did drag her to anyone but her father, she knew the best defence would be to turn invisible. Now that would obviously leave him looking like a stupid, blubbering old squib. But Shine certainly didn't care.
“What are you doing out at this hour?” he asked her.
“Well you see, Mr. Filch, I was just returning from a very unpleasant detention with Professor Umbridge and I had the sudden urge to pee. So I ran to the nearest girls bathroom.” Shine shrugged in reply. Filch hobbling ahead of her snorted with derisive laughter.
“The pathetic lies that you make up, Snape.” he said going down, obviously dragging her in the direction of the dungeons which was honestly a relief.
“That was unfortunately the truth, Mr. Filch. If I had to lie I would have certainly made up something much more convincing I assure you.” she replied calmly putting up with that idiot.
Filch reached the ebony doors and knocked thrice. The door opened immediately after with the occupant scowling down at the irritating people who dared to disturb him.
“What is it?” he snapped.
“Sir, I found this girl roaming around the castle after curfew. Since she is in your house, I thought it appropriate to drag this miscreant to you.” he puffed out his chest proudly. Shine rolled her eyes at Filch. Snape's expression did jot change as his eyes landed on a grinning Shine who waved at him.
“Hey Dad! The moons out, full and nice tonight.” she giggled stupidly making him raise an eyebrow. “I told him I was going back from my detention with Professor Umbridge but he won't let me go. He insisted on dragging me down here.”
“You may go Filch. I will deal with this insolent girl.” he said firmly making Filch let go off her collar and turn upon his heels. He opened his door more for Shine to enter. Shine shoved her hands into her pockets.
“Get in.” he ordered. Shine entered his creepy office. The jars and bottles seemed to have increased in number since the last time Shine had entered.
“Explain.” he said taking his place and sitting down opposite her. Shine sighed gripping her wand under the desk and performing a nonverbal summoning charm. He got up and began pacing behind her.
“Dolores Umbridge made us write lines, 'I shall not be rude.'. We were walking back to the common room when I had the urge to go pee. So I ran to the nearest bathroom and told them to go on ahead.” Shine explained. The purple bottle flew into her open hand and she caught it effortlessly with her keeper instincts.
“You expect me to believe that?” he sneered. Shine gave him an obviously look, shrugging.
“I know as a matter of fact that girls go to the bathroom in groups, why I will never understand-”
“You seem to know a lot about girls... eh, Dad?” Shine smirked, teasing him wiggling her eyebrows. Snape's cheeks tinges pink. Then he resumed normal colour and his eyebrows rose.
“Yes I do. I have a daughter who is sixteen for your kind information, will turn seventeen this November and still underestimates her father.” he stated simply. Shine looked confused at that.
“I didn't-”
“If you think I didn't notice the purple vial of Murtlap essence fly past me, then you are definitely wrong.” he finished, drawling. Shine's mouth stayed open. “You- how could you have possibly noticed that?” she asked. Shine knew the bottle zoomed past the back of his head.
“I saw you catching it. Now, the more important question, why do you need it?” he asked calmly.
“What does it matter to you?” Shine tried to change the subject to his ignoring her. Snape rolled his eyes.
“This is not about me. Why do you need the Murtlap essence? You cut yourself again, didn't you?” he asked. Shine shook her head.
“Show me your hands.” he ordered. Shine planted them even more firmly in her pockets. Her eyes darted to the door, calculating her chances of escape. He noticed that.
“Don't even think of running away.” he swooped down in feint of her to place his arms on both sides of her chair. Shine looked pleadingly into his coal black eyes. “Show me your hands, Shine. NOW!” he roared. Shine pulled out her right hand and held it in front of him. He caught it and examined it for any other cut but the one on her index finger.
The cut across her index finger was still red and raw. And it was clean enough to not be accidental. “Your other hand as well.” he growled in a voice low enough to be a hiss.
“Just let it be, Dad. What does it matter? That is the only cut and I cut it for this.” Shine pulled out a vial filled with her own blood from her pocket. But Snape noticed something else. He caught her left hand and turned it back.
There at the back of her hand, not bleeding but still red and raw were the words, I must not be rude. He stared down angrily, his grip on her hand getting so tight it hurt.
“You said that woman made you write lines.” he growled.
“Well she did. But the quill, it kind of etched words in the back of your hand.” Shine replied trying to snatch back her hand. He gripped it tighter.
“I am taking you to Dumbledore. That woman is so dead, I swear.” he went on grumbling.
“No!” Shine interrupted him to earn a million galleon glare. “You will not inform any one about this. I don't wish to give that woman a reason to work against you. She is a ministry worker. Just ignore this Dad, it doesn't even hurt. Only stings a little like a mosquito bite.”
He took a deep breath but it didn't work. His face remained contorted in rage. The muscles in his neck and face remained tight. Shine had to calm him down, distract him. She couldn't have that woman targeting him and his job.
“I was planning on using my blood in the Iris Drew remedy. Chor blood has many properties and I think if gausswelder fins can't stabilise it this is our last resort.” Shine said. He looked at the vial and back to her with interest.
“I guess, come back tomorrow after dinner. We will work on it, three days a week. Is that okay, quidditch captain?” he asked. Shine smiled up at him.
“Sure is, okay.” Shine grinned. “Don't do anything stupid, Dad. Love you.”
“Yes, I know. I do too, love. But that scares me.” he replied kissing her forehead.
“The dark lord wants me, doesn't he?” Shine asked out of the blue. He froze, straightening up, confirming her suspicions.
“No, why would you think so?” he drawled smoothly, grinning.
“I understand that you don't want to tell me, Dad. But you have to give my abilities at least some credit.” Shine replied quietly.
“You are fine with it?” he raised an eyebrow. Shine shrugged.
“Depends on the outcome. If that means he stops torturing you, sure I am fine with it. I would do anything.” Shine replied. “If that means you are safe, I would join him. I would do anything and everything in my power, Dad just like you have done all these years for me.”
“You can't possibly join him, Shine.... he's horrible. He doesn't care about the followers. And he uses his female followers for personal pleasure, sometimes if they are consenting, even after marriage. And who do you think would not give the dark lord consent? He will kill you, if you don't.” he croaked.
“He will kill the both of us if I don't join. That sounds like a minor sacrifice to me, Dad. Something I don't care about. If this means you stay safe, I will join him any day.” Shine said. He sighed in defeat. Her desicion had already been made. And now no one, not even Merlin could make her backtrack, unless he used the Imperious curse on her.
“Good night, Dad. And don't worry so much about me. I can handle myself. I swear.” Shine chuckled making him crack a small smile and shake his head in denial of her statement.
Shine walked back to the common room with new knowledge. So the dark lord did want her. Her suspicions were correct. And her desicion was made the moment her father joined him last year. She would take the dark mark by the end of the year. One part of her nightmare would come true. Although the rest was yet to happen for any reason, she imagined even that would come true.
Yet again the dreamless sleep potion proved useful. Shine woke up refreshed. She didn't have to sleep with nightmares when her life was one, right? Her brain seemed to disagree. Which left her with no option but to swallow a dose. At least that meant she wouldn't wake up screaming like an insane person.
It had been a week since that conversation with her father about Voldemort. Yesterday had been Vega's last and final detention.The girl had been reduced to tears by the end of it and Shine was desperately resisting the urge to punch all the woman's teeth off her jaw, at least then she won't smile so much. The Murtlap essence helped the girl a lot. But it left a permanent white scar on her hand that read, I must not be rude. Shine knew it had a permanent effect on her skin but thankfully it did not affect her spirit.
The classes all went well. Herbology was good and they spent all the time in nurturing the Snargaluff pods. Shine paired up with Vega who did most of the work. She thought she heard Sprout muttering to herself about lazy buggers getting an outstanding in the subject. Shine rolled her eyes, chuckling. Vega raised her eyebrows at her twin. Shine merely shook her head to say nothing. Vega started her work.
After that they hurried off to Defence agains the dark arts and read their stupid book. In Charms they spent time practising nonverbal spells. The teachers had given them a lot of homework, which was the worst part of sixth year. They had a lot of free time on the schedule but most of it was spent on the homework.
Shine bade th others good bye after Charms and rushed off to the library. She took down some books in the restricted section on really advanced dark arts.
Some of the spells were really complex. One however sounded useful. Very useful. It made your enemies forget their lives, turned them into amnesiacs. If this spell could be reversed and used to charm the potion, it could be used to regain her mental ability somehow.
Shine took the next one hour making notes. And then doing her homework till an hour before dinner. She went downstairs to the dungeons and knocked on the ebony doors. “I found some more information!” they both told each other excited. Shine laughed closing the door behind her.
“You first.” she said.
“You were right about the chor blood properties. I used half of what you gave me. It did stabilise the potion. Mostly it would work. I just need to experiment a bit more and I think we could test it this Sunday, even Saturday if possible.” he grinned down at her barely able to stop the smile splitting his face in two. Shine smiled.
“I found a spell actually. If we could find a way to charm the potion with the spell then it would garauntee a result.” she told him jumping up and down on the balls of her feet in barely concealed excitement.
“That's amazing. Mostly we will succeed this time.” he said.
Shine nodded. Hope bubbled up in her heart, making her feel light headed with happiness.
A/N: Okay another stupid chapter completed. So.... yes, I hope you liked it. It was mostly a filler. I guess I will do a quidditch try outs next.
And well I kind of write another Harry Potter fanfic. Another Snape fanfic, somewhat Snily, somewhat... and an alternate universe where sixteen year old Lily falls through a passageway and reaches the Second War time Hogwarts.
Will she be able to change the events in time, change her future or will she leave it all undisturbed?
Well this is just a very brief description and I don't think I did a very good job so please check it out its named 'The ultimate possibility' and it's on my profile...
Hoping u guys wud chk it out and giv me an opinion although I don't expect you to judge it over a single chpter but just teller if it's worth continuing...
Erm, tell me what you think of this chapter as well... thank you for reading and taking the trouble to read this author's note.
I love you guys!!!
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