January, February.
A/N: Okay guys. Another filler chapter. Oh man! I so hate filler chapters but they are so essential. That is why I request you not to murder me in my sleep for this entirely crappy chapter. Dramatic much? I thought so too.
Anyways guys. Here's your new chapter. Plz promote my story. Vote fan or comment.
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There you go.
(Shine's p.o.v.)
January arrived but the cold hadnt diminished. Everyone had come back and it was great. We were sitting in the common room. There was no fire and something had happened to the darn heating charm.
Things were darn cold and we had called Cummins but he was taking forever to fix it. I think some idiot thought it funny to switch off the spell and allow us the cold winter air and I hope that pumpkinhead was suffering with us whoever it was.
"Hey Sera. You can light a fire." I said suddenly remembering.
"No. I cant." she said glancing around and then giving me a glare.
"Oh. I thought you were good with the wand." I muttered covering up as I saw Tony glaring too and I realised people were all here.
"We cant. Its against the rules." he informed me.
"I thought elementals could." I whispered to her.
Tony heard me and he sat on my armchair on the pretext of huddling close for warmth. "I can but she cant. She hasnt yet learnt full control so father doesnt let her. She can manipulate the elements. And now close the topic. We will brief you the details later when we are comparitively alone. But we get your details too. Deal?"
"Deal" I grinned back.
Cummins came some time later and fixed the problem. He looked like someone had drenched him to get him up as he hurried in with wet hair a sweater pulled over in a messy manner over his track pants. We later learnt that Hermann the fifth year who had been sent to wake him found him sleeping. He refused to wake up the normal way. As a desperate measure he poured water on him waking him instantly but recieving a good shouting and a week of detention.
"Who is that idiot that switched off the heating spell and does not have enough sense,to put it back right?" Cummins growled dangerously and the younger students tried hiding behind the older ones.
"Which blithering fool thought this would be funny?" he asked but no one came ahead, "Whose prank is this?"
No one walked forward in martyrdom. "Fine. But the day I find you I swear you go packing. And if you confess you get only detentions till the end of term."
The rest of January first week went regular. Classes resumed. I got Dad a new black woolen cloak for his b'day. It would make him look less like a bat I hope.
I sent Nins off with the present and a b'day card.
Me and Tony did have a chat about our restricted powers around mid Jan. And he was evidently angry at Sera for letting the family secret slip. But then again its not entirely Sera's fault. Agreed she was being nosier than essential but it certainly isnt her fault if I can enter her head. After the 20th the weather had started getting warmer and quidditch practice was in full blow. Harper the quidditch captain dragged everyone out early morning not caring for the cold. She was in her last year and determined to win. I looked at Tony every morning at breakfast and he would be so tired he would doze off in the middle of toast. Tony played beater.
Jan ended without me getting a detention which was new. No one confessed to Cummins about the heating spell defect and he never found out. So I guess the person was out of danger.
February started and we had mock tests in the first week. I managed perfect in all practicals but I almost failed my charms and herbology theory. I will have to study for that in my finals at the end of May. And only three months remain.
The weather was as warm as it hadnt been in months. And it was enjoyable. The quidditch practices had worsened in intensity if that was possible. Harper had made Tony do 100 pushups to strengthen his arm muscles. Dear old Tony couldnt lift his arm to write his homework. Vlad did it for him. But I seriously doubt it that he couldnt write. Anyways its not mine but Vlad's buisness if he doesnt mind writing Tony's homework.
Adrian was never free nowadays. He was the lead chaser and he had fared real bad in the mocks. So we did not meet up enough. Sera would take longer on homework as she would help the imbecile Lix. I would explain him the stuff but he ended up giving me blank looks every time. So I just gave up on it. Ed was a slow writer so he took more time than usual.
And to tell the truth I liked Nat's company nowadays. She wasnt so bad if you looked past her bossy geeky nerdy personality. Infact she was a nice person.
Anyways February ended and it was just two months to the finals. Next two weeks was quidditch. So I get only one and a half month to study. I swear if I fail Dad is going to murder me.
Okay I know real short chapter but we had Eid holiday and I decided an update would be great. So happy Eid guys. Vote fan or comment. Next chapter is quidditch.
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