A/N: Okay I wil now go fast forward bcoz I wanna finish this. I dont like puttin stuff on hold I am the type of person who finishes the job once its started. So if I am too fast tell me. I dont think I can do anything else with Durmstrang and m just not getting enough votes or reads. So I dont think this is worth continuing. Okay right now m in a bad mood for some reason. So plz tel me m forgivn if I sound rude....
There you go now that I hav said that. Plz all u dudes and dudettes who read plz for the sake of voldemort, comment vote or fan.
(Shine's p.o.v.)
The quidditch season ended and everyone set off to study with their noses grinding the table. The time for preparations was too short it seemed and I was not getting any better at herbology theory. I just did not understand the venom producing cycles of the elfmittens plant or the breathing cycle of the mandrakes. I mean why do I need to know the chemical aspect of it? Its enough that I know the practical part, isnt it? But no I had to study it.
So overall we did not have single minute of freetime. It was even more frustrating for charms. The theory required us to remember the people who invented those,spells. I have a huge problem with remembering names. I really think they should ask sensible questions. I mean remembering those witches or wizards names is,not gonna help me in a real life,situation unless I want to act the part of some insufferable know it all. I was having genuine problems with studies. But then time,waits for no one and the exams were on us,like crows on food.
The first paper was illusions. It went really well. It was practicas in the evenings. We had to transform a porcupine into a cushion. I transformed mine perfectly into a soft silk teal cushion. Prof. Reznik saw my handiwork or I guess it is wandiwork and beamed his toothy smile at me before giving me a perfect score on the practicals.
Next day was a preparation holiday before the Charms exam. I needed that one badly. I prepared hard for it and did not sleep properly. So on the day of the paper I knew all the answers, almost. I was trying to remember the name of the witch who invented cheering charms. But I couldnt. I was sleepy and yawning. The stress took to my brain and I dont know how or when I fell asleep. I woke up ten minutes before end of exam and started scribbling all that I knew. But the parchment flew out my hand even as,i scribbled and landed on Dahl's table. I couldnt finish the last 30 marks. I ran off to the dorm not wishing to discuss the darned paper. The practs went real well as I performed a perfect cheering charm. I may have to perform it on Dad before handing him my report.
Herbology. I did very well in herbology. My efforts paid off. I studied a lot for it and I knew the answers to almost all questions. The rest I copied from Sera and the babushka didnt even notice.
D.A.D.A was the best. It was easypeasy. So was potions. Soon our exams ended and I was in for the results. It was still two weeks for the result arrival. We spent our time either in or near the pools or even in the quidditch pitch.
On the pitch we played mock matches. Took a ride on Viktor's Nimbus. At the pool we usually lazed around in the water.
One week to the result and we were sitting around the pool fully dressed. Sera and Vlad started discussing the papers.
"Oh and what was it that we were to write for the fire reaction cycle of devil's snare, Shine?" she asked me. I had completely blocked her out. I was looking at the shadow,patterns that the leaves were making. Trying to find shapes in them.
"Huh?" I replied dumbly and Vlad laughed. "I think it has,something to do with the,water mechanisms." he answered for me. "Yeah thats right." I chimed in.
"Shine Snape, do you even know what is right?" she asked and I grinned at her sheepishly. She just sighed and shook her head. Then she and Vlad got into a discussion of the,cycle and,i blocked them out. Lix came and poked me.
"What?" I hissed at him. He jerked his chin at Vlad and Sera. Their discussion was obviously getting on the nerves of us all. They were now,standing on the edge of the pool. Completely engrossed in it. Oblivous to their surroundings. I smirked as I understood what Lix meant and we crept up behind them. With a good shove both were in the water and,they emerged spraying water through their mouth.
"SHINE. LIX. That was not funny at all." they both roared in anger as we laughed. I was backing away when I heard another splash and I saw Lix in the water. I saw Ed had pushed him. So before he would get to me and pull me,in I pushed Ed in. I was laughing and,backing away when I was scooped up bridal style as if I weighed ten pounds and I started screaming as Tony ran towards the water holding me and jumped in. "Noooo!" I screamed as we hit the water.
Once in the water we started pulling people's legs,by going underwater or splashing water on our already wet faces. It felt nice to be carefree from the exams. Tony and Vlad did cannonball jump with me and Sera piggyback. I was on Vlad's back. We were splashing about in the water until tea time. I raced the boys thrice winning everytime. Then we went back to the tower trudging in water. The janitor was very angry so we gave him our best puppy dog eyes before we were let off.
Next week passed quick with nervousness. I bit off my nails,with my teeth . By the day of the result the pressure became too much for Adrian. And then he started crying thatthat he was gonna fail. And surprise! He scored really well. He scored mainly A's and O's but he had nothing to cry about. Even Tony scored similar. Nats had her results owled home. It was her last year and she wasnt with us. So we dont know her scores. I scored real well. I scored all O's but in charms where I scored an A. Well at least I did not fail. Dad wont kill me. Felix scored mainly A's and E's and Ed scored more E's than his O's or A's. But they looked happy bout it. Sera scored all O's except in herbology. Dont ask me,how,she did not get that one.
Next day we were all packed and ready to go. Everyone,was exchanging adresses and promising to write or visit. Sera asked me if I would like to visit but I said neither yes nor no. I dont know what Dad plans for me. We were chattering about the past year as we boarded the ship and talked all the way back home. We ate lots of candy and chocolates on the ship and soon we alighted at the port. It was busy as everyone scrambled to get their owl and luggage. I found mine and went to search for Dad but I found him talking to....
Okay cliffy. Hope this one was good.
Do wattever you want just connect somehow. Tell me even if you want me to stop. Just tell me. Comment and bye!!!
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