What the hell is your god darned problem?
A/N: Hey guys...last day of my 5 day hols. Last daily update!!
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(Shine's p.o.v.)
Dinner was nice. I gulped down my mashed potatoes and peas with gravy. I also had some of the Ceasar salad. I was drinking my pumpkin juice. I had been watching Dad carefully. He finished his pumpkin juice.
He pushed back the chair and made to get up. He tried but couldnt lift his arse. It was stuck. He tried again. This time more students noticed. Some of them Gryffindors. They pointed out the situation to their friends silently as they watched the meanest Proffesor at Hogwarts struggle with his arse.
Dad tried again. This time he almost got up but lifted the chair with him. Dumbledore chuckled. Mc'gonnagal looked around at him shocked. Sprout was trying hard to hide her laughter. Flitwick had already burst laughing and so had the Hufflepuffs. The Ravenclaws were giggling. Yes even the boys.
And the Gryffindor's were having a hard time stifling a laugh. The only house that wanted to laugh badly but maintained a shock on the face were us.
The tube had a special glue. The number of drops determined the number of tugs required to free yourself. And with every tug your arse widened considerably. With the last tug the person would be free and the arse size would return back to normal with the sound of a deflating balloon.
Dad tried spells before the fourth tug. No effect. At the sixth tug he tugged too hard. He almost banged his head on the table in front of him. The whole hall burst out laughing as they saw a very large side arsed Prof. Snape stand and the arse deflated with the sound.
"Brilliant" somebody from Gryffindor shouted earning a glare from Mc'gonnagal. "Who thought it would be funny to do this to my chair?" Dad asked in a,low hiss. No one moved. Okay. I guess everyone thought so because I bet I saw a conflicting desire in Prof. Lupin's eyes to raise his,hand. "Who did this?" Dad asked again. "I will find you. I swear I will and when I do, trust me you will regret it that you were born." he said huffing angrily before walking out the great hall. The black cloak billowing behind him. I smiled. He is never going to find out. Fels,saw the look in my eyes.
"You did that!" she exclaimed in a whisper.
"What gave you such a notion Ms. Boot may I ask?" I asked in an imersonation of Dad's voice and we both laughed. Perry looked at us questioningly. "Tell you later." Fels told her as she continued with her bread pudding.
I walked out and waited for the two to finish their dinner. Suddenly George appeared on my right. "Oh! Hey George. You scared me there."
"I need to talk to you. Right now." he told me.
"Okay. Say." I said settling on the low wall.
"Not here." he said in a calm yet firm voice. His voice was laced with anger and now that I saw his face in the moonlight rage was clearly etched in every feature.
"Okie dokie. Where?" I asked and he gripped my forearm and started dragging me to the left. I wasnt going to run away, you know? I tried squirming out of his grip. Unsuccessful.
"George you are hurting me." I said in a low voice and he loosened his grip. He was walking real fast. We reached an empty classroom. He got in and pulled me in.
"What the heck is your god darned problem?" he shouted in a whisper but I could sense his anger. "I dont know what you mean." I said playimg dumb. Obviously I know what you mean. This is about Fred. He raised an eyebrow at me as if asking 'Really?'. I sighed.
"If this is about Fred I may just have an idea." I said. "Well he deserved that treatment. He was the one that accused me of having changed. I just gave him a glimpse of what I would behave like if I had changed." I yelled back at him.
He raised an eyebrow at me. His features contorted in fury. "What did you do?" he asked in a tone that was eerily calm.
"Actually. I did not do a thing." I smirked at him. He saw what I meant.
"You ignored him? And his apology?" he asked sounding livid.
"Yes, I did. So what?" I retorted. "And I flirted with Flint right in front of him. I am sure you have something to say to that."
"You- You what?" he was getting really furious by the moment. "Do you have any idea how much it affected him you idiot?" he questioned his voice raising. I gulped and shook my head.
"He wont talk to me. Let alone anyone else. You- Why did you flirt with Flint?" he asked taking deep breaths to calm his anger. Guilt stabbed through my heart like venom. I felt really bad. I dont know why it afected him so much. But it did.
"I thought it would anoy him the most. He was clinging to my arm and I thought annoying him would get him off. I was really pissed off at him and I just wasnt in any mood to deal with him. I did not mean to hurt him that muh. I swear." I told him desperately.
"Well, the damage has been done. I guess you may just have to apologize for hurting him and tell him you dont care a knut about Flint." he said looking into the distance.
"Tell me something Georgie." I began and he looked at me still thinking how to get his brother back to normal. "Why did it affect him so much?' I asked and he looked at mr like he was contemplating whether or not to tell me.
"Actually. No. I cant. I cant tell you. I really dont know what to say anymore. As much as I wish to tell you and clear up the issue. I cant tell you because it is not my secret to tell." he sighed sadly.
"What secret? What do you mean?" I asked but he had already started to walk away. "George Weasley. Come back here now and,tell me." I shouted behind him but he did not wait nor did he come back. I was left to wonder alone as I walked back to the dungeons briskly.
I lay down on my bed without changing out of my jeans or removing my shoes as I tried to lose myself in sleep trying hard not to think about what George said. But sleep wont come. And I felt regret for my behaviour. Did it affect Fred so much? Why?
Now that I think of it he wasnt there for dinner. I must have disturbed him quite a bit. His face flashed in front of my eyes. I turned to sleep on my stomach. And hugged my pillow to my stomach.
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