Iris Drew
A/N: Hey guys!!! An extremely early update? Yeah I know. You have my teacher to thank. I was late and she told me I couldn't here I am typing this up.
Anyways people wishing you a very happy new year!!! Hope you like the new chapter....
I sat at the desk in Dumbledore's office on the soft red chair that faces his. I looked around for a bit and saw all those delicate silver instruments tinkering softly. So softly I could hardly hear them over the birds and the wind outside.
I looked to my right to see the liqourice quills. I picked one and sucked at it having nothing better to do. I crossed my legs and folded my arms over the table. I lay my head over my hands still sacking the quill as my empty mind drifted off to yesterday. I guess now I can't go and stay with Sirius. Son of a b!t€h that Pettigrew. I swear the moment I lay my hands on him next he won't find his head on his shoulders. I sighed and straightened up looking out the windows at the sky. It was a clear morning. There was no cloud in the sky. The birds were twittering happily and leaving their home- Home. I swear am a huge idiot.
I guess I will live on the streets this hols. Maybe not. But I don't wanna go live with Molly. She can hardly manage her kids financially. Potter lives with the Weasleys over the hols. So does Granger. It's too much pressure on one woman to expect her to be able to take care of so many at once.
And it would get awkward living with Fred or maybe not. I crossed my legs again. This time putting my left over my right. I wish I could take back what I said. Or at least get him to see my point of view. I remembered the look Dad gave me last night and I felt a heavy rock drop in my stomach weighing me down. I know him. He is never going to forgive me.
I pulled out my wand and twirled it in between my fingers. I guess I will try saying sorry. What's the harm in trying? Maybe he will listen? Maybe he will just forgive me? Or maybe I can try the Imperius curse. Or I could Confund him for some time. Make him say he forgives me and then hold him to it. Maybe...
I sighed. No such luck. Am just not that lucky. Just then the door opened behind me. Dumbledore walked in. The old man has some trick up his sleeve. How else does he manage to look so calm when am sure he is freaking out inside.
"So you want to visit her or just watch my memories?" he asked in that same air of eternal peace. Memories can be tampered with.
"Visit her." I replied.
"Very well then. Take my hand. But let me warn you. You won't like what you see. Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked me one last time. I nodded without hesitation. Whether I like it or not wanted the truth right now.
He extended his left hand and I took it. We both apparated. We landed in Diagon Alley. The last place I expected we would go. I looked at Dumbledore as he started moving towards the candy shop.
"What are you doing?" I asked thinking he was going mental. I don't think that at this moment and at this age he can bribe me with candy. No am smart enough for that trick.
"We are getting Iris candy. Chocolate calms her down." he replied. Calms her down? What the heck do you mean by calms her down? She's in a coma, right?
"What do you mean 'calms her down'?" I asked but he did not clarify.
"You will see." was all I got in reply. I strode off behind him into the shop. He parcelled a box of chocolate frogs and we were out of the shop.
"Lets go." he said and took my hand as soon as we were out. We apparated again and this time we landed in a narrow alleyway. We walked out to be faced by an ugly display of dummies of the shop 'Purge & Dowse'. Dumbledore looked at a particularly ugly dummy dressed in the green pinafore the dress of the healers at Mungo's.
"We are here to visit Iris Drew." he said quietly to the dummy and she gave a nod as she beckoned us in. We leaned against the glass as we pressed against it we saw the hospital inside. And the muggle street behind us vanished. Patients and healers were buzzing around. The hospital was abuzz with people. There was a long line at the reception desk. It was exactly as I remembered it the few times that I had to come here to get the cork of a potion bottle that had stuck in my throat or because I was injured practising my powers with Dumbledore. The colour the rush the sounds and the smells were just as I remembered.
I walked straight ahead after Dumbledore as he wove through the people on his tall legs I had to sprint to catch up knocking people around me a lot and getting told off a hundred times as I ran muttering sorry. Finally we reached a tall oak door with a handsome shiny brass handle. The brass nameplate claimed it to be the office of Serf Thickney, Head of the Healer office. He had a long line of achievements following the title.
Dumbledore knocked on the door. A strong voice answered, "Come in." and Dumbledore turned the knob to open the door. It opened to reveal a handsome office. The tiles were cream coloured Italian moonstone. The furnishings were red oak and dragonbone. The desk sat at the opposite end. Behind the desk was a rotating armchair in which the man sat with a serene expression and a smile. He had dark brown hair and piercing gray eyes. The man had the perfect pureblood features. The tall height, the straight nose, everything. He could be no less than fifty by his titles but he looked not a day over 35.
"Ah...Dumbledore!" he greeted. "To what do I owe the pleasure today?" he asked with a smile as I entered the office. His eyes landed on me and rested a fraction of a second too long as recognition crossed his eyes. "Take a seat." he said indicating to the two empty seats in front of him. Dumbledore sat down on the right chair before I settled down.
"Is this about what I think this is about then?" he asked his eyes showing amusement.
"Indeed it is." Dumbledore replied and he sighed softly. I shoved my hands in my pocket feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"Iris is not in the state for visitors at the moment though. I am afraid you will have to wait" he said looking at me and then he looked back again at Dumbledore.
"So how come just one of them figured it out Albus? Where's the other?" he asked casually. "Smarter one or nosy one?" he asked pointing with his chin to me without waiting for an answer for the earlier question.
"Both." Dumbledore answered. "Still she is less nosy compared to the other one."
Serf chuckled. He took a look at the wall clock. "I guess we can check out now." he said getting up and Dumbledore got up. I stood as well.
"So what is your name?" he asked.
"Shine, sir." I replied coolly.
"Shine. Ah yes! So you were the one with Severus or was it your twin. What was her name again, Albus?" he asked scratching his head to try and remember as we exited his office.
"Vega." Dumbledore chuckled.
"Ah yes Vega! So was it you or Vega with Severus?" he asked.
"It was me, sir." I replied as we turned a corner and passed the Dai Lewellyn ward.
"Oh dont call me sir. Am not that old." he said and Dumbledore chuckled. "Am not okay? So don't laugh Albus. Am no more than 36. Call me Serf." he said.
"Yes sir. I mean Serf. Yes Serf." I laughed.
"That's far better see. Doesn't sound weird. The sir was grating my eardrums." he laughed as we passed the Janus Thickney ward and climbed a small staircase to the right.
"Ah! The Janus Thickney ward. Named after my grandfather. Great Healer he was." he muttered mostly to himself.
"Here are the special wards." he said pushing aside a portrait to reveal rows of wards. Each ward had one patient and a Healer on 24 hr duty. We came to the door of my mother's ward.
The door was silver fir and the knob was steel. He turned the knob. "Identification and purpose?" a female voice sang.
"I am Serf Thickney. I am here to visit Iris Ella Drew. I am the lead Healer." he said and the door swung open. On the bed sat a woman. Her thick black curls were frizzy and extremely tangled. She was wearing a gray hospital gown. And she had a doll in her hand. She was thin. As if the muscle in her body had wasted due to low exercise. The skin that was visible was all wrinkly.
"Iris?" Dumbledore called quietly. She turned.
"Yesss?" she asked elonging the s. Her skin was white and very pale. As if she hadn't ever seen the sun. Most probably she hadn't. Her eyes were normal. But there was no light in them. As if the person in them was lost. The spark. The fire. The glow that I had heard of from Sirius was gone. She was not the same person. She was clutching her doll tightly. She looked at me and a scared expression crossed her face.
"Who are you?" she shrieked looking at me.
"Iris. Iris, calm down. She has just come to visit you. Do you not recognise her?" Serf asked her calmly.
"No. No. Make her go away. She is here to steal my toys." she screamed and a light bulb exploded above her head.
"No. Iris, honey? You remember me?" Dumbledore asked and she turned to look at him. Her grip on the doll loosened. She nodded. "You trust me?" he asked her and she nodded hesitantly.
"Look what I got you Iris!" Dumbledore said as if he was Santa. He gave her the chocolate frog box. She opened it eagerly. A gleeful smile spread over her face as she opened it.
"Thank you! I love chocolate Abby!" she squealed in excitement as she opened the wrapper of one. She bit it's head as I watched her. She noticed me.
"I won't give you." she said sticking out her long pink tongue. I was too shocked to respond in any manner. I hadn't expected this. Anything but this infact. I shook my head.
"I don't want it. Keep it." I said my voice shaky. A single tear escaped my eyes but I wiped it off with the excuse of something having entered my eye.
"Why are you crying?" she asked suddenly. More mature. A hollow echo of the woman she used to be. I shook my head.
"Here have a frog. It makes you happy." she offered and I took one. But I did not eat it. I felt a huge lump in my throat. I tried to swallow it down but couldn't.
"I am sorry mom." I whispered. "I really am sorry."
I swear each and every one of those b!t€hes and b@$t@rds pays. I will personally make sure that those each and every one of them dies a very painful death.
My heart hammered loudly as my anger boiled up in me. My mom did not know me. She was alive. Yes. But what was the effing point. She did not know what she was. She did not know who she was. She was no longer the person she used to be. She was no longer Iris Drew. My mom. She was just an empty shell that hardly looked like her. The same soul was present in her. But there was no mind. This was not the same woman. This was a stranger. I wanted my mom. The woman who was supposed to be dead. I did not want this. I would do anything right now to know that this is not my mom. To know that she is actually dead. Because death is certainly better than to be trapped in a human body. In a child's mind. Not knowing the world around you. Not knowing that you are not just a danger to yourself but those around you. Albus Dumbledore was right.
I did rather not know the truth if it was so horrible. I opened the door behind me and got out of the ward. She had started playing with the doll house and inviting Serf over to play. I couldn't bear to watch it anymore. Dumbledore followed me soon after and squeezed my shoulder.
"You okay?" he asked and I nodded not trusting my voice. I wasn't okay. How could I be expected to be okay? I wanted Peter and Bellatrix right now. I would rip them apart limb to limb and mince their pieces and feed them to the sea nymphs and mermaids. But I guess it will not be good for them too. Even they would never have had anything as disgusting down their throats.
I dragged my feet after Dumbledore as we walked out of Mungo's and apparated back to Hogwarts.
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