<meri ff ki nyonica itni vi buri nahi hai..its jst dat she dsnt hav dat mothr-son relation wid manik..they dont hate each other..baat karte hai..manik jst dsnt lyk her coz she has no tym fr her son..thats it!> ;-)
MaNan broke their deep lovie eyelock nd lookd towards nyonica, who was giving them a super questioning look ;-)
MaNan lukd at each other,nd Manik blinkd his eyes to nandini,assuring her nothing vil go wrong :-) Nandini smiled to him nd turned to nyonica ;-)
Nandini went to nyonica nd smilingly said to her- ;-)
Nandini-mam..vo we r sorry to disturb u lyk this..actualy,this performance is a tribute to u.. ;-)
Nyonica-can u please xplain nandini?.. ;-)
Nandini-mam,we all knw,that watevr SPACE is today na,its all bcoz of u..so thats y :-)
Nyonica didnt herslf knew why,but she felt so good after hearing her words! #Nandini murthy ka asar chal gaya! ;-)
Nyonica thot to herself- 'well,she is not so bad..she is a good nd cute girl..nd with Manik..' ;-) A small 'achcha wala' smile came to nyonica's face aftr thnking 'wat if Manik lyks her?' ;-)
Nyonica's thots were disturbd by nandini saying- ;-)
Nandini-mam i'm really sorry if u r hurt..is it ok? :-)
Nyonica jst smiled at her cuteness nd lovingly patted on her cheek nd said- ;-)
Nyonica-its ok dear..ok,,do u mind to join me for a dinner tonite? ;-)
Nandini awstruck! Cabir blew a loud whistle from back! ;-) Manik knew it was gng to cm! He jst smiled nd winkd to nandini ;-) Nandini also was happy :D
Nyonca-dont say no dear..i'm ok wid it.. :-)
Nandini-umm ok mam..then.. ;-)
Nyonica-ok then! C u at nite! :-)
Nyonca left..Nandini stood there being shockd ! Mukti,alya nd navya came nd huggd her :-) Manik came to her,cupd her face nd gave a lovie dovie kiss on her forhead :-*
Manik-see! Told u! Ur gonna rock! :-)
Nandini-manikk!she's such a swtheart,tumari prblm kya hai?! ;-)
Manik- i knw..its jst that she dsnt gyv me any tym..thats it.. :-)
Nandini undrstud that its tym for some TLC to her monster <3Nandini took his hand,xcusd thmslvs nd dragd him to a empty room wid her ;-)
Nandini made manik sit on a bench,nd she herslf frm back,wrapd her arms around his neck <3
Nandini-pata hai manik, i knw the value of a mom,coz i dont hav her...bt u hav ur mom na..so pls try to make this bitter relation thorasa sweet? :D
Manik-achcha baba,thik hai..i'l try.. <3
Nandini- thats lyk my manik! I love you! <3
Nandini came in frnt,cupd his face nd gave a lovie dovie kiss on his forhead :-* Manik smile <3
Nandini-ok mr.romeo,now lets go! ;-)
Nandini was jst about to leave,but Manik puld her to himself,nd she jst landed on his lap <3
Nandini-manik! Ab kya hai? ;-)
Manik- itna achcha setup hai,dont spoil it na.. ;-) <3
Nandini-oh!so tume abivi romance ki pari hai! Right? ;-)
Manik- yes baby doll! C u knw we so well! ;-)
Nandini-bt sorry my mnster,i've to go now! So bye! ;-)
Nandini was abt to get up, #but manik held her waist tightly nd cutely said- ;-)
Manik-ok ok jao, wasebi agar hum romance karte vi,toh pura efort muje hi lagana parta! ;-)
Nandini-wat! Wat do u mean? ;-)
Manik-ha ofcourse! U nd romance! Tume blush karne se chutkara mile tab na! ;-)
Nandini jst blushd hard nd smiled,nd Manik naughtily said- 'see! Abivi u r blushing! Romance toh dur ki baat hai' ;-)
Nandini was now lyk-'achcha? Wait, i'l tell u wat romance is!' ;-)
Nandini- achcha? U really think so? Ok then, close ur eyes! ;-)
Manik-wat? ;-)
Nandini-ha karona! Let me prove u wrong! ;-)
Manik- WoW! Som1 is geting wild huh? ;-)
Nandini jst smiled naughtily nd Manik closd his eyes ;-)
Nandini slowly leand closer nd gave a kiss on his cheek,then on eyes,nd then on d corner of lips :-*
Manik jst got up frm d bnch,nd grabd nandini to a wall,pind her wid it <3
Slowly nd gently both pressd their lips togethr <3 They had a passionate soft kiss <3
Manik was jst puling her #close frm waist, nd same nandini,runing fingers in his hair <3
After d long passionate kiss,finaly both partd nd lookd at each other lovingly <3
Manik-wow! Even my baby doll cn get wild huh?! ;-)
Nandini blusd hard nd lookd away ;-) Then manik lovingly opnd his arms in frnt of her,nd cutely said- <3
Manik- my cuto baby doll,cm here! <3
Nandini jst smild at his cutenes nd lovingly hopd insyd his arms <3
Manik also hugd her back wid same love ,both were melting in love wid that tight hug <3 Manik gave a kiss on her forhead nd cutely- :-)
Manik-ok doll,now let me drop u home,as tume sham ko dinner pe vi ana hai na! :-)
Nandini-yup cutopy! Lets go! ;-)
Both wnt out still in a lovely syd-hug <3 Manik then dropd her home,wid a lovie kiss on her cheek nd wishing a cute bye to each other <3
Both wer super xited for d dinner! <3 <3 <3
prcp- #dinner_mei_kya_hogaa ?!
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