Nandini was still huging manik tightly,nd so do manik too was huging her..Finaly manik came back to trance nd askd her lovingly,still being in d hug <3
Manik-baby doll..kya hua? <3
Nandini broke d hug at once nd said xitedly- ;-)
Nandini- manik! Guess wat! Tume pata hai avi kya hua?! :D
Manik-agar tum nai bataogi,toh how vil i knw? <3
Nandini took a breath nd at once said- ;-)
Nandini- Nyonica mam mae muje 'thnx' bola!! :D
Manik- what!! ;-)
Nandini- what nai wow manik!! Cn u imagine! ;-)
Manik then thot to make her calm at first..Manik held her by shouldr nd cutely said- :-)
Manik- take a deep breath.. <3
Nandini-arey manik...! ;-)
Manik put his finger on her lips nd lovingly said- :-)
Manik- sshh..jst take a deep breath.. <3
Nandini calmd down, nd then slowly took a deep breath <3
Manik-now come here! :-)
Manik took her to the stairs nd made her seat in d stairs,he himslf sat besyd,wraping his arm #around her shouldr <3
Manik- now tell me! Hua kya hai? :-)
Nandini-ok..so the story goes like..(nandini naratd whole 'thnx' scene to manik)..Manik was also happy! :D
Manik-wow! That gr8 nandini! I mean,iska matlab,she does lyk u! :D
Nandini-yup! Nd if i try a bit more na, i can surely win her heart! ;-)
Manik-exactly swtheart! Nd for that,my plan will surely work! ;-)
Nandini- arey ha! Manik bolo na! Wats d plan? :-)
Manik narates d plan to her nd after hearing d plan, nandini is lyk 'WHAT THE HELL!' ;-)
Nandini- Manik! Have u lost it! Matlab tume srsly lagta hai that NYONICA MAM WILL INVITE ME FOR DINNER!! ;-)
Manik-arey baba,tum pehle part A toh cmplt karo! M sure wo samaj jayegi! ;-)
Nandini-aur agar nai samjhi toh?! ;-)
Manik- toh..toh we will not be togethr..aur kya?! ;-)
Nandini's face jst got in a big 'O' that manik ko abivi majak suj raha hai! ;-) !
Nandini- Manik u na! Ufff! ;-)
Nandini said nd startd to leave,bt manik puld her back,nd acidntaly,the zip of her top got open! ;-) Her back crushd on manik's chest! <3
Nandini-manik! My zip! ;-) (she startd to snugle her back more insyd his chest!) <3 Manik got naughty! ;-)
Manik- haa toh?! Ab kya?! Tum toh ja rahi thi na?! Ab jao?! ;-)
Nandini jst losed her paitience nd angrily said- ;-)
Nandini- u knw wat?! I AM GOING! Huh! ;-)
Nandini said nd startd to leave but Manik puld her back,nd pinnd her to d wall, his hand holding her waist :-*
Manik- I cant let my star go so easily! <3
Manik slowly startd to take his hand upward frm her waist,nd got hold of the zip of her dress <3
Nandini jst blushd hard nd snugled into his chest cutely like a doll <3 Manik smiled at her cuteness nd slowly zipd her dress again <3
After ziping, manik gently put his both arms around her nd hugd her tightly in his embrace :-* Nandini smiled nd blushd <3
Manik gently put a kiss on her head,nd lovingly said- 'I LOVE U SO MUCH BABY DOLL' <3
Nandini- I LOVE U TOO MONSTU! <3 (kissd his cheek) :-)
Manik- agar nyonica nai samjhi na, toh..'hum bhagke shadi karlenge'! ;-)
#Nandini jst laughd out nd said- ok mr.romeo, now lets cncntrate on plan! ;-)
Manik-yup doll! Lets go! Sab kuch arrangd hai! ;-)
MaNan both left tgthr for their mission 2! ;-) After smtyms, some studnts went to nyonicas office,nd said to her ;-) -''mam,audi mae kuch prblm hai! So can u pls cm quickly there?'' ((manik malhotra ka sikhaya hua 100% jhoot)) ;-)
Nyonica rushd to the audi, only to get hell suprised! ;-) It was decoratd,nd sudnly #music startd! ;-)
Nyonica lukd at d stage,nd saw Manik!! (dont get jhatka guys) ;-)Manik lukd at nyonica, nd strtd singing- ;-)
Manik- 'mere maula maula mere maula, man matwala kyu hua hua re man (2x)' <3
Nyonica was completely surprised! She was jst staring! ;-)
Manik-'kis taraf hai asma,kis taraf jami khabar nahi..khabar nahi..' <3
Manik forwrd his hand, Nd nandini took it nd came on d stage.. <3
Manik- 'oo..jabse aya hai khabar,muje toh uski vi khabar nahi, khbr nai'.. <3
MaNan dancd lovingly wid prfct eyelock rite thr on stage! Nyonica shockd! MaNan rockd! ;-)
Manik- 'hosh khul,sapno k mae bandh pul,akhe tak khuli, khabar nahi..aa..' Jis taraf (2x) <3
MaNan lovingly dancing <3 Nyonica shokd staring! :-*
Nandini-'ayega wo,is intjar mae,ur chala dil waha,sapne jaha mai janu, lagta hai wo mere kareeb hai,aisa kyu hai magar,dhunde mazar bekabu..'<3
Somwhr down d line, Nyonica was imprsd! ;-) MaNan were lost in love! <3
Nandini-'hosh khul,sapno k mae bandh pul,akhe tak khuli, khabar nahi..aa..' <3
MaNan togthr- 'kis taraf hai asma,kis taraf jami khabar nahi..khabar nahi..' (2x) <3
MaNan endd wid a lovie dovie eyelock!! ;-) Nyonica were staring at them on d stage, not evil-ly, coz yes, SHE REALLY WAS IMPRESSD!! ;-) Nandini's lovely voice nd MaNan's awsm chemestry, really DID IMPRESSD NYONICA!! ;-)
MaNan AfTeR AlL!! <3 <3
prcp- #nyonicas_reaction ?! OMG!! ;-)
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