Early mrng birds chirping woke our MaNan up..Nandini was the 1st to wake up..She woke up nd saw her mnstr sleeping peacefully while cudding her <3
Nandini smiled at her adorable baby mnster,leand down nd gave a cuto kiss on his forhead <3
Manik slowly opend his eyes nd smiled at her lovingly,she too smiled <3
Nandini- gud mrng baby mnstr! <3
Manik- gud mrng baby doll! <3
Manik leand upward nd kissd her cheek lovinly,she smiled <3
Nandini-ok mr.mnster, now get up, yaad hai, today we r gng back to mumbai?! ;-)
Manik-yeah baby doll,yaad hai..ok u go nd get fresh,phir uske baad i'l go.. :-)
Nandini- cool! ;-)
Thus one after another, MaNan got freshnd up.. Then,,Nandini was packing the lugage.. ;-)
Manik came frm back nd wrapd his arm around her waist..Nandini smiled <3
Nandini-ab kya hai mr.romeo?! ;-)
Manik- romeo ko juliet ke sath romance karna hai! ;-)
Nandini-ooo..achcha, thik hai, juliet also wants d same! <3
Manik smiled at her #cuto reply nd huggd her more tightly <3
Manik-achcha nandini, hum mumbai jake karnge kya? ;-)
Nandini- kyu? We will continue wid studies nd then aftr cmpleting studies we will... ;-)
Nandini pausd nd blushd thinking wat she was jst abt to say <3Manik being manik, gt Naughty naughty! ;-)
Manik- haan haan...bolo..bolo!..aftr cmpleting studies kya?! ;-)
Nandini- nnn nai...ku..kuch nai.. ;-)
Nandini blushd hard nd smiled ,Manik turnd her to face him, nd smiled naughtily ;-)
Manik-nai..tum kuch bol rahi thi naa..continue..aftr sudies we will... ;-)
Nandini- no..na..nothing! ;-)
Manik- aha! U were saying smthng! Bolo bolo! U R Blushing ha?! ;-)
Nandini jst continued her blushing nd smiles, then manik lovingly leand close to her <3
Manik leand more close, nd whisprd in her ears- ;-)
Manik- after studies we will...GET MARRIED?? ;-)
Nandini just blushingly shockd lookd at him ;-) He was smiling lovingly, nd winkd at her <3
Nandini didn't know wat to do, nd she jst #quickly huggd Manik tightly,closing her eyes <3
Manik also hugd her back same tiiity nd smiled lovingly <3
After staying lyk that for smtyms MaNan broke their lovie dovie hug nd Manik cuppd her face sweetly <3
Manik gave a soft peck on her forhead ,she smiled brightly :-)
Manik-waiseee,before geting married na,we hav many missions to acmplish! ;-)
Nandini-missions? Kya missions mr.romeo? ;-)
Manik- bahar ao! Car mae batata hu! ;-)
Then MaNan took up all their lugage nd wnt out of d room..They saw CaVya,DhruLya nd MukBhi were already out :-)
MaNan also went nd joind them,then after greeting each other,all left for the rail station ;-)
With lots of fun in the way wid car, evry1 reachd the rail station ;-)
All went in with their lugages nd boarded inside the train,kept the lugages :-)
MaNan nd CavYa were in 1 comprtmnt, nd MukBhi nd Dhrulya in anothr ;-)
All of them seteld down, nd the train startd :-) MaNan nd CaVya were all chating nd gossiping,nd at a tym Manik wnt out :-)
Nandini also excusd herslf frm #cavya ,nd went out, nd found that manik was stnding in frnt of the door of train ;-)
Nandini went to him wid a lovely smile, Manik smiled naughtily wen she came! ;-)
Nandini- so mr.malhotra, will u pls tell me now abt our missions?! ;-)
Manik- the missions are very importnt nandini.. ;-)
Nandini- haa, bolo!
Manik-if we fail in this mission na, then..(he prtnd to cry) ;-)
Nandini-arey nautanki bolo toh! ;-)
Manik- if we can.. ;-)
Manik was abt to say it, bt Nandini was jst abt to walk away angrily,saying- 'agar mission batana hai,tavi bulana!!' ;-)
Manik jst pulld her back to him, nd she collided with his chest <3
Manik lookd at her lovingly,nd removd a strand of hair frm her face <3 Nandini smiled ;-)
Manik- ok mrs. Would be manik malhotra,, our missions are,.. ;-)
Nandini blushd hearing mrs.would be manik malhotra! ;-) she smiled nd he continued- :-)
Manik- number 1!! Mission chacha-chachi patao!! ;-) nmber 2!! Mission nyonika!! Nd number 3,,mission Love!! ;-) ;-)
As soon as he finishd, nandini jst laughd out nd pulld his cheeks cutely <3 ;-)
Nandini- awww manik! U r sho shweet monstu! <3
Nandini quickly gave a peck on the corner of his lips <3 Manik smiled to her,nd pulld her more close, nd gave a peck on her eye <3
Nandini- so mr.malhotra, 1st mission is urs, chacha-chachi wala...2nd one mine, nyonica mam! ;-) bt 3rd one kya hai manik? ;-)
Manik- wo! Mission love wala?! ;-)
nandini-yup! ;-)
Manik came close to her ears, nd lovingly whisprd- <3
Manik- wo wala mission is aftr mariage swtheart..honeymoonnn.. ;-)
Nandini jst blushd out nd gave a shocky luk, manik winkd at her! <3
Manik jst took nandini in a lovie dovie hug nd nandini smiled lovingly nd hugd him back :-*
Manik- i love u swtheart! <3
Nandini- i love u too mnstu! <3 ;-) <3
prcp- #mission_fun_love !
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