Mrng birds disturbd the deep sleep of love birds MaNan woke up together,as usual,in each others arms!
Both smiled to each other,then manik gave a cuto kiss on her cheek nd said-
Manik- good mrng baby doll!
Nandini kissd on his forhead nd said-
Nandini- gud mrng baby monstu!
Manik- ok doll,today is a big day na! Get up!
Nandini- big day??
Manik realised ki it was his SLIP OF TONGUE.. then covering up he said-
Manik-aaa..haa..haa!.. I mean snow traking na! So its a big day!
Nandini- oh ya! Ok lets get up!
Manik-yup! (breathing relief)!
MaNan togethr get up, then get ready in warm cloths nd left the room.. they went outside nd saw evry1 already there..
#After wishing gud mrng, nd after sm random talks on the traking all left the guest house wid a car..DESTINATION- SNOW STATION!
After lots of fun nd teasing on the road, evry1 reachd the snow station..They agn decided to go in pairs,jst lyk the hill traking..
All decided a definite place to meet agn, then all the pairs moved to different directions!
MaNan were walking thru the snowy hill.. Manik was behind Nandini, nd Nandini was just doing bak bak, widout evn noticing ki manik suun vi raha hai ya nai!
After lots of bak bak, finaly nandini felt the silence of manik..She turnd back to look at him, bt NO ONE WAS THERE!!
Nandini- manik! Manik kaha ho?! Whr r u?!
Nandini search for him for 5 mins nd was lyk- 'ab ye kaha chala gaya!!'
Nandini was jst looking around, wen sudnly a tree caught her atention! THERE WAS A ARROW SIGN ON THE TREE, WITH A NOTE BELOW-
Nandini jst went to the tree,took the small chit of note.. it was written-
#Nandini undrstud it was Manik! she followd the arrow direction, found another tree, with anothr arow sign nd note on it,written-
Nandini was jst smiling nd blushing! thus, one aftr one she found 3 more chits,written-
Nandini was just smiling happily nd blushing! Finnaly she found a last arow on tree..She folowd the direction,,nd was jst AWSTRUCK! *_*
It was a beautiful place, decorated fully with jars of fireflies! Baloons! Lights! Jst awsm!
Nandini was #amazd to see all of it, when she sudnly heard guitar sound frm behind! She with all her happines nd milion dollar smile,turnd back..IT WAS MANIK..
Manik came to her while singing-
~tumko toh anahi tha, zindagi mei,
deri hui aneme kyu?
Zina muje hai bas, tere liye,
jo vi karu its only for you...because 'I LOVE YOU' 'I LOVE YOU' because 'I LOVE YOU..I LOVE U TILL THE END...ooo~
MaNan were jst in their awsm blosm eyelock! Both were smiling!
Nandini was jst awstruck! Smiling widely,happily! Out of the wrld! Manik kept guitar aside..He jst sat kneeling in frnt of her..
he lookd lovingly at her, nd said-
Manik- 'Thnx for shining,thnx for healing me,thnx for making me feel so special..now i cant live a moment widout you nandini..you are my life..my breath..i want to grow old with u..i want to be with u..I LOVE YOU NANDINI..I JST LOVE U MADLY..when,how, i dont knw..I JST KNW THAT I LOVE U..I LOVE U..'
Manik smiled widely to her..She was jst feeling lovd! It ws the bestst feling evr!
Manik stood up..Nandini cudnt wait anymore..it was her tym to confess,.
Nandini slowly went to him,encircld her arm around his neck Manik slid his hand around her waist
¤ Nandini softy pressd her lips over manik's..Manik also responded lovingly..They kissed each other, soft but pasionately.. MANAN KISS
#Fireflies startd to glow more! ..yes, 1st MaNan kiss..
their LOVE..
Slowly the lovebirds broke their loving kiss both lookd at each other lovingly..
Nandini blushing hard!
Manik cudnt wait more, nd quickly took her in a lovie dovie hug BOTH HUGGD EACH OTHER TIIGGTLY
Feeling the LOVE, Care
Aftr smtyms they broke the hug..Both lovingly lukd at each other..Nandini then took his hand on her, nd said-
Nandini- i dont knw wat i've done so good in my life, that i've got u Manik..I cant tell u how much blessful i m feeling...'I LOVE YOU MANIK' ..'I LOVE U TOO' more than anything..'I JST LOVE U'..
Manik was jst overwhlmd..He smiled to her lovingly, nd slowly agn pressd their lips together..MaNan KISS..
After the kiss, both restd their forheads together.. smiling widely, as if they have got the world hapiness at once..maybe,,they did..'
prcp- #love_bloom
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