The bright sunrays fall on Manik's face nd he woke up..He was jst thnking ''akhe kholne se lekar, bandh karne tak, if any1's face cm's in my mind, then its only Nandini'
There, nandini also woke up,nd is thnking the same..A cute smile appears on both their faces
Both got ready nd left for colege, frm their own home's...Manik reachd at 1st, he went to canteen,nd joind the gossip wid friends..
Nandini also reachd colege, bt while she was gng thru the coridor, three stupid boy's came,nd stood in frnt of her..
Nandini jst lukd at them cnfusingly, nd sudnly a boy held her hand!
Nandini-wat the hell! Leave my hand!
But that idiot hold her hand more tight...Nandini just jerked her hand, nd slapped that boy hard!!
Nandini- go nd learn manners!!!
Nandini left frm there,being brave,,bt smwhere down the line,she was shokd,scared, wat jst hpnd?!...she was shivering lightly..
She was jst gng,bt sudnly the back of her dress got stuck wid a pin nd the dress torned frm back..
She was already shivering,,nd now this,,she losd her confidence,,nd quickly went to a room,jst besyd so that no one can notice..it was store room..
Nandini went nd sat on a sofa there on store room..she was jst thnking what to do..she was still shivering..
Meanwhile, at canteen manik was dsperatly waiting for his Nandini...She's never late! So manik gt a bit tensd nd called nandini...
Nandini tried to call navya, bt she didn't pick up..Nandini was so tnsd nd shivering, nd suddely her phone rang up, screen displayd- 'monster manik'
nandini got a bit peace, nd recievd the call-
nandini-ma...manik...whr r u?
Her voice was shivering, manik got scared nd worried-
manik- nandini! Y r u talking lyk this?! Tum thik ho?!
Nandini-manik...wo..st...store room..
Manik-wahi raho! I'm jst cming!
Manik just rushed runing to the store room..He enterd nd saw nandini siting on sofa, shivering lightly..
Manik jst went to her quickly nd asked-
manik-nandini! R u ok? Tum thik ho?! Y r u shivering?!
Nandini got relief aftr hearing his voice..She just stood up nd hugged Manik tightly,keeping her head on his chest
Manik also knew that she needed that hug v.much, so he also huggd her back,more tightly
Both found solace in each others arm..They found PEACE..
After staying lyk that for smtym's manik noticed that her dress was torned from back..
Manik slowly broke the hug she also remembrd abt her tornd dress, nd lukd down in embrsmnt, holding her back..
Manik opend his suit, nd wrappd it around her slowly nandini lukd at him, he just smiled
manik- arey baba,,u dont need to be embrsd of me na..
nandini lukd at him, he smiled at her, cuppd her face, and put a gentle kiss on her forhead.. ,she found the solace she breathd a relief nd smiled happily
Both opnd the closed eyes, nd lukd at each other.. Manik slowly made her sit on the sofa agn, nd he sat kneeling in frnt
manik-ab bolo, kya hua? Y were u shivering? (he askd smiling)
nandini- when i was coming na, (she said evrythng, jst widout the slap)
Manik listnd carefuly, then said smilingly-
manik- toh tum kya waha khare khare tamasha dkh rai thi?!
nandini-arey i was shkd na..bt i slappd that boy .. (baby face)
manik became glad hearing it,nd said smilingly-
manik-toh ab kya hua? Wo lady singham wali nandini ab kaha gayi?!
Nandini jst laughd out hearing him, he was happy to see her smile
nandini-ufff manik! Tum bi naa!
manik then made her stand, nd smiling to her said-
manik- nd thats lyk my nandini!! U shud always keep smiling! Samjhi lady singham??!
Nandini was so happy hearing him, she lukd at him nd smild he also smiled nd both agn hug each other..
Nandini-toh mr.monster malhotra, ab chale?!!
manik- abivi monster malhotra??? (he pretend to cry)
nandini- khud toh muje 'chatter box' nd 'lady singham' bulate ho!! Mene boli toh prblm?!
manik-nai ms.chatter box! U can call me anythng! No probs!
Both just laughd out nd smild at each other then both walkd to the canteen to find there frnds!
As soon as both walkd in-
navya-arey yar! Kaha the tum dono?!
Nandini- bas asehi late hogayi navya!.. ;-)
cabir- ok guys, ab ye dekho!! To make u guys happy! ;-)
mukti- hav a luk at this awsm notice guys! ;-)
They gave the notice paper to MaNan,, MaNan read it nd were just so so much happy!! ;-) :-) ♥
its a notice of- '''TRIP TO MANALI''!!! ;-) :-)
Manik-ye kab hua guys?!! Wow!!
Nandini- oh god! Its just fab yar! ;-)
Abhi- Yup guys! Its SPACE TOUR!!
Alya-nd this tym its MaNaLi !! ;-)
Dhruv- kal subhe ka flight hai! ;-)
All got xitedly xited nd sat up, to plan up, ki MaNaLi mae kya kya krna hai! ;-) ;-)
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