It was a pleasant mrng. Nandini woke up and found her head in maniks chest and his arm wrapd around her waist
Nandini slowly got up frm bed, as she didnt wantd manik to wake up and see that jhatka scene!
nandini got up and saw the time. Still 1 hour was left, so she decided to get ready 1st nd then wake manik up.
nandini took her dress nd went to the washroom to chng. It was a beautiful black gown..
meanwhile manik woke up. He saw that nandini was mt besyd nd then noticd dat she was in washroom..
Manik got up and sat on bed.. He strechd his arms in sleep nd yawn..,,bt bechare ka muh khula ka khula hi reh gayaa!
there stood nandini, in that beautiful black gown, hairs straight open, earrings twinkling like stars..
manik was just lost in her..he was just lost in admiring that beautiful reality in frnt of him.
nandini walkd to manik, manik stood up at once !!
Nandini- how am i looking? (she said smiling in xitation)!
manik malhotra ke muh mae shabd nahi aa rahe the!! he was busy admiring her..
manik- aingelic.
nandini lookd at him and smiled.. Finaly manik came back to senses ;-)-
manik- a..a..i mean,..i mean u r looking beautiful.,very beautiful..
nandini- thnk u!!
Manik- hmm..yah!
Nandini- ok manik, now u also go and change na..
manik- yup! I'm going..
Then manik came out aftr chnging..nandini also got a jhatka aftr seeing dat cute mnster ..
Both finalisd everything and took their way to downstairs..
Every1 was jst awstruck seeing that beautiful pair cming down!! They were luking prfct!
Mukti- wow guys! U both are looking jst fab!
Alya-yaa guys,,jst lyk prfct prtners!
MaNan- thanks guys..
Nandini- you all are also luking very gorgous yaar..
abhi- bt nt more than u guys!
MaNan blushed, cabir went to them and whisprd-
MaNan looked at each other and smiled,
Dhruv- toh wat r we waiting for?! Lets go.!
Navya-yaa guys! Chalo..
Evry1 left, manan and cavya in 1 car, dhrlya nd mukbhi in other..
They reachd coleg, nd saw that it was decorated beautifuly..
Evry1 enterd nd saw the chairs were placed in pair, for evry pair...evry pair took their sits..
Slowly the comptition startd..the host came nd greetd evry1..then 1 by 1 pairs strtd to prfrm..
From our pairs, 1st one to prfrm was mukbhi, then dhrulya, then cavya...all three pairs perfrmd beautifully.. @
After this on-gng prfrmnce it was manan's turn..so they went to backstage..
Manik saw that nandini was a bit tnsd. He went to her and said-
Manik- rock the stage, Glowy!! ♥
nandini gt very happy nd all her tnsion jst vanishd.. ♥ she said-
Nandini- same to u, Shiny.. :-) ♥
Both were prfct prepard nd their name was calld-
Spotlyt fell on manik, as he startd singing, wid his guitar-
Manik- yehi dube din mere,yehi hote hai sawere-e, yehi marna aur jeena, yahi mandir aur madina-a... ♥
Nandini came from behind nd sang-
nandini- yehi dube din mere,yehi hote hai sawere-e, yehi marna aur jeena, yahi mandir aur madina-a... ♥
MaNan together-
MaNan- teri gaaliyan, gaaliyan, teri galiyan,
mujko bhawe, galiyan teri gaaliyan.. ♥
teri galiyaan, gaaliyan,teri galiyaan, yuhi tarpawe, galiyaan teri, galiyan. ;-) ♥
MaNan started to dance in the music..then again sang- ♥ ♥
Manik- tu meri, nindo mei sota hai, tu mere, ashko mei rota hai... ♥
Nandini- sargoshi, si hai khayalo mein,,tu na ho, phir bhi tu hota hai,,♥
hai sidaa,tu mere-e.. :-) ♥
manik- wand kaa-a,, mere dil ki duao mei.. ♥
MaNan- teri gaaliyan, gaaliyan, teri galiyan,
mujko bhawe, galiyan teri gaaliyan.. ♥
teri galiyaan, gaaliyan,teri galiyaan, yuhi tarpawe, galiyaan teri, galiyan. ;-) ♥
MaNan ended their prfrmnce nd the whole audiance stood up and clappd for the brilliant prfrmnce!
MaNan were singing nd dancing in the full prfrmnce with lovely eyelock..♥
The crowd jst got crazy wid the mesmerizing prfrmnce!! ♥ ;-) it was outsnding! ;-)
MaNan came back to trance wid the loudest cheer of audiance ,they thnkd them, then left the stage. ♥
As soon as MaNan went to backstage, both just jumpd and hugged each other tightly.. ;-)
They stayd lyk that for a loong tym, ♥ ,then aftr brking the hug- ;-)
Manik- we did it glowy!! ;-)
Nandini- yes shiny !! We did it!! ;-)
Evry1 came there and hugged MaNan! ;-)
Cabir- wo guys! It was jst outstnding yaar!
Dhruv- guys i jst lovd it! It was amazing !
Mukbhi- haan yaar! It was lovely!! ;-)
All togther- Wat a prfrmnce guys!!
MaNan- thnk u guys.. Thnx a lot.. ♥
and they all had a large group hug,,where there was LOVE and LOVE.. ♥
precp- results! Results! ;)
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