Ch 10: Hoodie Thief
Hi hello! Just a little bit of fluff that I felt inspired to write recently! I'm happy with the how long this is, because hey, more for you guys to read, am I right?
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Izuku stole Shinsou hoodie, but it only becomes a problem when he procrastinates on giving it back.
Izuku had accidentally stolen Shinsou's hoodie.
To be fair, they'd both kept each other's company late enough that by the time Shinsou's eyes had closed under the textbook over his face, neither of them were in much of a state to remember whose stuff belonged to who. Just that Izuku knew he couldn't leave Shinsou to sleep on the common room couch, because nobody deserved an aching back and a crick in their neck, and that Izuku couldn't really carry Shinsou back to his room without waking the boy up. Oh sure, he was tempted, with how much the girls liked to joke that he probably bench-pressed trucks in his free time (not... trucks. But he did have experience dragging cars along sandy beaches, occasionally with his mentor seated on top), but he was afraid of dropping Shinsou when he inevitably got flustered.
Instead, Izuku had reached forward and gently shaken the boy awake, enough to get Shinsou onto his feet and bustle him up to his room. He'd carried both of their things up the stairs, since Shinsou pretty much sleep-walked the whole way up anyways. He'd set Shinsou's books down on his desk and left, but in all that Izuku had forgotten to leave the hoodie he had draped over his arm back with its owner until he was already shutting the door to his own room.
So here Izuku was, silently contemplating the deep purple hoodie that he'd seen Shinsou wear quite often around the dorms. Izuku pinches the fabric between two fingers to enjoy how truly soft it is, and wonders what wearing it would be like.
He wonders if it's still warm on the inside, from when Shinsou had carelessly taken it off about hour or two ago and left it beside him on the couch, leaving it there for Izuku to filch eventually, even if it was by accident. Izuku holds the hoodie out before him to admire the grey cat printed on the front, with its paw held up and a 'nya' speech bubble beside its mouth.
It looks so soft.
Izuku glances hesitantly back at his doorway, like Shinsou might burst in at any moment to demand his hoodie back. He can't return this right now, can he? Not without waking Shinsou up, which would be criminal since Shinsou barely gets enough sleep as it is. And, well, it looks so warm, and inviting...
Izuku has the tiniest- the tiniest crush on Shinsou and- well- this is just one of the smaller ways to indulge himself, right? Like- everyone dreams of wearing their crush's hoodies and Izuku is a simple, simple man and- Shinsou isn't even here to catch him. He won't even find out.
Just for five minutes, Izuku tells himself firmly, he'll wear it for just a moment until he's happy, and then he'll take it off. And then, tomorrow, he'll give it back to Shinsou. Yes. Shinsou doesn't even have to know, and Izuku doesn't think he'd even mind, and- Yeah. No one's going to burst in his room screaming bloody murder because he committed the crime of wearing his crush's hoodie.
It'll be fine.
Izuku very carefully pulls the hoodie over his head, careful because he knows that his physique is different from Shinsou's and he doesn't want anything to rip. But he needn't have worried, because if he remembers correctly, the hoodie's always been slightly loose on Shinsou too. And not only that, Izuku may have more muscles in his arms, but not by that much really, because hero training has been really really good on Shinsou too.
No, Izuku does not know that because he's been watching Shinsou. Anyone could make that observation, don't be ridiculous.
The hoodie settles comfortably around his shoulders and Oh, he's shorter than Shinsou too, because the hoodie pools around to settle as far as mid-thigh, and the sleeves extend way past his hands. He waves his arms, making the ends of his sleeves flop up and down, and admires how soft the material feels, so snug and secure, like a warm hug.
Izuku hugs himself around his waist, and imagines what it would feel like if they were Shinsou's arms around him, but immediately blushes red at the mental image. He can't help himself though, because he imagines that if Shinsou ever hugged him it wouldn't be a very fair hug and more just him getting held with how tall Shinsou is, and how secure Izuku might feel.
It makes his heart beat just a little faster, just that simple though of getting such attention for Shinsou, because there's something so brazen about being caught under the spot light of Shinsou's gaze. Something... intense about it, when he focuses completely on you and no one else, when sometimes Shinsou will give him that contemplative look that makes Izuku lose his train of thought mid-sentence.
Ah, if only he could have Shinsou's attention like that more often. It's a heady sort of feeling, warm and excitable where Izuku always feels like he's been pumped full of adrenaline for a while afterwards. It's probably just his crush talking, though.
Sighing, Izuku falls back on his bed, feeling the day starting to catch up with him. Maybe he shouldn't have stayed up so late, but then, it had been Shinsou asking, and Izuku really can't say no to Shinsou. Izuku's a hot mess and he will admit so with only just a little bit of shame.
He feels warm, swaddled in the hoodie like his own personal comfort blanket, but less of a blanket and more of a hoodie belonging to the boy he stupidly likes.
Izuku turns onto his side, his thoughts starting to slip away from him. He should really get up and take this hoodie off so he can go to sleep properly, but he's already so warm and he doesn't have the energy to get up.
Before he knows it, he's already fallen asleep.
Izuku wakes up the next day feeling like someone shot him up with pure contentment. He feels light, almost like he could float away without trying, and it may or may not have something to do with the hoodie carefully folded on top of his desk. He reasons that Shinsou will probably be trying to get some extra sleep this morning, with how late they actually went to bed last night, so there's no need to interrupt him right now when he can just give the hoodie back later.
As always, he meets Uraraka and Iida by the dorm doors so that they can walk to class. His happy mood must be pretty evident though, when Uraraka goes and points it out, "You seem happy this morning Deku! Did something good happen yesterday?"
"A-ah well, not exactly? I just- I guess I just woke up feeling happy, you know?"
Uraraka pumps a fist in the air, "Alright! I feel like today's going to be a good day then!"
Iida gives them both a careful but fond smile, "Yes, let's give it our all to another day."
"Yeah!" "A-alright!"
Shinsou slinks into class looking like death warmed over. The moment Izuku catches sight of him he quirks a worried smile and waves him over, worried for how Shinsou's eye bags seem all too deep this morning.
When Shinsou finally manages to shuffle-walk the whole way to where Izuku is standing near Uraraka, sidling up to Izuku's side, Izuku leans over slightly to mummer, "You okay? You look extra tired today."
"Yeah just-" Shinsou sighs, and ruffles a hand through his hair, "I ended up waking early this morning. Felt tired, but couldn't go back to sleep," he waves a hand dismissively, "You know, the usual. I did just lay there with my eyes closed but I don't think it helped much."
Izuku winces in sympathy at his friend's plight. "Oh- well, I think we have third period free? Because Present Mic might be absent since I heard he got sick yesterday. Could be a rumor but, like, it could be a good opportunity to nap, right?"
"Yeah." Shinsou lets out another sigh and sounds even more exhausted than before, if that was possible. A moment later, however, Uraraka snags Izuku's attention away when she asks if they had any homework in math the day before.
Izuku's hyperaware of Shinsou still standing beside him, only a foot away or so, and Izuku doesn't ever think he'll be ignorant to Shinsou's presence as long as his on the taller boy persists. He feels bad though, because even though it was Shinsou who asked him to keep him company last night, Izuku probably should have called it a night earlier than he did. Maybe then Shinsou might have gotten enough sleep.
Izuku reaches over to snag the pencil from Uraraka's hand and turns her textbook to face him, talking her through the one of the trickier problems Ectoplasm-sensei had given them yesterday, when Shinsou slumps into the seat in front of Uraraka, the same chair Izuku is currently leaning against. He's sitting on it backwards, leaning forwards against the back rest with half lidded eyes as he listens in on Izuku's explanation. Izuku considers sharing his attention between both of them, but sees Shinsou isn't really listening so much as he's sleeping with his eyes open. He decides to leave the tired boy be, enthusiastically going over the problem while being careful to keep his voice leveled and low.
And then Shinsou leans his head against Izuku's side, eyes already closed. Izuku freezes, pencil halting mid page and eyes widening first in surprise, then flustered panic. But Shinsou already looks dead to the world, leaning so heavily into Izuku's side that for a moment Izuku's afraid he might just slip and fall over anyways. Worried enough that, by virtue of pure instinct, he puts an arm around Shinsou's shoulders and oh no, there's no hope of getting out of this now.
Izuku's drawn to the surface of his panic when he hears Uraraka slap two hands over her mouth to muffle her laughter, and gives her a betrayed look that she thinks this is funny. Izuku is having a crisis, because his crush has just fallen asleep against him, and he can't hope to move if he doesn't want Shinsou to wake up.
Uraraka meets his gaze again and it's like a new bought of laughter takes over her, shoulders shaking as she bows her head to keep her mirth contained.
"Uraraka." Izuku hisses, "It's not funny- stop-"
Uraraka holds up a hand, still trying to contain herself, and Izuku very carefully shifts as Shinsou lets out a sleepy mummer and shifts with him, still leaning heavily into Izuku, but doesn't wake up. He even looks unfairly cute like this too, calm and peaceful, like there's no napping spot better than Izuku. If Izuku's heart wasn't already in overdrive, it might have gone into it now, seeing how unfairly pretty Shinsou is when he's simply being.
Izuku looks up and happens to catch Iida's eye, who does a double take when he sees Izuku's clear distress, and then sees the reason behind that distress looking all cozy leaned up against him. Iida gives him a hopeless sort of smile. Izuku tries to mouth for help, but Iida's already turned away, trying to quiet the class down with a newish sort of fervor while keeping his own volume in check, which is very thoughtful of him, but does not solve Izuku's own problem.
Eventually, Izuku resigns himself to his new role as Shinsou's resting post while Uraraka keeps bursting into snickers every time she happens to look his way after she's asked Yaoyarozu to help her with her homework. Eventually, finally, thankfully Aizawa comes into the room, and Izuku finally has a good enough reason to shake Shinsou awake and scramble back to his own seat, face as red as an overcooked tomato.
That afternoon, when everyone trudges back to the dorms after a full day of school and hero training, Izuku is unable to return Shinsou's hoodie when the boy himself makes a straight beeline back to his room for a full five hours of missed sleep.
Izuku locks himself into his own room, cheeks still tinged red when he remembers this morning's thing. Really, you'd think he'd have gotten over it with how Shinsou hadn't even so much as mentioned it for the rest of the day, but Izuku wouldn't be a Midoriya if he didn't constantly torture himself with a replay of his most embarrassing moments from time to time.
That's why he thinks it's fair to just... hide away for a bit in his room. He has homework to work on anyways, and Ochako will understand that he can't make it to their weekly study session when he feels slightly burnt out of social interactions.
Izuku turns towards his desk and his eyes catch onto the unreturned hoodie. He's pretty sure there's no chance of him seeing Shinsou again for the rest of the day when the other boy's probably going to sleep the evening away, so there's no pressure to return it right now.
That's not what Izuku's mind gets stuck on though.
It's just- he'd slept so comfortably last night and- it really is a very good hoodie, isn't it? A shame, to leave it lying around when he could wear it and no one would even know...
Izuku gives in, in the end, but he's not planning to leave his room for the rest of the day anyways and just- he would really like to treat himself with this small comfort.
He realizes he's smiling, halfway through an English worksheet while he spreads across his bed, and he knows the reason why too.
"Hey Deku..."
Izuku looks up from where he's working on matching his notes with Iida's- just a quick check to see if he missed any points during yesterday's lecture. Uraraka slips into Kacchan's seat in front of him, and Izuku prays that Kacchan doesn't get to class for a while because he really does not want to witness the argument that would ensue.
"Yeah Uraraka?"
"Say-" She starts off carefully enough that it twinges Izuku's self-preservation instincts, "I was wondering- you wouldn't happen to know anything about Shinsou's missing hoodie, would you? It's just- he was asking around after dinner yesterday and since you weren't there, I thought I'd confirm it with you, you know?"
And, uh oh, there's a mischievous twinkle in Uraraka's eye that spells trouble with a capital 't', because Izuku has no doubt that she already knows he has the hoodie. Girls are utterly terrifying when they want to be and Izuku is half convinced they have their own underground information network or something. But, damn her, because Izuku will not play along if that's what she expects of him.
"N-no? I don't think I've seen it anywhere?"
"Oh? It's curious, how you seem to already know what hoodie I'm talking about then."
Fuck. "I-I, not really? I mean- I just assumed you were talking about the one I saw Shinsou wearing a day or two ago- the deep purple one or something..."
It's at that moment, of course, in due course with Izuku's horrible luck, that Shinsou makes an appearance right beside them. "What are you two talking about?"
Izuku watches Uraraka perk up, but before she can get in a word edgewise he leans over the table and slaps a hand on her mouth. "Nothing! Nothing, just- nothing, really. We're fine, everything's fine here."
Izuku gives Shinsou his best smile and prays to any God that might listen.
Izuku is at the dinner table, a bowl of zosui in front of him and his phone braced against his cup of water. A hero fight plays out on YouTube, which has most of Izuku's attention along with the notes he's trying to jot down side by side all while eating his dinner.
Most of the class has either shifted to the common room to watch a movie or turned in for the night, so it's only Izuku and Koda in the kitchen, the latter of whom is changing out a bowl of cat food kept for the stray that wonders into their dorm from time to time and has been collectively adopted by all twenty of them plus Aizawa.
Izuku has his ear buds in, so he doesn't immediately notice when someone slinks into the kitchen, but jolts when that same someone abruptly slumps into the chair besides him and flops down face first onto the table. Izuku tentatively takes out one ear bud, "...Shinsou? Are you okay?"
"I can't find it." His voice comes out slightly muffled when he's got his face smushed down on the table like that, but he's sitting close enough to Izuku that it isn't too hard to make out the words.
"Can't find what?"
"My hoodie." Shinsou groans and turns his head so it's his cheek smushed against the table now, looking up at Izuku with deep violet eyes, "I've looked everywhere."
A single lance of guilt strikes through him, in that moment, and Izuku has to swallow hard not to let it show, "You mean the one you were wearing the day before yesterday?"
"Yeah." Shinsou sighs, "I'm half convinced one of the girls stole it, because they keep giggling when I ask but I really wish they'd give it back. It's my favorite hoodie."
Izuku's feeling guiltier by the second, because he knows exactly where Shinsou's hoodie is and he really should have returned it ages ago but-
Is it weird that Izuku wants to keep it to himself just a little longer? Wear it one last time? Like, Shinsou does look pretty bummed out but... when is Izuku ever going to get an opportunity like this again? It's not like Shinsou leaves his hoodies lying around on the regular for Izuku to steal.
He'll... return it. Soon. Maybe even today. Actually, no, he will return it today. He'll just say he accidentally took it and hadn't noticed and... everything will be fine. He'll return it, tonight. In a few hours.
"I'm sure you'll find it Shinsou. It'll turn up... eventually."
Eventually didn't so much as go to Shinsou as it came to Izuku. He'd long since finished dinner and was enjoying what he called his last few moments wearing Shinsou's hoodie before he would have to part with it, sitting comfortable against the head board of his bed with his legs pulled up, phone held against the notebook braced against his knees.
There was a knock on his door, then, making Izuku look up in wary surprise. Most of his classmates were probably still downstairs finishing the movie, but then Izuku caught sight of Iida's notebook lying on his desk and realized that he'd forgotten to return it like he'd said. He swipes the notebook up quickly from his desk and goes to open the door, "Hey, sorry about the notebook, I forgot to... return... it..."
Shinsou stares back at him with eyes at half mast, one eyebrow rising in a silent question. His eyes drifted down from Izuku's face to eye his own hoodie (!!!), which Izuku is wearing (!!!!!!) and back up to meet Izuku's wide, terrified eyes.
"You wanna explain this then?" Shinsou's voice in that signature low drawl, but Izuku could swear to you that in that moment it sounded deeper, almost meaningfully so.
"Um-" Izuku couldn't even pray for the words to come to him if he wanted them to, lost in some forgotten space of his brain while red alarm signals took up most of his thought process. Because he'd just been caught wearing the hoodie, he said he didn't know anything about. Shinsou had complained to him! That this was his favorite hoodie! He'd told him, and Izuku just-
Shinsou takes a step forward, and Izuku subconsciously mirrors him by taking a step back, eyes still fixed on Shinsou's face, desperately trying to figure out what the boy is thinking. Izuku has never been more frustrated at Shinsou's unbeatable poker face than at this moment, when he can't see a hint of emotion past the blank mask.
Shinsou properly steps into the room, and softly closes the door shut behind him. It sounds like some sort of death sentence, one Izuku's not sure what to make of, "Nothing, huh? I thought I lost this thing, but here I find you wearing it."
"Shhhh," Shinsou hushes him and Izuku finds himself trapped in that gaze, realizing only when it's too late to matter anyways that Shinsou's caught him with his quirk too. Izuku can't move, when Shinsou steps in even closer, until there's only centimeters between them. Like this, Izuku is really reminded how freaking tall Shinsou is, because his line of sight settles just up to Shinsou's collar bone. After all, Izuku can't tilt his head back to meet Shinsou's eyes when he hasn't been given the order to do so.
A hand reaches forward, and it catches the drawstring hanging at Izuku's neck. "You've never been afraid of my quirk, have you? Tell me though, if I ask you a question, will you answer it honestly?"
The hand falls away and Izuku thinks that he won't be able to reply when he hasn't been given express instructions to reply, but then Izuku feels Shinsou's quirk fall away from his mind, and realizes that he has no excuse not to answer
"I- o-okay?" It comes out more like a question, but Shinsou remains unbothered, fixing Izuku with that intense violet stare of his. Izuku feels hypnotized, unable to look away no matter how much he might have liked to try.
"Hmmm. Why did you take it, then? My hoodie."
"Oh- u-um-" Izuku's finally able to avert his eyes, looking down at the stolen hoodie as his hands wring together, "It- it was an accident- at first." His eyes snap back up, because really- "I- I really didn't mean to, I swear I-"
Shinsou hums lowly and cuts him off, "That's fine. Why didn't you give it back?"
Embarrassingly enough, Izuku can feel a flush starting to work its way up his neck, as if this situation isn't already bad enough. "Oh- I- well- you see-"
"Midoriya. I- couldn't have been sure of this before, but-" Shinsou tilts his head slightly, and Izuku follows the action with his heart ready to beat right out of his chest, "I'll ask upfront, do you have a crush on me?"
Izuku's eyes widen in surprise. "What- where did you-"
But Shinsou raises a hand that makes him jaw clack shut, because- really, he seems to have a talent for making Izuku shut up, "Yes or no. I just want the truth."
"I- I- I-" Oh goddamnit what's the point anymore? Better to just- get this out of the way than to drag out his misery, "Yes?"
It's like a switch has been flipped. Because one moment Izuku's standing there, trying to cringe right of existence with Shinsou looming over him, and the next he's being crowded against a wall in his room, Shinsou's hand bracketing him in. It's such a cliched, romantic pose but no less terrifying, because Izuku has never felt so intimidated in his life.
"Sh-Shinsou?" God, his voice is so high-pitched that its more of a squeak.
"You're cute, you know that?" The hand currently not bracing Shinsou against the wall come up to gently cup against Izuku's cheek, and Izuku feels a shudder of anticipation run through him, "And you look even cuter in my clothes. I'm still a bit miffed that you didn't tell me you had them in the first place, but it's fine I guess."
Izuku's flush has reached a bright red peak at the tips of his ears, and he has no doubt he's doing his best impression of a strawberry right now, "Wh-wh-"
A thumb traces gently against Izuku's lips, then, and in low drawl Shinsou asks (holy fucking shit), "Do you mind if I kiss you? Not gonna lie, I've been waiting for this for a while."
Izuku feels himself bluescreen. Shinsou is still watching him carefully, his hand still on Izuku's cheek but Izuku's sort of-not here. He wants to nod, or say yes, but what is yes anyways? What are words, or actions or breathing? But Shinsou's already sort of leaned in, slightly hunched so that his lips hover just a little above Izuku's. And he's watching Izuku very very carefully that he notices, when Izuku's eyes flutter shut on their own accord and he leans towards Shinsou too, just a little bit, just enough to count as unspoken permission. Izuku misses the small smile that curls at the corner of Shinsou's mouth before he leans in all the way.
Shinsou is kissing him. The kiss is... soft, a little like what Izuku had imagined it might be like. It's his first kiss, and he doesn't quite understand what the hype is all about, but there's more to discover yet. But right now, Izuku enjoys the simple press of lips while simultaneously trying not to faint, and ends up resting his hands on Shinsou's shoulders for a little bit of support. A hand comes to rest on his hip and Shinsou leans into him even further, kissing him with a sweet kind of reciprocation that Izuku really hadn't seen coming.
After a moment, Shinsou pulls back, but he still has Izuku crowded against the wall. He's still leaning into Izuku too, and mummers, "You really do look cute. But next time, just ask, yeah?"
"O-okay-" Izuku's voice comes out as a breathy whisper. Shinsou takes his chance and swoops down to press a kiss to Izuku's cheek. Izuku tries to squirm away in embarrassment, only to be stopped by Shinsou's arm.
Another kiss, this time on his jaw, and Izuku's hands migrate to the front of Shinsou's shirt to grip it tightly. "Shinsou..."
"Yeah?" A kiss at the corner of his mouth, "You can tell me to stop if it gets too much..."
And Izuku doesn't want this to stop, wants to tell Shinsou that he can keep going but- he feels... overwhelmed by all this sudden attention. Feels dizzy with the blood pumping through his veins, feels like his knees could give out any moment now. It must show on his face, or maybe its because he never responded, that Shinsou pulls away slightly to get a proper look at him. "You okay?"
"I- um- fine? Maybe- no- just- just- um-"
Shinsou steps back properly, but he snags Izuku's hand as he goes, "Come on. It's fine."
Izuku manages to stumble back to his bed with Shinsou's patient guidance, who gets him to sit down before pulling over Izuku's desk chair for himself. Izuku's doing his best to calm the fuck down because really, how embarrassing is this? He's- they'd been right there! His crush was kissing him for God's sake and he just-
Izuku's eyes snap up from where he'd been glaring down at his hands, and he realises a moment too late that there are tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. His hand twitched upwards to wipe them, and God, really with the waterworks? "S-sorry, I-"
"Hey." Izuku looks to see Shinsou leaning forward, trying to catch his eye, "You're fine. It's- okay, if you feel overwhelmed. I-" here Shinsou looks nervous, averting his eyes to the floor, "I probably pushed too fast anyways-"
"No!" Izuku scrubs at his tears with the heel of his hand, frustrated, "No, it's- it's not- I'm sorry, I just-"
There's silence, as Izuku hiccups his way through the heavy wrongness sitting on his chest. "I'm sorry. I- I really did want to- but I- I just-"
"You're fine." Izuku peaks through his fingers to see the furrow in Shinsou's brow. "I figured you- you would be okay with- the kiss but- Its okay that it still overwhelmed you, y'know? Everyone runs at a different pace, and I get that I can be- hasty sometimes."
"I- I did want it though. I really really wanted it and you- you did nothing wrong when you- kissed me. Because- I tried to show you it was okay and-"
"Next time-" There's a quiet determination in Shinsou's voice that Izuku doesn't dare challenge, "Next time, we'll- take it slower. We can- we can match our paces."
There's really no arguing with that logic, and even if Izuku feels slightly ashamed that he bowed out so quickly, but maybe its... better this way. Maybe it'd be better to be patient with this, just a little.
Apropos to nothing, Shinsou says, "I really do like you though, you know. Have for- a while, I guess. And I figured- maybe you liked me too but- I wasn't so sure until I bumped into Uraraka earlier."
"What?" Izuku's head snaps up in surprise, "Bumped into Uraraka? What- what do you mean?"
Shinsou's eyes narrow in suspicion, "...When she told me you wanted to talk to me?" When Shinsou sees the clear anguish on Izuku's face he snorts, "Or maybe not. You look distressed."
"She- she- I can't believe-" It's then that Shinsou reaches forward and grabs Izuku's hand, stopping Izuku right in his tracks, but pretends not to notice as he says, "Worked out in the end though, right?"
Izuku makes a decision, then. He carefully turns their hands over so Shinsou's is on top and gently runs his thumb over Shinsou's knuckles, which makes the other boy inhale a sharpish breath, "Yeah. I suppose it did."
Valiantly getting over his brief surprise, Shinsou turns their hands back over, and ducks down quickly to press a kiss on the back of Izuku's, making Izuku turn a bright red as his other hand flinches upward to cover the lower half of his face.
"I-I thought we were taking it slow?"
Shinsou, the absolute bastard, he knows how this is affecting Izuku, smirks sharply and says, "I am."
Izuku whines, leaning forward to cover his full face with one hand, the other still caught firmly in Shinsou's grip. He can hear Shinsou let out a low laugh, which does nothing for the blush on his face, thanks, but apparently Shinsou is kind enough to let him collect himself a little before throwing the next cannonball.
"Does this mean that you'll be my boyfriend, if I asked?"
Izuku lets out a sound not unlike the high pitched shriek of a pressure cooker, "...Shinsou."
"What?" Motherfucker Izuku can hear the smugness in Shinsou's voice, "It's an honest question."
"If I say yes, will you leave me alone?"
"...Maybe. I say you deserve it for stealing my hoodie though."
Izuku huffs a breathless laugh, "I'm sorry! It was an accident."
"Maybe. But you still lied to me sweetheart."
That's it, Izuku is officially dead. When he doesn't respond, sinking down and doing his best to hide in his one hand while simultaneously willing the earth to swallow him whole, Shinsou sounds nervous when he says, "Too much?"
"You think?"
"...but you like it."
Izuku has to pause at that because- "Yes but- not yet."
"Alright. I can wait for you."
It's... nice, to hear him say that, so honestly. Izuku braves a glance from between his fingers to catch sight of Shinsou's hopelessly endeared smile. He feels like Shinsou will be good for him, in a sense that they'll be good at their own push and pull, at their own balance with this new thing they have, their own yin and yang.
If Izuku had known that it would have come to this, then he'd have stolen Shinsou's hoodie a long time ago.
Aye-yo, was that cute, or was that cute, am I right?
See y'all next time then.
Your Captain, Lynda.
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