"Long live the king!"
Between their water masks, both Rex and Ahsoka shared a hidden smile.
"What do you mean I can not go!"
"They feel after your time in the water your senses will be too impaired to fight in a darkened world," Anakin sighed at Ahsoka's outburst.
"If I may cut in, sirs," Rex stated, stepping between the Force-users, "Commander, you have been off centre and have nearly walked into a wall in moments of loss of balance. It would be unwise for you to enter a battlefield while you are in such a state."
Ahsoka could not prevent the hurt that flashed over her before she turned and stormed out, slamming the door as she left.
"Rex, what are you doing back here?" Cody asked as he saw his brother enter the shared barrack, "you haven't slept here in ages."
"It might be safer for me to sleep here," Rex said as he shrugged off his armour, "and I could not enter the room anyway."
"Alright, I'm going to check the men are bunked down," Cody nodded as he headed to the door.
"You're behind schedule," Rex muttered as he fell asleep.
As Cody walked down the hall, he spoke into his comm," Fives, Waxer get all the boys into the hanger."
"Sir, yes, sir!"
"Why are we here?" The clones asked as they waited for Commanding officers.
"Because I have some news that you would enjoy hearing," Cody spoke as he entered the hanger, his helmet was in his arm so that the others knew it wasn't military based.
"What is it?" Waxer asked.
"Who has the book for all things between Rex and Commander Tano?" Cody asked.
"I got it, never leaves my side," Fives shouted, waving it in the air.
"Has anyone betted on Rex being in the dog house?"
A loud laugh went through the room. The clones could not help but laugh at the Commanders words.
"He's currently asleep in his old room after not being able to get into his new room," Cody furthered, "he said it might be safer anyway."
"They've had an argument or something then?" Echo mused.
"Could it be about that mission we will be going on?" Boil asked.
"Could be, the Commander would not be ready for such a mission," Kix stated, "she was underwater too long for her health."
"If they are being separated, would they not want to stay together just for that extra time?" Fives asked.
"I think Rex must have openly agreed with the Commander not going," Cody sighed, "it probably upset her more than he thought it would."
"It would make sense, they've always backed each other," Echo stated.
"With their status, it would hurt because of that as well," Boil pointed out.
"Just, be careful," Cody sighed, "I think you might get 'cranky' Captain back quicker than you thought you would."
"What do you mean you were called back?!" Ahsoka hissed when she saw Anakin step off the gunship.
"You've not been resting I see," Anakin commented.
"Don't change the subject," Ahsoka hissed back.
"How about this, Senator Amidala needs a guard," Anakin offered, "you go guard her while she shops for the upcoming events."
"I get no choice with this," Ahsoka stated.
"You're lucky I'm allowing you out while you are not entirely in control, you need to rain yourself in otherwise you'll be off the battlefield longer," Anakin stated protectively.
Ahsoka bit back the growl before choking out as calm as she could, "how long?"
"The Senator said she'd pick you up and you'll stay with her until you calm or Rex comes back," Anakin said before leaving.
Ahsoka huffed, rolling her eyes even though she knew that it would be needed. Hopefully, being a guard to the Senator will be what is required to help her find her centre again.
"Ok, your turn!" Padme stated, pushing Ahsoka towards the measurement taker.
Before Ahsoka managed to deny she found herself pushed onto the podium and her measurements started to be taken.
"What we doing?" The measurement taker asked.
"Everything," Padme smiled, "we need the measurements needed for a whole range of different wardrobes."
"Of course," the measurement taker said.
"Why do they need to know the distance between two toes?" Ahsoka asked as she pulled her boots back on.
"Some shoes are designed to mould around your feet," Padme stated like it was apparent.
"Why am I getting new clothing?" Ahsoka asked as they started to browse through the fabrics and designs.
"Because you need something to distract you and for you to show off with," Padme stated. "It will be good for you."
"How is shopping meant to be good?" Ahsoka asked, cringing at some of the designs and colours.
Padme cringed at the ones Ahsoka saw before replying, "because one way of finding your centre is trying lots of things on, walking in heels and seeing how you look in the mirror."
"You didn't need to go shopping, did you?" Ahsoka mussed.
"No, I went last week," Padme laughed, "I'm helping you out, and getting away from some of the clingy guards."
"Don't let Skyguy find out about those," Ahsoka laughed.
"Why do you think I get clone or him guarding me so much?" She laughed back before holding out a bodysuit, "what do think about this?"
"Looks nice," Ahsoka offered.
"You're trying it on!"
"Finally done with clothing shopping!" Ahsoka yelled out, "I can rest my feet!"
"Yes, but we still have jewellery shopping to do!" Padme stated happily.
"Oh kriff," Ahsoka muttered.
Ahsoka glared at Padme, "I like the language I used."
"I don't," Padme huffed, her lips twitching slightly.
"Guess you've not been near Skyguy enough."
"Yeah, your language is rather pleasant compared to his," Padme stated.
"Where do you think I learned mine from?" Ahsoka asked.
"The clones?"
"Some of them."
"What can I help you two fine ladies with this afternoon?" The storeworker asked.
"I'm looking for a range of different jewellery for my friend here," Padme stated, pointing to Ahsoka making sure the man saw the lightsabers Ahsoka wore.
Suddenly the man snapped into his business mask, "what is the occasion?"
"Everything, we are doing a whole new wardrobe," Padme smiled.
"Of course, do you have the measurements?" He asked.
"Yes, right here," Padme stated, handing over a copy of the needed measurements.
"I think that one would go well with the dark deep blue bodysuit we just got," Padme mused, looking over the headdress Ahsoka was wearing.
"It fits nice," Ahsoka commented, "delicate and subtle until in the light."
"I have a belt to match if you'd like to see," the man offered.
"Yes, bring it out," Padme stated, watching as the man went to grab the belt. "Do you have a changing room we can use for my friend to get into the bodysuit to see whether it works together?"
"Of course, second door on the right," the man said as he walked back.
Ahsoka returned in her bodysuit before accepting the belt from the man.
"You'll need different shoes for that, I have an older pair outback, but they are built strong," the man said before hurrying off.
Padme felt her jaw drop at the boots the man returned with; they were an old edition of one of the best know boots for woman warriors back before Ahsoka was even born.
"They were a prototype, didn't go in for the final design, in the end, the designs on them were taken to be useless in a fight," the man explained as he helped Ahsoka slowly put on the boots. "They're lightly armoured as well."
"They fit well," Ahsoka stated, "so soft yet they fell so strong."
"You'd have to have a lightsaber slash at them to break them," the man said before turning towards Padme, "I think I have some other items, but they are old prototypes. It will take me a while to dig them out."
"If you think they might fit, bring them out, and we'll have a look," Padme nodded, noticing the ideas brimming in the man's eyes.
The man nodded with a smile before hurrying off, quite a few bangs echoing from where he was in the basement. He returned with three boxes in his hands, "I have a thin light ice-blue robe that was meant to be translucent, but it didn't work completely, so it never sold, and I have a pair of gloves to match the boots."
"What is in the third box?" Ahsoka asked, feeling wave after wave come off the box.
"A force-user made it as a gift to the store, but we never found a use for it," the man explained, pulling out the seethrough material, "it works as a rudimentary shield, it can fit over most clothing and stop most blaster hits."
"Why haven't you got a use for it?" Padme asked, thinking that the material would be beneficial.
"It can't fit anyone of my stature, but it might just fit your friend," the shop keeper smiled, "the Jedi have saved this store, and my family more than I can count, I'd like to feel like I've repaid that debt."
"That's so kind," Ahsoka whispered.
"Go, try it on," the shopkeeper shooed.
Ahsoka hurried to do as the man said before coming back, twirling slightly to show them how it looked from all angles.
The bodysuit was dark yet deep blue, fitting to her frame snuggly. The belt was of similar colour but had ice blue threads dancing around it with a white double circle buckle. The buckle had small orange gems embedded into it as well. The gloves almost looked like they were apart of the suit but when caught in the light, shined brightly. The boots were the dark blue as well, bending nicely at the top while working towards a darker colour at the bottom, the soles being black. On the boots was a clasp made of an orange gem that looked to have been marbled with white and blue diamond. The headband had gold on her montrals before going down in a fine stip of silver that tipped off at the end of her lekku, along the silver chain was white diamonds and blue sapphires in a repeating fashion. The robe finished off the look by giving an almost light frost around her.
"You look amazing, Ahsoka," Padme said, "you are getting all that. If that is ok?"
The shopkeeper nodded, his eyes wide as he looked over Ahsoka, "I did not think it would work so well, she is to have all of that at a discounted price - please, I insist, you've already chosen to buy a lot, my rates are not known to be cheap, and they fit your friend so well."
"Of course," Padme nodded, "if you insist."
"How's Snips doing?" Anakin asked.
"When we are out, she's alright," Padme answered softly, "but without any distraction, she does not do well."
"How is she sleeping?" Anakin worried, "at the temple; they said she wasn't sleeping at all."
"She not as bad, but she not good," Padme stated, "she's up most nights. Getting only a couple of hours of sleep, but I would not even call those sleep, she's restless."
"At least she is getting some shut-eye."
"I see what you mean about being on edge," Padme laughed, "she's managed to scare or threaten all the guards I have."
"All of them?" Anakin asked, "I thought a few as her instincts started to lose control, not all of them."
"Yeah, they are all staying at a considerable distance from us," Padme stated, "most have decided that if something were to come up, then she would be able to handle it with little assistance needed."
"That would be mostly true," Anakin laughed, "I need to go now."
"Alright, bye, Ani," Padme whispered.
"Bye, my wife," Anakin smiled before the comm ended.
"I wonder how long that mission is going to continue," Padme mussed, looking towards the room that Ahsoka was sleeping in. "I doubt Rex is in any better state."
"You're shaking, Captain," Krell smugly stated.
Rex growled slightly, images of friendly-fire killing his brothers, of the terrible plans the man had come up with, of clone, of ct-7567. His arms hardened, anger flaring, if this is what he is capable of here, what else will he do when he's with Dooku? Who could he go after then?
"My master will be pleased when I bring you in," Krell laughed, "Skywalker and the Padawan will certainly follow."
This time he could not keep the growl to himself as it racked through him, his arms stopped shaking, becoming solid as the once Jedi became the enemy before his eyes. "Guess we'll never know what will happen," Rex snarled before his finger pressed the trigger, the blast burning a hole through the body before him. Just at that moment, a second blast came flying by him.
There was a tense second as a very aggressive and defensive Rex stared down Dogma, Fives and Echo. Fives looked down at his blaster holder to see that Dogma had managed to get the blaster away from him.
The tension eventually faded as Fives managed to prise his blaster from Dogma's frozen hands and made sure to place it away from them. Echo followed suit, making sure that the only weapon near was the one in Rex's hand. They watched as slowly Rex calmed, shaking his head clear while he clipped his blaster away.
"We need to get off this Force forsaken planet," Rex snarled, watching as the lift started to take them up.
The men around him nodded their head in silent agreement.
"Sir, don't get Rex to do the debrief yet," Fives said as Anakin was about to call Rex back after the man stormed off the gunship the moment the doors opened. "We lost a lot of men, to the enemy and friendly fire."
"I heard about Krell, and about his plans, surprised it was a fireball that got him though," Anakin stated, knowing that was the false report.
"Rex was the one that killed him; he shot him," Fives whispered, "he wasn't going to do it, but then he started threatening you and the Commander and Rex lost it. We nearly got shot at when Dogma got my blaster and fired at Krell."
Anakin hummed, before sending a message for Ahsoka to get back as soon she can.
Ahsoka could not help but worry with how rushed the message was from Anakin. She was doing all she could to not rush through the halls at almost running pace. When she reached their room, she was nearly knocked off her feet at the wall of grief, anger and sadness that hit her.
She hurried in, spotting Rex collapsed on his knees in the middle of the room, his helmet thrown off to the side as he cried into his hands. She hardly cared as she fell to her knees next to him, wrapping her arms around him.
She held him close as he tucked himself into her, she gently hummed and purred, letting the sound and vibrations run through him as they rocked back and forth.
Rex clutched onto Ahsoka, tucking his head as tight as he could into her neck, tears streaming down his face as loud sobs and cries broke from his mouth.
No words were spoken between the pair as they rocked backwards and forwards. No words were spoken when Cody, Fives and Echo joined them. No words were needed as they all rocked back and forth, comforting each other. No words were needed when they decided the 501st and 212th need to meet up in that hanger again.
The only words needed where the gathering of the men and the scaring of the engineers.
Anakin and Obi-Wan were not surprised to be directed towards the hanger when they questioned where anyone was. They were not surprised to see the clones all piled up together, in a single pile this time, nor were they surprised to see Ahsoka and Rex being the centre.
They were surprised to see that someone was still awake - but really, they should not be, with the sounds echoing around the room.
Ahsoka was awake, still rocking Rex slightly as she purred and hummed loud enough for all the clones to hear. It was doing what she hoped, and so far, none had a bad dream, and they all seemed to be resting peacefully.
"You ok, Snips?" Anakin called over softly.
"Hmm, yes," Ahsoka answered, turning to face them, "they needed a chance to prove to themselves they are more than clones and that they are men."
Anakin felt his heart drop at the words as he slowly moved forwards to find a gap in the group, settling himself into a pile of clones. He heard Obi-Wan do the same, watching as he sat near the centre, a shaking Cody moving to hold onto the man's Jedi robes. He felt one move to next to him, watching as Dogma shook on his own, and as Tup dug himself into his side again. With a sigh, Anakin reached over and pulled Dogma into his left, holding the boys close to him.
Ahsoka wasn't surprised when Rex had whispered to her that he wanted to go back to their room. Instead, she helped him up, explaining to the others briefly before leaving.
As Ahsoka and Rex left, Obi-Wan and Anakin found the clones slowly circling them for comfort.
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