As the holocall ended, leaving Anakin and Ahsoka on their own, the former turned to face the latter. "Where is Rex? He's not missed a meeting before," Anakin asked.
"I think he might still be sleeping," Ahsoka shrugged.
"He doesn't usually sleep longer than a few hours," Anakin stated, "what's different now?"
"The fact he cried himself to sleep," Ahsoka offered with a mumble.
"He cried himself to sleep?!" Anakin exclaimed, happy that there was no one else but the two of them present.
"Do you know how old the clones are?" Ahsoka suddenly questioned.
"I always presumed they'd at least be older teens when they go out to war," Anakin shrugged.
"Rex was nine when he went out to war," Ahsoka said, "now they are six and younger when they go to war."
"They're sending children to war?" Anakin asked, "children in the bodies of men; sent to a war that they didn't start."
"He hadn't had the time for it to sink in," Ahsoka stated, shuffling her feet, "so it hit him hard."
"Is that why I got told you half threatened a chef for some milk last night?"
"I only smiled," Ahsoka defended, "it just worked in my favour that he finds fangs scary."
"Well, did it work?" Anakin sighed.
"Did what work?"
"Did it calm him down?" Anakin asked.
Ahsoka thought back before answering, "he stopped crying, and eventually fell asleep. But he looked out of it mostly."
"Doesn't surprise me that he stayed out of it, every clone counts each other as a brother," Anakin stated, "it's like learning a baby brother was given a gun and told to kill or be killed. As well as being told that he wasn't who he thought he was his whole life."
Ahsoka didn't say anything as she turned on her heels, and walked away, lost deep within her thoughts. She only came out of her thoughts when she reached her new room, pausing only for a moment before entering.
Rex stared up from his hands, looking over at Ahsoka before looking away. "You probably think me weak now," he mumbled, unable to even glance her way anymore.
"No, I don't. I always live by a quote," Ahsoka said as she sat on the bed, forcing Rex to look at her, "people cry not because they are weak, its because they've been too strong for too long."
Rex huffed, diverting his eyes. "I've heard that before, yet others look down on those who still cry."
"Ok, my people have a tradition," Ahsoka said, "one day a year, everyone meets up, the strongest fighters, the leaders, to the youngest children, in the central area and just cry together."
Rex looked at Ahsoka, confused as to why she was bringing it up.
"It's an old belief, dating back centuries," Ahsoka furthered, "they have a saying to go with it; that being strong, only showing a happy face, being positive, is like holding your breath underwater. You can't do it forever. But when you cry, it's reaching to the surface, taking in air to stop you from drowning; allowing you to be strong once again."
"And doing it together?" Rex asked.
"It's to show unity within everyone, that right down to basics, everyone is equal to each other," Ahsoka stated before giggling slightly, "the only time you'd been called weak was if you did not attend. Even those in medical attend, only the unconscious have an excuse. If there is an elder that can not move far, then they come to them or help them move."
"That sounds like the pile up the boys do if someone has a nightmare," Rex commented.
"And it's often followed by a celebratory feast," Ahsoka smiled, "for the newfound strength and unity of the village for the next year."
"It sounds like it's a big thing," Rex noticed.
"It's massive, and will happen more than once a year if the village needs it," Ahsoka added.
"Why are you bringing this up now?"
Ahsoka smiled at the way that Rex had noticed the reason, "because I think you and the boys will drown if you hold your breaths any longer."
"How did you find an area large enough to fit the whole of the 501st, 212th and the 104th?" Rex asked as he saw the gathered clones.
"Well, this is where they repair the larger ships of the fleets and have allowed us to use it for the day," Ahsoka shrugged.
"Who'd you scare?" Rex questioned, folding his arms.
"People need to stop being afraid of fangs otherwise I'll never be able to smile without scaring someone," Ahsoka said.
"What are we all doing here, Rex, sir?" Cody asked as he approached the two.
"It's come to my attention that you've all been too strong for too young, warriors at young ages," Ahsoka stated, watching as the Clone Commander pieced it together.
"Something caused a break down that ended in tears, a realisation of sorts," Cody realised.
Rex looked away, knowing that his brother had pieced together who it was that had the 'break down', even with everything said, he still felt like he was weak and being judged.
"My species have a tradition that should help," Ahsoka said, snapping the two clones attention back to her, "everyone has a day of being together and crying, to breath in air before they drown."
"I take it helmets and weapons away?" Wolffe asked as he approached them.
"Yes, and the Generals will have to place down their lightsabers as well," Ahsoka stated before turning towards the rest of the clones. "Everyone, listen up," she clapped, "I need you to mingle together, all facing the centre of the room in a tight circle. If you have close friends and brothers, stand with them - even if you wear a different colour."
The clones grumbled in confusion but were soon stood like how Ahsoka had instructed, some brushing shoulders and laughing in the smaller groups they formed.
Together, Ahsoka, Rex, Cody and Wolffe all moved towards the centre of the room, standing in the small clearing that had formed.
"Can each of you remove your helmet and weapons; placing them at your feet," Ahsoka instructed, giving the Generals a pointed glare so that they comply. She showed them all as she unclipped her lightsabers and placed them on the floor.
Rex was the next one to act as he reached up and pulled his helmet off and placed it on the floor; soon followed by his blasters and the knife he had hidden up one of his arm guards.
Soon, all the clones and Jedi had complied within the room, all looking on with confusion.
"My people have a tradition, everyone - warriors, leaders, children - comes together and opens themselves up," Ahsoka stated, "each one finds that day once a year to cry - cry if a brother had fallen if a child had been lost or even something as happy as the closeness of family and friends. It's about how being strong is holding your breath underwater, and crying is how you breathe and stop drowning."
Rex took the next step as he slowly got down so that he was kneeling, his sheb resting on his heels. "Everyone kneel, sit, lay down. On your own or with someone else - lay on top of each other if that is what feels right - but everyone, get down low," he ordered, watching as everyone complied.
"People can often see crying as a sign of weakness, but with this tradition," Ahsoka furthered, "not crying is showing that you are weak and unable to be strong anymore."
Cody took the initiative this time, "we huddle when a vod has a nightmare, or if we just want to. This is the same; we are comforting each other."
"Some of us see us like we are just clones that we are nothing more than parts for war," Wolffe stated gruffly, "but deep down, we all know that we are human. We might have come from tubes, but we are flesh. We think, and we feel."
"And that holding our breaths will end us quicker than any war," Rex finished.
"So we sit together, right now, and open ourselves up," Ahsoka stated as tears slowly started to form and run down her cheeks.
The Generals watched as slowly a wall seemed to break, and like a ripple, each clone started to cry, starting from the centre and working their way out. They looked at each other before they let their masks break and for years of withheld tears to run free down their cheeks finally.
Soon the echoing sobs changed, while there were still tears, but now laughs and singing was coming from different groups. The sounds rose and fell like waves across a tropical shore—each tone reverbing on the metal walls.
Everything mixed, forming a form of music, not happy, not sad. But unique to everyone there. No voice was heard above the rest and none hidden by another. Everyone equals.
Ahsoka and Rex looked at each other as they got up and made their way to one of the ships, opening the doors to reveal as many blankets they could smuggle into the room. There would not be enough for everyone, but if people share, then there would be enough for everyone to be covered.
Soon, the blankets were distributed, groups getting one or two between them. Each General had one, but by the time that the two had got to the centre again, they had moved to sit within a group of clones.
Plo was with a good chunk of the 104th, including Wolffe. They were huddled almost in a pile, only needing the three blankets they had to cover them all.
Obi-Wan was sitting in a sea of yellow, blue and grey. One Clone Commander with a scar around his eye had managed to tuck himself into the Jedi Masters side.
Anakin was already central in the room by the time Ahsoka and Rex had got there. The Jedi Knight had Tup curled up in his lap, and Fives and Hardcase tucked into each side.
Rex saw the look the Echo through his way when he sat down, with a smile, he raised one of his arms, signalling for Echo to come over. He grunted when the ARC trooper threw himself into his side. Rex lowered his arm against the shaking clone, pulling him close to his side as the man, his little vod, cried. His lips twitched when he felt Ahsoka push herself against his other side, clutching his hand close to her.
Slowly, sleep brushed against them all, wrapping them up in a blanket of comfort as it rocked them into their depths.
Mace Windu sighed as he got up from his seat, both Master Koon and Master Kenobi were missing from the meeting - a meeting that had been arranged around them being present. "I'm going to try and find them," he sighed after yet another comm went unanswered.
After looking in every place he thought they could be, he turned towards a clone walking guard through the halls, "have you seen General Kenobi or General Koon?"
"I saw both of them head toward the starship repair hanger about three hours ago, sir," the clone answered with a salute.
"Thank you, continue with patrol," Mace nodded before heading off towards the location stated by the clone.
Mace thought that maybe the two were there to have a shout at Skywalker for being too wrapped up in an engine for his good, that they might be there to check on repairs to one of their aircraft.
What he did not think of was a mass gathering of clones. On closer inspection, he saw it; there weren't just clones in the room.
The two Jedi Master was fast asleep, clones tucked into their sides and circled up around them or even on them.
Obi-Wan had his Commander clinging to his side; the others circled him protectively.
Plo was in a massive dogpile. His clones were living up to their name of WolfPack.
Another inspection showed that both young Skywalker and Padawan Tano were central in the room.
Skywalker seemed to be a three clone teddy; one clone was even using him as a bed.
Ahsoka was not the centre of her group. Instead, she was clinging to Captain Rex while everyone else clung to him or circled them.
"Master Ti, can you pull up the security feed of the starship repair hanger," Mace spoke in a whisper in his comms.
"Is that the 212th, 104th and the 501st?" Kit asked.
"It does seem to be, Master Koon, Master Kenobi, Padawan Tano and young Skywalker are also present in separate piles," Mace whispered back.
"Yes, clones have curled around and on them," Eeth stated.
"They look to have been crying," Kit observed.
"This seems to have come from Padawan Tano; it's an old tradition. To cry together. Bringing strength and unity to everyone," Shaak stated.
"I have not heard of this before," Mace stated.
"No, it is not often written about," Shaak stated, "as much as it pains to disrupt this, you will need to bring Master Kenobi and Master Koon, try not to wake anyone." She stated, ending the holocall.
Mace carefully walked through the piles of sleeping clones, wordlessly making sure any that woke up fell back asleep. Soon, he reached where Obi-Wan was sitting.
"Obi-Wan, you need to wake up," Mace whispered, unable to get close enough to touch the Jedi Master.
"Hmm?" Obi-Wan hummed, his eyes opening groggily. Tucked into his side, Cody started to show signs of waking as well, a small yawn escaping his mouth.
"Obi-Wan, we have a meeting that you are meant to be present in currently happening," Mace whispered to him.
Obi-Wan's eyes flew open wide as he asked, "that is what the time has got to?"
Cody felt the General wake, enticing him from the depths of sleep. "What time is it why?" He asked, only hearing what the General has said.
"I have a meeting to attend; you can go back to sleep," Obi-Wan stated as he prized the clone of him.
"Kriffing meetings," the Clone Commander muttered before falling back asleep.
Mace raised an eyebrow at the clone but otherwise said nothing as he led Obi-Wan to where Plo was asleep. Together, with Obi-Wan, they used the force to lift the clones from Plo and pull the Jedi Master out. "Do all Clone Commanders get this attached to their Generals?" Mace asked when he saw that Wolffe was also clutching for dear life onto Plo.
"They do tend to form bonds between each other, and subsequently us. They struggle without the bonds," Obi-Wan shrugged as he woke Plo.
"Is it time for the meeting?" Plo asked as he woke Wolffe. "Wolffe, I need to go for a meeting, tell the pack when they wake."
"Di'kutla meetings," Wolffe groaned as he felt Plo peel him away from him.
"I'll make sure to mention that," Plo stated as he watched Wolffe curl up in a huff.
"Are we ready," Mace asked, boredom evident in his voice.
"Just because your boys are not comfortable around you enough to sleep doesn't mean you have to sulk," Obi-Wan teased as the three started to head towards the Jedi Council room.
Rex groaned, it felt like both his arms were dead and his legs were not in any better condition. He could feel two weights across his chest as well. With that thought, his eyes flicked open at a rate of lightspeeds. On his chest was Echo's head and Ahsoka's head, both fast asleep.
Looking around, he noticed that both Obi-Wan and Plo had gone. Most likely a Jedi Council Meeting had started, and the two had to be present for it.
Of to the side, he could hear the grumbling of someone waking up; a glance showed it to be Anakin. The Jedi Knight was rubbing his eyes, his arms thankfully not blocked by the clones grasping onto him.
"If we slowly start waking everyone, the food booking should be soon," Rex whispered as he slowly woke Echo and instructed him to wake the others.
"Food booking?" Anakin asked.
"Its a type of celebration for the newfound strength and harmony of the 'tribe', sir," Rex explained as he started to wake up Ahsoka.
"Well, you had me at food anyway," Anakin chuckled.
"Boys and their food," Ahsoka yawned.
"We need it to live!" Anakin defended playfully as the three started to wake those around them.
Soon, everyone was awake. There were a few close calls, Wolffe deciding that he did not like anyone but his pack waking him - causing a small fight to happen between Rex and Wolffe.
Ahsoka grabbed Rex by the ear and pulled him away from Wolffe while the WolfPack worked on calming the Commander down. "I can look after myself," Ahsoka hissed at Rex before turning towards Wolffe, "I know you don't enjoy others waking you outside the pack, but it doesn't mean you can get aggressive."
When both clones looked thoroughly reprimanded, they all set off to where the food was being kept.
One of the city halls had allowed them to store food in there for the feast and had opened up the gate to the park they were connected to.
"Take only one plate; you can always go back for more once everyone has got their food," Ahsoka instructed as the clones walked to collect their food.
As they walked in, each clone was amazed at the selection of food present, then the amount each had was mindboggling. It would easily allow each of them a chance to try almost all types of food.
The park was filled with the laughs of the gathered clones as they tucked into the food, real food, not ration bars that they usually got.
Ahsoka looked over the group, noticing that any tension that was previously present between any of them had faded into the background as all the clones had shared their tears and the food.
"I think it worked," Rex commented.
"Yes, it did," Ahsoka nodded with a smile.
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