On Tuesday Keean picked me up at eight fifteen. I realised this week was going to be much the same as the previous one. After the experience of losing my virginity I would have thought my body might have rejected any notions of doing it again but it hadn't. Every slight touch, warm breath, kiss and memory Keean gave me sent sensations through me. I was very keen to have him touch me again. Because he didn't and wouldn't, I wondered if he had changed the way he felt about me. Maybe he was a 'Wham Bam Thank You Mam' kind of guy. The sort Katie avoided and Kerry had been left crying by. When he tried to lead me into the library I shook my head.
Keean looked at me confused. "We compromised and made a deal, Charlie," he said.
"Yeah but you've chosen the library today so that leaves tomorrow for sitting under the tree, then Thursday will be the guys and Friday we'll be back in the library."
He shrugged. "What's wrong with that? It's what you wanted."
I huffed and felt a bit pissed off. I thought he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off me and would want to spend the whole week under the tree now that he knew I was willing but it seemed to have had the opposite effect. If he couldn't or wouldn't read the signs then he could go to hell. I started to walk off.
I turned to look at him. He had his palms held out towards me as if to say what's going on.
"If you want to go to the library, Keean you go. I'm going to lie down under the tree." I left him there with a dumbfounded look on his face. As I rounded the corner of the building I glanced back to see he had gone into the library. That pissed me off further. I went to the tree wondering if he would turn up in a little while. I was betting he was being pig headed and trying to make me go to him. He didn't come back and half way through lunch Katie came to see what was going on.
She crossed her legs as she sat. "Where's Keean?"
"In the library," I grumbled.
"Are you two having a fight?"
"Maybe...if he keeps doing what he's doing we will be for sure."
She laughed. "So are you going to tell me about it or are you going to keep me asking questions?"
I chuckled even though I didn't feel happy. A tear trickled down my cheek. I wiped it away. "I think he's doing to me what you avoided."
Katie frowned. "Charlie, I have no idea what you're talking about."
I wiped another tear away and looked at her closely. "Do you remember what you told me the night you lost your virginity." She shrugged so I continued. "You said you chose Trent because you didn't want it to be someone you really liked because you didn't want the heartache of them saying thanks and see you later."
Katie raised her eyebrows. Her mouth gaped opened. "Oh, Charlie..." She touched my hand.
The tears spilled from my eyes. Once I'd composed myself I said, "Now he's avoiding being anywhere remotely private with me. I think he's going to dump me."
"Charlie, I think you're over reacting. He seems like he really likes you."
I huffed. "He did and now he doesn't. Got what he wanted and now it's bye, bye. I don't know what I'm going to do when he finally dumps me because I really love him. I wouldn't have let him otherwise."
Katie pressed her lips together. "You could always get in first. You know?" She shrugged. "Dump him first. They always hate that even though they were going to do it themselves. I think it hurts their pride."
I wiped more tears away with my hands. "I've got Biology and Chemistry next. I don't think I can go."
"Are you going to cut?" Katie looked at me with concern.
"No." I sighed. I did that last Tuesday. I think I'll go to Sick Bay." I got up and grabbed my bag. "Please don't say anything to Chris. I don't want him to say anything to Keean. It might all blow over."
Katie nodded. "I won't say anything. I'll see you on the bus okay."
"Thanks, Katie."
I laid in the Sick Bay for the two lessons. When the bell rang I went straight to the bus stop. His truck was gone so he must have known I wasn't going to go looking for him. I asked Dad to wake me up early then cried myself to sleep. I decided to take Katie's advice and dump Keean before he could dump me.
I sat and had breakfast with my parents. Mum touched my hair and said, "What's up, Charlie? You look upset."
"I feel a bit down," I murmured.
Dad smirked. "Missing that boy, hey?"
I grimaced at him and watched my cereal swirl around in my bowl. "Not true, Dad."
They left at seven thirty. I followed a minute later. I didn't think Keean would come and get me anyway but I wanted to avoid him just in case so I walked down to Katie's.
She was surprised to see me and said, "What are you doing here?"
I wiped my hand over my eyes and looked at her. "I'm trying to avoid Keean."
"You want a milo?" Katie always knew the right thing to say.
"Yeah," I said and followed her into the kitchen.
"What are you going to do?"
I started to cry again. "I'm going to dump him today."
Katie came over and hugged me. "Are you sure you really want to do that? Maybe it's not what you think."
"Oh it is," I said nodding my head. "He didn't try to find me at lunch or after school. I think he was relieved not to have to see me."
When we got to school we went to where everyone sat. Keean was there. I made a bee line to the toilets. I had Chemistry and worried how I'd handle it. I thought I'd let him say something first. If he didn't I'd dump him at the end of the lesson.
The bell went. I felt so sick in the stomach but I knew I had to do this. I couldn't avoid my whole life. He was sitting there and watched me walk in. I looked at the ground and sat on my stool without looking at him.
He growled, "Where were you this morning?"
My brain did a double take. He had actually turned up at my house. I didn't look at him but instead opened my text book and said, "I decided to catch the bus."
"What's going on, Charlie?"
I'd never heard his voice sound so deep, like rolling thunder in the distance. I thought I'd better get it over done with so I focused on his chin because I'd probably cry if I looked him in the eyes. "I'm dumping you, Keean."
His face went white. Keean's jaw muscles tensed. "What the fuck!"
Two could play the anger game so I gave him my 'to kill' look. "Just thought I'd get in first," I seethed.
Mr. Davis started the class. I turned and concentrated on the lesson.
Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.
Oh no Charlie!!! What have you done? :(
Thanks so much for taking the time and reading my work.
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