I had Maths, Home Economics then Chemistry. I hadn't seen Keean so wasn't sure he was even at school. Katie held me up at the end of Home Economics. She rambled on about something so stupid I didn't know what she was going on about.
"Katie, I've got to go. I'm going to be late for Chemistry."
"Yeah I know. I'm trying to make you late on purpose." She grinned.
I didn't get it. "Why?"
"So he can watch you walk towards him."
I groaned, rolled my eyes and spun away from her. "Thanks idiot!"
"You watch him," she called out behind me.
My stomach churned with nerves. I took in some deep breaths and told myself not to worry. He probably wasn't even at school.
But he was.
Sitting there at the desk dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt. I glanced at him. He wasn't looking in my direction. I was so relieved. I started down the aisle then Nicholas Harrison let out a loud woof whistle.
"Hey, Charlie! Lookin' hot!"
I wanted to die and hoped the floor would open and suck me down. I glared at Nicholas as I approached him.
He grabbed my arm as I passed. "I'm in love, Charlie." He winked at me.
I glared some more. "Nick. Stop it," I said as I slipped my arm from his grasp.
I started to move toward my desk and glanced at Keean. He was staring at me, his eyes on my hips. I wanted to cover my stomach with my arm but instead brushed my hair nervously behind my ear. I watched as his eyes moved slowly upwards to my breasts then onto my face. I was sure I must have been bright red with embarrassment. I looked away and bit on my lip as I slid onto my stool. I heard him exhale so I glanced at him to try and read his face, to see if I could tell if he was attracted to me. He had hung his head and was rubbing his forehead. Keean turned to look at me. He gave me the angriest look he'd ever given me. I held my breath in fear because I wanted to cry.
It was the worse Chemistry lesson I'd ever had. Worse than the very first time he came into class. All I could think was 'fuck you Katie, why did you make me do this?' The bell rang. I waited until Keean left then gulped back my depression as I slowly packed up my things. Nicholas came over to make some smart arse comments about the way I looked. I listened and thought of all the years he'd called me beach ball. I tried to use the same tack of joking back so he couldn't know I was embarrassed.
He turned right at the door. I turned left to get away from him. I felt the tears welling in my eyes as I headed down the stairs. What a stupid, stupid idea this had been. I reached the bottom, people were moving about so kept my head hung. I rounded the corner and ran smack bang into someone. I felt their hands on my hips so I looked up to see who it was.
"Sorry," I stammered and felt a tear overflow.
Keean was looking down at me. He didn't remove his hands. "Hey," he said as his eyes moved from my face, flittered to my chest and then focused on my mouth. I panicked because I didn't want him to see how upset I was. I pushed his hands away and bolted. I headed toward the school entrance but heard Katie yelling after me so I stopped. By this time the floodgates had opened and tears streamed down my cheek.
"Hey, hey. What's going on?" She made me sit down under one of the trees. I blurted out the whole story. I told her how he hadn't said a word but had looked at me with a lot of disapproval.
"Do I look bad?" I sobbed.
Katie laughed, pulled out her hair brush and started brushing my hair away from my face. "I think you're over reacting. I think because you were so nervous you read his reaction wrong."
"Why did he look at me like that then, like he hates me?"
"I don't know but if you had to push his hands off you to run away?" Katie shrugged, grinned and cocked her eyebrows. "And you said he checked you out. I don't think it was because he didn't like what he saw."
"Katie, you're not getting it! He made a groaning sound and turned his face up."
She laughed some more. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Let me make the judgement. We have two periods of English next. I'm going to suss him out."
"No...you're not going to say anything to him."
"No. I'm just going to watch his reaction, okay?" Katie patted my arm and pulled me to my feet. "Let's go and wash your face."
Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.
Oh dear. That didn't come off the way Charlie thought it would :(
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I really appreciate all your support
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