Idk the title
Sherlock has started a chatroom.
Sherlock has added John.
Sherlock has changed his name to SH.
SH: John?
John: Yes?
SH: There's a situation in hand and I need your help to get out of it.
John: What is it? Are you fine?
SH: Yes, I am completely fine. But I fear I won't be in the near future.
John: Please don't tell me that you are being forced to jump off Barts again!
SH: You are simply overreacting.
John: Then what is it?
SH: Its Irene Adler.
John: What?!
SH: She's been spamming me with texts and pictures.
John: She's alive?! The Woman is alive?!
SH: That's clearly not the point here!
John: Ok ok... But seriously, what's with psychopaths and fake deaths?
John: Sorry. Ok focusing on your problem, I don't think that its even a problem. She used to do that all the time, didn't she?
SH: Yes, except the fact that her texts are getting more suggestive.
John: I am confused right now. I am confused that whether I should laugh or be grossed.
Irene Adler joined the chat.
John: How the hell did she-
Irene Adler: I am hungry. Lets have dinner.
Y/n turned her invisibility off.
Y/n: Dinner eh? Some guts you have got there Woman.
SH: Y/n
John: Oh shush Sherlock. This is going to be interesting.
Irene Adler: Glad to talk to you again Ms. L/n.
Y/n: Not Glad To Talk to you again Adler.
Irene Adler: Now that's just hurtful.
Y/n: Oh really? I thought seeing me and Sherlock together counted as hurtful.
John added Sherlock to a private chat.
John: This is really amusing!
Sherlock: As much as I hate to admit it, It is amusing.
Irene Adler: Mr. Holmes and you are just together. And you, Ms. L/n, out of all people should know that he doesn't do sentiment.
Y/n: That's the thing Adler. He doesn't do sentiment. And its not sentiment between us.
Irene Adler: Then what is it L/n? Please do enlighten me.
Y/n: Its some higher form of phenomenon that your small brain cannot comprehend.
Irene Adler: Really? Small brain? Last time I checked this small brain brought a nation to its knees.
Y/n: And last time I checked, I whooped your sexoholic ass out of England and I also did save that ass from getting chopped off.
John: Oooh that must have burnt a lot.
In the private chat
SH: JOHN! Don't interfere!
John: I couldn't help it!
Irene Adler: Still doesn't explain why I should stop communicating with Mr. Holmes.
Y/n: I am pretty sure the definition of word communication involved at least two parties. A sender and a receiver.
And hello- i just see you in your hopeless communication attempt with Sherlock.
Irene Adler: You are very possessive about Mr. Holmes, aren't you?
Y/n: Yes. I am. He is mine. And I will do anything to keep it that way. If it includes an acid bath for you.
*private chat*
John: ♩Things are escalating♩
SH: Could you keep quiet for a while?
Irene Adler: Acid bath? I am highly offended.
Y/n: Offended? You should listen to others I have in my mind.
And yes, Stop bothering him before things get nasty.
Irene Adler: No. He is the man that has intrigued me the most. So I am definitely not going to stop. Not till I have him.
Y/n: You sound desperate. When was the last time you got a man or ..... a woman?
Irene Adler is typing
Y/n: Wait- don't tell me. I dont need to know that though i already know the answer.
Irene Adler: Trust me Ms. L/n, I am getting him one day.
Y/n: Trust me Woman, you just signed your death contract.
Y/n: Sherlock love? You still here?
SH: Yes darling.
Y/n: If I do something very stupid and bad, will still love me?
SH: Yes of course :)
Y/n: Thank you :)
John: I don't like the smiley face you two are sending.
Irene Adler: Trying to get me worked up i see.
Y/n: Now that we have settled on the fact that Sherlock will love me no matter what; tell me Adler, which of the following do you prefer:
1) Slowly sliced from the feet to head with a knife.
2) Eye balls gouged out with a spoon while still concious.
3) Sawed in half with rusty old saw.
4) Skinned alive.
5) Burning off the skin followed by a sack of salt and chilli powder on the burns.
6) Bullets in every possible part of the body.
Irene Adler:
Y/n: These 6 are my personal favourite. I also have many more other options if you don't like one of these 6.
*private chat*
John: Y/n is scary. 😨
SH: You think?
John has left the chat.
Y/n: Come on Adler choose one. Oh! I should probably let Mycroft know about your current location.
Y/n: Adler?
Y/n: When i became a doctor, i swore an oath to save lives. And here i am trying to make an exception for you. So go head and choose one.
Irene Adler: What if i don't pick one?
Y/n: Then I'll do all of the 6.
As you can see, i am being nice here. So Choose!
Y/n: Oi Adler!
Y/n: 🎶Not answering won't save you now🎶
Y/n: And before I kill you. I probably should tell you something.
Y/n: Sherlock is really good in bed ;)
SH: Well really?😎
Y/n: Wipe off that smug look before I hurt that beautifully sculpted face of yours. And yes, really ;)
Y/n has logged out.
SH has logged out.
The chatroom has closed.
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