Ties Broken
Chapter 12.
Holly's POV:
I looked up, catching Kelsie's eye. She seemed hurt, but I didn't understand why. After a few seconds of silence, I watched her expression flip, and I've never seen Kelsie that angry at me before. "Are you serious?! Holly, come on! Your better than that!" She screamed at me, flailing her arms at me. "Kelsie, please, calm down." I said, and Tessa came to her side. She put a hand on Kelsie's shoulder, trying to reason with her. But Kelsie swatted it away, glaring at her. Nikolai murmured something that I couldn't hear, but it only seemed the enrage Kelsie that much more. She turned to me again, "You know what? I've had it! You two dragged me away from everything I know, succumb me to nightmarish creatures, and now Holly broke her promise to me?! That's it! I'm done!" She turned to Richtofen, "Talk to me when you can send me home!" Then, she stomped out of the room, Nikolai following behind. I just stood there, unable to say anything. My hands trembled, my knees shook, and My sight grew blurry. In the years I knew her, Kelsie had never given up on me. She was with me, through every twist and turn in high school. Tessa turned my way, "Holly, what promise did you make her?" My lips quivered as tears slid silently down my cheeks. "That I wouldn't make the mistake her friend made. That I would be careful with men, and not get pregnant 'til I was married.." I whispered, my voice trembling at my words. I took a step back, feeling the wall press up behind me. My knees gave out, and I slid to the floor. Tears spilled out, but I didn't make a sound. I spaced out, letting the droplets roll down my face. I was in complete shock, and I felt numb all over. Tessa came to my side, while Tank kneeled by me. I didn't want anyone right now, I wanted to be alone for once. I gathered up my M14, and stood up, silently walking out the door. I could hear Tank calling me, but I kept walking. I began to walk faster, turning quickly into a stead jog. Soon I was sprinting, ducking through hallways an rooms. I had no idea where I was, but I kept going. I needed to be alone for a long while. I slowed down after a while, gasping for breath. Running had never been my greatest attribute, even in my deployment days. I stopped as I entered another new room, taking a second to catch my breath. I looked up, scanning my surroundings. It was a music room, with a large Grand Piano parked by a window. Outside, the full moon shone into the room, making it seem to dance in mystery. I sighed, seeing there were no zombies in the room. I sat against the far wall, relaxing into the calm of silence. My mind wandered, and I placed my hand on my stomach. The thought hadn't really hit me until now, but I was really pregnant. I had a little human growing inside my belly. I giggled, rubbing my tummy. My day dreaming was halted as a piercing, high-pitched laugh made me jump. It was like the laughs you hear in a horror movie, and I was coming from in front of me. I jerked my head up, facing the sound. On the piano sat a small girl, maybe 7 years old. She was pale, with long dark hair, and darker eyes to match. She wore a white nightgown, and a tattered teddy bear was clutched in her arms. She stared at me, and her eyes seemed to dance with curiosity. I smiled at her, "Hello. When did you get there?" She giggled, "When you were playing with your belly, ma'am." I cocked my brow. "Well, what's your name?" She jumped off the piano, and slowly began to plod towards me. "My name is Samantha Maxis." She reached me, then sat down in front of me. I smiled, "Well Samantha, my name is Holly Connerson. Where are your parents? Are you lost in here?" Her lips curled up, revealing pearly white teeth in a perfectly cute smile. "Now I'm not." She whispered, then placed her small hand on mine. "Now I have everything I need."
Tessa's POV:
It had been quite a few hours since Holly disappeared, and no one could find her. Kelsie was still a tad huffy, but she began to worry about our friend more and more as time passed. Tank was pacing furiously, and even Edward seemed a bit off. There were only so many places she could have gone, and she wasn't in any of them. Tank groaned, banging his head off the wall. "Where the fuck is she?!" He yelled, pulling on his hair. "It's not like she can't handle herself. I wouldn't be as worried if it weren't for one simple fact!" I said, "She's pregnant, with my kid!" Tank groaned, and I nodded. Kelsie suddenly gasped, startling everyone. "Holly! There you are!" I turned, and saw Holly standing in the doorway. Her hair was sprawled out, and her eyes were puffy and red. She seemed exhausted as well. Kelsie ran to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry, Holly! I shouldn't have yelled at you!" Holly seemed taken aback, but wrapped her arms loosely around Kelsie. "It's ok, sis." She murmured quietly. Something was off about her, I could feel it. Her energy seemed to be fading away, and her body was weakened. Edward seemed to notice, too. His eyes scanned her every movement. While Tank an Kelsie rejoiced at her return, Holly seemed to stare of into the corner, her droopy eyes fixated on something. Edward spoke up, "Frau, did somezhing happen vhile you vere gone?" Holly's eyes slowly traveled to him, "No, Uncle Edward. Nozhing out of zhe ordinary." She spoke, a heavy German accent playing on her tongue. Edward froze, and his eyes widened. The other men seemed shocked as well, and Tank took her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. Takeo pulled his pistol out of the holster, while Nikolai pulled a protesting Kelsie away from the scene. "What's going on?" I said, turning to Edward, "Why did she call you 'Uncle Edward'?" He avoided my eyes, keeping his locked on the entranced woman, "Because for now, zhat is not Holly. And zhe child she carries is in danger." I snapped my eye to Holly, her own blue orbs lazily drifting around the room. "What happened?" I asked, looking to Edward again. "It seems as zhough zhe frau's body has been taken control of by Samanzha." I cocked a brow, "And who is 'Samantha'?" He turned to look into my eyes, "Zhe controller of zhe MPD. She is zhe reason the patients come to us, zhe reason zhey attack us. She is zhe reason zheir eyes glow zhe color zhey do." He turned attention back to Holly. "Take her to my lab. I have to shtabalize her so zhat Samanzha cannot harm zhe child." Tank and Takeo complied, picking up Holly and carrying her out of the room, Edward followed them, as did I, leaving Nikolai to calm down Kelsie's growing protests.
Holly's POV:
Everything was dark, and a blissful numbness covered my body. What was happening? I couldn't see anything, besides my own body. I could feel anything, and it was like I was floating in deep space. That little girl, Samantha was it? Did she do this? All she had done was take my hand, and everything went dark. I felt something in my stomach wriggle, and I placed my hand on it. My baby, my child, the growing human within my body. I hadn't even begun to form a baby belly yet, so why could I feel it? Placing my hand on it seemed to calm it slightly, and I rubbed my belly to comfort my child. Where was I? Am I dead? What's going on? So many questioned wandered my thoughts, and yet I didn't worry about them. My body couldn't. I was too warm, too numb, too fuzzy-feeling. I had never felt this good before. Silence echoed around me, and the darkness seemed to envelope me in comfort. It was as though my body had been dropped into sudden space. Then, a lone sound caused me to cast my eyes lazily to my side. "Uncle Edward...." Someone whispered. Edward... Edward Richtofen? That voice sounded so familiar, was it Samantha? that was all I heard, then silence fell again. I came to a sudden realization, I had to wake up. Something was wrong with my body, I couldn't move! I struggled to work my arms and legs, but nothing happened. I was frozen in place, and Samantha's nightmarish giggle began to echo around me. It terrified me, I want Tessa, Tank, Kelsie. Even Richtofen at this point sounded like a god to see. I was scared. Scared for my baby, scared for the other, scare for my own life....
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