Samantha's Plot
Chapter 19.
Tessa's POV:
My mind screamed, my hands tore at my hair, and my feet carted me quickly back and forth across the room. Tears ran down my pale cheeks, and my heart pounded against my ribs. Panic was setting in, and I couldn't suppress it now. 'Why?' I thought, shaking my head. 'Why?! WHY?! Why did he send us back?! We had no idea how to operate the Teleporter!' After many, many useless attempts to send ourselves back, Holly and Kelsie had given up. Holly focused all her time and sorrow in energy, caring for Delilah to take her mind off Tank. Kelsie was a wreck, secluding herself to her room. It had been three days, and nothing productive. I had examined the Teleporter up and down, and nothing! Even if we could figure out how to run it, we had no idea what the coordinates were! Hope was fading quickly. And no matter what I did, I couldn't fix this problem. Not this time.
Kelsie's POV:
There had to be a way. I had to get back to Nikolai! My thoughts flicked between possibilities, but deemed each one as irrational or irrelevant. Tessa was going through one panic attack after another. Holly was shutting herself down, no sleep, no food, just constant care and energy use. Delilah, though, seemed to thrive. Her body growing stronger everyday. I envied her, for she could sleep, she could eat, she had no troubles. I shook my head roughly, erasing those thoughts. "Look at me..." I muttered, "I'm becoming jealous of a baby." I rubbed my eyes, glancing at the alarm clock. the bright numbers flashed and eerie green 3:21 AM. I sighed, sitting up and getting to my feet. I plodded heavily across the wooden floor of my bedroom. My home was quiet, painted only with the thick silent air. I trudged into the kitchen, slipping a glass from the cabinet. I ran some water into the glass, then downed it. The cold liquid dribble slowly down my throat, cooling my dry esophagus. I set the glass down on the marble counter, and glanced out the window that hung just above the sink. Darkness inked the outside air in an eerie black blanket. Fog was just recognizable through the lack of light. Tonight was silent, even on the usually busy streets. on normal nights, the roads were lined with cars. The thick sounds of honking and engines usually tainted the night. But tonight, there was nothing. No cars, no people, no animals. Even the dim street lamps were snuffed out. It was odd. I didn't like it. I shook myself for my thoughts, and turned on my heels to head back upstairs. That's when it began. The high pitched giggle of a child pierced the air, and something in the other room rustled violently. I froze, and locked my eyes on the doorway. First, I saw the bear. A tattered child's toy, standing up by itself in the doorway, stained with blood and black gore. I remembered that bear. I had seen it several times while I was fighting hordes with the Nikolai and the others. It was always tucked in a corner, and stuffed sloppily onto a shelf. Never before had I thought suspiciously of it. Now it stood before me, in my own home, in my own time. A chill ran down my spine as a small, pale hand reached from behind the doorframe, clutching the bear. "Teddy. There you are." Rang a little girls voice. It had this demonic, scratchy undertone to it. The little girl stepped into view, picking up the bloodstained bear and pressing it to her cheek. She lifted her head, her long black hair falling over her shoulder and out of her face. Her white gown was tattered and bloodstained. She was small, and as she turned to me, I noted the visible eerie glow of her eyes. I stumbled back, feeling the counter press against my back. I recognized her. She was the little girl who had hurt Holly, and nearly killed Delilah. "S-Samantha..." I whispered. She smirked, the threw her head back, letting out a demonic cackle. "It's ok, Kelsie. I won't kill you. I only want something you have." She breathed, and began to step towards me. My body began to shake. I let out a scream, before her tiny, cold fingers wrapped around my wrist. Then, the world went black.
Holly's POV:
The morning trudged on. Delilah was happy today, babbling softly as I fed her breakfast. Tessa was up as well. She flipped through the channels on the TV, hoping to somehow locate the Saturday morning news. Neither of us had to work today. The doorbell rang. I groaned, passing Delilah to a reluctant Tessa, and walking to the door. I twisted the knob, and pulled the door open. She looked awful! Dark circles lined her eyes, her skin was pale, and her shoulder were slumped. Her dirty blonde hair was rumpled, and fell over her eyes. "Kelsie? Are you ok?!" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Her thin lips parted in a smirk, revealing her pearly teeth. "Kels-!" Her hands shot up, wrapping themselves around my neck, squeezing like a vice around my windpipe. The air stuck in left my lungs, and I tried to pry her hands away. The wall pressed against my back, and my feet left the ground as she lifted me. I couldn't stop her, she was too strong. "Holly? Who's at the door?" Tessa called from the other room. I couldn't answer. "" I croaked. What was she doing?!
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