rj's birthday!
*Today is RJ's birthday! Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all celebrate RJ's birthday with him! Thank you to my bff Thefeelz1234 for helping me write this! Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 🖤
Today is RJ's birthday! 🎉
RJ did not want a huge birthday party or anything crazy like Will threw for him last year, so Will decided to just have a family day and special family dinner to celebrate RJ's birthday.
RJ's birthday landed on a Friday this year, meaning it is a work day for RJ and Will and a school day for Benji and Coralei, so a relaxing family day at home was out the window. However, Will still wanted to make RJ feel really special and loved on his birthday!
Will has been cleaning up the whole entire house and doing all of the household chores, so the house is nice and perfect for RJ when he comes home from work!
Benji and Coralei are also now home from school and they just finished with their homework!
Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are now dressed up in their birthday dinner outfits and they are all waiting for RJ to come home from work!
*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's birthday dinner outfits*
"Coralei and Harlow! You two look very pretty today!" Will says, making Coralei and Harlow both smile ear to ear.
"Thank you, Daddy!" Coralei says as she twirls around happily.
"Ba ba ba da da!" Harlow says as she stomps her feet and giggles at Will.
"And Benji and Theodore! You two look very handsome today!" Will says, making Benji and Theodore smile ear to ear.
"Thank you, Daddy!" Benji and Theodore both say in unison with big cheeky grins.
"Are you all ready to go to Cheesecake Factory for Papi's birthday tonight?" Will asks Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"YES!" Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison.
"We will all go to Cheesecake Factory when Papi comes home from work! Let's finish up decorating the house with birthday balloons!" Will says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"YAY!" Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison to Will with lots of excitement!
Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all finish decorating the house with birthday balloons while they wait for RJ to come home from work!
RJ is now home from work!
Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and even Dobby are standing by the front door to greet RJ when he comes home!
Will films this very special moment on his vlogging camera.
RJ unlocks the front door and is happily greeted by Dobby, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow!
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAPI!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore all say in unison to RJ with big smiles on their faces.
"BA BA PA PI! PA PI!" Harlow says as she smiles up at RJ.
"Aww! Thank you!" RJ says as he smiles at Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow as he hugs and kisses them.
RJ then sees all of the birthday balloons and decorations and smiles at all of the kids and Will.
"Aww, I love all of the birthday balloons and decorations! How fun! Thank you!" RJ says to Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"You're welcome!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison to RJ with big smiles.
"Yaaaa!" Harlow says as she happily stomps her feet and claps her hands.
"Happy birthday, baby." Will says softly as he hugs RJ tightly.
"Thank you! The house looks incredible, you look amazing. You really spoiled me today!" RJ says as Will blushes and smiles.
"Because it is your birthday, I wanted time spoil you." Will says as RJ smiles.
Will and RJ then happily hug and kiss each other.
"Let's give Papi his birthday presents now!" Will says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"YAY!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore all say in unison with big smiles on their faces.
"YAAA! PA PI! PA PI!" Harlow says as she hugs RJ tightly.
One by one, RJ opens up his handmade birthday presents from Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow!
"Thank you all so much for the handmade birthday presents!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow as he hugs and kisses them.
"Here, Papi! We made you this birthday card too!" Benji says with a cheeky grin.
"Yeah! We made it, Papi!" Coralei says with lots of excitement.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Theodore says with a big cheeky grin.
"YAAAA!" Harlow says as she giggles at RJ.
RJ opens up his birthday card the kids made and reads it out loud making all of the kids smile.
"Aww! Thank you! I love this card so so much!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"You're welcome, Papi!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore all say in unison to RJ as they all hug RJ lovingly.
"Ya Pa pi!" Harlow says as she hugs RJ's arm.
"Okay, Bubba, Cora, Teddy and Harlow, give Papi his Cheesecake Factory gift card! His last birthday present! Will says as Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all happily walk over to RJ, who is sitting on the couch petting Dobby.
"Happy birthday, Papi!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore all say in unison to Papi, handing RJ the Cheesecake Gift card.
"Papi! Papi!" Harlow says as she claps her hands happily at RJ.
"Aww! Thank you, guys! Mmm! Yummy! A Cheesecake Factory gift card! YAS! Very yummy! Thank you guys so so much!" RJ says as he kisses and hugs Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow one by one.
Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all giggle and smile ear to ear at RJ.
"Yeah! We are going there, Papi!" Theodore says as he claps his hands and smiles at RJ.
"Yes, Papi! We are going there for your birthday dinner tonight!" Coralei says with excitement.
"Yaaaa!" Harlow says as she giggles and smiles at RJ.
"And we are going to eat cheesecake and birthday cake!" Benji says happily, happy to get lots of sweets tonight!
"We will probably just eat some Cheesecake tonight and not birthday cake too! But we can have birthday cake another time!" RJ says, making Benji smile ear to ear.
"Perfect, Papi!" Benji says to RJ and he smiles ear to ear.
"Happy birthday, baby! We are going to our favorite place for your birthday dinner tonight!" Will says, making RJ blush and smile ear to ear.
"Sounds perfect to me!" RJ says happily to Will as he tenderly kisses Will.
"Are you ready to go out to eat at our all time favorite restaurant? This is my birthday treat for you!" Will says as he softly kisses RJ again and playfully pinches RJ's cheeks and RJ laughs.
"Yes, pleaseeee! I would love that, baby!" RJ says to Will as he hugs Will and then he hugs Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow again.
"Perfect! Let's go guys! Get your shoes and coats on!" Will says as Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all cheer with excitement.
"YAY!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore all say in unison as they jump up and down and get their shoes and coats on.
"Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!" Harlow says as she does grabby hands at RJ.
RJ picks up Hadlow and playfully throws her in the air a few times and kisses her twice before letting her walk around.
"Who is driving? I can do it, babe!" RJ says softly to Will.
"Can you drive us, please? My back is starting to hurt already." Will says as he rubs his tiny baby bump.
"Of course!" RJ says as he smiles at Will and Will smiles back.
Will then begins to feel flutters in his belly. It is the baby kicking and moving around!
"RJ! Feel right here! Kids! Come here! Come here!" Will says with lots of excitement and Will smiles ear to ear.
Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and RJ all feel Will's baby bump and feel slight flutters.
"What is that, Daddy?" Theodore asks Will in confusion.
"Is that the baby moving round, Daddy?" Coralei asks Will happily.
"Yeah! Is that the baby or gas bubbles, Daddy?" Benji says as he giggles at Will.
"Honestly, Daddy is stinky! It is probably just gas bubbles." RJ says playfully to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all begin to laugh loudly at RJ's immature fart comment. Will then playfully smacks RJ's arm and smiles at him
"It is not gas! Don't listen to Papi! It is the baby! The baby is kicking and moving around!" Will says with lots of excitement to RJ and the kids.
"THE BABY? AWW! THAT'S SO CUTE!" Coralei says with lots of excitement.
"Woah!" Theodore says as he puts his face up against Will's baby bump, trying to see if he can see the baby making Will and RJ both giggle loudly.
"Ba ba ba ba ba!" Harlow says with a cheeky smile.
"That is SO COOL, Daddy!" Benji says with a big smile.
"Be careful, don't push too hard guys!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
RJ then feels Baby Shepherd-Aguiar #5 moving around in Will's stomach.
"Wow! I can feel the baby moving around on my birthday! What an amazing surprise." RJ says as he tenderly kisses Will's baby bump.
"The baby is saying happy birthday Papi!" Will says to RJ in a babyfied voice, making RJ smile.
"When will we find out what the baby is, Daddy and Papi?" Benji asks Will and RJ curiously.
"We will find out what of the baby is a boy or a girl when we tell everyone about the baby on Thanksgiving!" Will says to the kids happily.
"YAY!" Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all cheer with big smiles at Will and RJ.
"Thanksgiving is going to be a lot of fun! What do you guys think the baby is?" RJ asks Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow with a cheeky grin.
"It is a baby sissy!" Coralei says proudly and happily.
"No! Baby brother!" Theodore says jokingly to Coralei.
"I will be happy with a baby brother or a baby sister! Either way, it will be very exciting for all of us!" Benji says with excitement.
"You are so right, bubba. Either way we will be happy with a new baby in their family." Will says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow with a grin.
"Ya! Ba ba ba ba ba ba!" Harlow says as she gets very excited.
"Now, let's all go to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Papi's birthday!" Will says as the kids all cheer happily again.
Will then kisses RJ's cheek and holds his hand.
"Let's go eat!" RJ says to Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow with big smiles.
"Yay!" Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow say in unison with big smiles.
RJ, Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all load up in RJ's car and they begin the forty minute drive to downtown to Cheesecake Factory!
Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all at Cheesecake Factory and have just settled in their seats in their family! booth!
Benji, Coralei and Theodore are all sitting together on one side of the booth and Will and RJ are sitting together on the other side of the booth. Harlow is sitting in a baby seat.
Benji, Coralei and Theodore all happily look at the Cheesecake Factory menus together.
"What do you all want for dinner today? You guys can get anything you want!" Will asks the kids as he sips on his water.
"I would like some lasagna for dinner, please!" Benji says to Will with a big cheeky smile.
"I want some chicken nuggets, please!" Coralei says to Will with a big grin.
"Mmm! Lasagna and chicken nuggets sound very very good!" Will says to Benji and Coralei.
"Mac and cheese! Mac and cheese!" Theodore says as he giggles at Will and RJ.
"You and your mac and cheese, huh?" Will says as Theodore giggles.
"Teddy is mac and cheese OBSESSED!" RJ says playfully to Theodore, making Theodore laugh again.
Harlow plays with her toy and throws it on the floor several times making RJ, Will, Benji, Coralei and Theodore all laugh.
"Silly girl! Don't throw your toy on the floor!" RJ says in a babyfied voice making Harlow giggle and happy.
"What are you getting for dinner, birthday boy? Your usual? I am getting my usual as well, I have been really craving it lately." Will says as he chuckles.
"I am definitely getting my usual too! But you know what I really want tonight too? A Hershey cheesecake! It is so good, baby!" RJ says to Will making Will chuckle.
"Mmm! We can definitely get that for you, birthday boy." Will says to RJ as Will playfully pinches RJ's cheek.
"And what are you going to eat, Harlow? Are you going to have some chicken nuggets too? Mmm!" Will says in a babyfied voice at Harlow.
"Ba ba ba ba!" Harlow says as she throws her toy again.
"We have the cutest kids, don't we?" RJ asks Will playfully with a grin.
"Harlow Scarlett, don't throw your toy baby girl!" Will says as Harlow giggles loudly at him.
"And we sure do. I am so blessed to have this family with you." Will says as he holds RJ's hand.
"Papi! I am going to make you a birthday card!" Coralei says to RJ.
"ME TOO!" Theodore says with lots of excitement.
"I am sure I will love them Cora and Teddy!" RJ says happily to Coralei and Theodore.
Meanwhile, The waiter comes over and takes all of their orders!
Theodore writes some scribble on his birthday card and hands it to RJ.
"What does your card say, Theodore?" Will asks Theodore.
"I wuv Papi!" Theodore says happily to Will and RJ.
"I spelled birthday wrong! My birthday card is ruined!" Coralei says with a frown.
"No it's not! Just cross it out and fix it, it's okay!" Benji says encouraging Coralei to finish her birthday card.
Coralei fixes her card and gives it to RJ, making RJ smile ear to ear.
"Thank you all so so much! I love the cards!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
After eating their dinner, Will orders some Hershey Cheesecake pieces for RJ per his request as his birthday great to celebrate his birthday!
*RJ's birthday cheesecake*
"Woah!" Theodore and Harlow say in unison with big smiles on their faces.
"That looks yummy!" Coralei says happily.
"It looks so yummy!" Benji says with a big smile.
"Mmm! This looks so good!" RJ says to Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"Okay, guys! Let's sing happy birthday to Papi!" Will says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Papi! Happy birthday to you!" Will, Benji, Coralei and Theodore all sing in unison to RJ, making RJ and Harlow both smile.
"Make a wish!" Will says to RJ with a big grin.
RJ thinks of a birthday wish and blows out his candles causing Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all clap and cheer happily.
RJ, Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all happily eat a piece of Hershey cheesecake together!
After RJ's birthday dinner, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all head home and have a birthday movie night!
RJ had an absolutely wonderful birthday with his husband and four children. :)
Will posts a picture of himself and RJ sitting together in the booth at Cheesecake Factory. Will is happily kissing RJ's cheek and RJ is smiling. He writes the caption as: "happy birthday to then love my of life and the papi of my kids @damnitrj. thank you for putting up with me for all of these years. I love you soooo much ❤️ 📸: benji"
Will posts another picture of RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all sitting together on the floor as they all hug each other. He writes the caption as: "these four love their papi so so much 😇 happy birthday @damnitrj ❤️🥰"
RJ posts a picture of Theodore, himself, Coralei, Benji, Will, Harlow and Dobby all sitting together on the floor. He writes the caption as: "It is my birthday! Thank you @shep689 for making my birthday perfect! 😘"
RJ posts another picture of Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all happily hugging and kissing him. RJ has his eyes closed and he is smiling. He writes the caption as: "These four make birthdays really fun again 🥰"
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