Chapter One: Deep Breathing
It was a long time before my father even considered letting me date. I was his only daughter, and the only lady in his life.
My mother passed away when I was 11 years old. Leaving me with my father, Phil Coulson. I had an older brother, Jonathan but he's in college and I never see him.
I got a job as Mr. Starks personal assistant. Like JARVIS, but physical and a woman. Mr. Stark was a genius, but also very self obsessed, and a bit of a flirt. I had no interest in Mr. Stark, but being his assistant got me into all of his press meetings, and got me to meet all of the Avengers.
They were great people. I had grown very close to Miss Romanoff. Bruce was wonderful to talk to. Clint was always good for a laugh, and a warm hug. Thor was fun to watch and listen to, he delighted in learning about Midgard. Steve was especially sweet and respectful. But most of all, I enjoyed Bucky's company.
When he first came to the Avengers he was still a bit rough around the edges and not at all good in social situations. But after a few months, he began to soften.
I had begun to develop feelings for him. I didn't mind his metal arm, or that he sometimes woke in the middle of the night screaming. I had a room in the Stark Tower, and always came to Bucky's side when the nightmares attacked.
One night it was particularly bad, and I could tell long before I reached his door. I woke from sleep, but I could not remember why.
Glancing at the clock, seeing that it was 2 in the morning. I got out of bed, and pulled my favorite robe over my shoulders. Something tugged at me, something was wrong.
Tip toeing down the hall to Bucky's door, my fingers had just closed around the door handle when I heard him cry out. Yanking the door open, I rushed in knowing full well that if I didn't rouse him soon, it would only be worse.
I knelt beside his thrashing form, and grabbed his shoulders and pinned him down to the mattress.
"Bucky, wake up!" I called. He continued thrashing, I shook him attempting to bring him out of it. "Bucky! Come on Buck. Come back to me,"
His pained grunting began to ebb. But his breathing was still unsteady. He gasped for air, siting bolt upright, death gripping the sheets.
I climbed onto the mattress, sitting close to him, he gripped my shoulders, I took hold of his forearms, looking into his eyes.
"Bucky, breathe for me," I said. Gripping him tighter.
He sputtered and gasped, "(Y/n)?" "Can't.... Br-.... Breathe,"
"Yes you can, come on Bucky. Do it with me,"
I placed one hand over his heart, and took his hand and placed it over mine, holding it in place. I took a deep breath in through my nose. He copied unsteadily. I exhaled through my mouth, looking at him to see if he'd follow.
His eyes dark and wild, but he exhaled shakily. This continued for a few minutes. Breathing together, until his heartbeat seemed steady enough.
I swept a few stray strands of his dark brown hair away from his eyes, and behind his ear.
"You okay?" I asked gently. Stroking his cheek with the back of my hand. He says nothing, but pulls me into his tight embrace. I rest my arms on his bare back. Rubbing softly with my right hand.
I don't want to leave him alone, something was different this time. It hurt him differently this time. I wondered what had changed, but I didn't want to pry.
He began to murmur things in Russian into my hair. I don't speak Russian, he knew that.
"What does that mean?" I whispered. He didn't answer, at least not in English. I didn't push it. He tightened his grip around my body.
Finally I pushed away from him, I enjoyed his touch but couldn't stay awake all night. Mr. Stark had a meeting, I looked at the clock on his bedside table, in two hours.... It's 5 o'clock in the morning...
"Bucky, I have to go" I whispered. He looked down, then back at me.
"I'm sorry (Y/n), I shouldn't have kept you here,"
"No no, it's okay. I just, can't stay. I'll be late if I don't get ready now," I climbed off of the bed, moving to the door.
"I'm sorry (Name)," he said.
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