Chapter Eight: Confessions of a Single Father
The phone rang, I didn't really want to pick it up. I just wanted to get some sleep, I was exhausted. But I picked it up, as it does happen to be my job.
"Oh, Hi Daddy," I said tiredly, I was still a little miffed by his behavior earlier in the week.
"Hi honey, I was wondering if you could come meet me at the diner on 39th Street. I need to talk to you,"
"Does it have to be tonight Daddy?" I ask, pacing about my room.
"I'd prefer it to be tonight. Why? Did you have plans?"
"Only with my pillow, but yes, I'll meet you at the diner,"
45 minutes later, I was sitting in the diner waiting for my dad, sipping on a chocolate shake. He strolled in and took the seat in front of me.
"Hi Daddy," seeing him made me remember Monday night. My tone more spiteful than I would have liked.
"(Name), I'd like to apologize to you, for the way I acted on Monday night,"
"Is that a fact?"
"Yes, well. I know you can take care of yourself (Name). And I know you can make good decisions,"
"Mhm... But I don't understand why you acted that way. It's not like he was some dirty hoodlum,"
"(Name), you are so much like your mother. And you are all I have left of her. I've been selfish not giving you a chance to be happy,"
I gave him a quizzical look.
"Honey, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"
"I forgive you Daddy. But I'm not the one you really need to apologize to,"
"Agent Barnes?"
"Bucky. And you owe it to him, Dad,"
"I suppose that's true. I'll talk to him,"
"Good, now um I've got an appointment that I am already late for. With my mattress and a pillow,"
He gave a laugh,
"Alright honey, go get some sleep,"
I kiss his cheek and leave the diner.
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