My P.O.V
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
Except in (Y/N) and Chaser's house, they and there friends were all stirring because tonight's the night they save their parents!
Your P.O.V
Everyone's ready. "Do we all know the plan?" Mr. Ink asked all of us. We nodded. "Good." He said. "Alright, everyone remember the code word is rochambeau, got it?" Ink asked. "Rochambeau!!" We all yelled out to confirm that we knew it. And yes we are borrowing the code word from Hamilton. But it was all we could come up with. All credits go to the makers of Hamilton though. It was already night, so now we just have to calm Omni down and we're good. No one really knows why she's mad, but Scout says she gets a little pumped up when they go on missions. But that's ok. A few minutes later, we went out. I can't wait to see our family again. We walked over to the house, and prepared the grappling hooks. "The grappling hooks are ready. Delta, Omni, Scout, you three ready to go up?" I whispered to them. The three nodded.
Omni's P.O.V
We grabbed the grappling hooks and went on up on the roof. After we climbed up, we started searching around for an entrance. "Found one." Scout said. "All right. I'll signal it to them." I said. They nodded. I crawled back over to the side of the roof where we climbed up, and signaled to them that we'd open it and open the door from inside. They nodded. "How do we get it open?" Scout asked. "We break it." I said. "Its bulletproof glass." She said. Dangit. "We can open it." I said. "How?" Scout asked. I smirked. "Delta, can you kick it open or break it?" I asked. "Yep." He said, and then he stood up and kicked it open. We crawled inside and went to the front door to open it. We did.
Your P.O.V
After they opened the door for us (I thanked them), we heard some noises. It was a piano. It was playing, 'His Theme'. Oh this brings back memories from when Willow, Amy, and the others were still alive... No! I have to focus on the plan. Just then, I heard soft crying coming from the basement. It sounded like.... AKARI!! THEY'RE HERE!! YES!! I ran to the basement door and quietly threw open the door. The others noticed I ran ahead, but someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Chaser. "It'll be ok, we just gotta take them back and go home." He told me. He must've known that I was feeling uneasy about going down. Normally, I don't express emotions to others easily, but I just couldn't help but hug him. I let go, and quietly we sank down the basement stairs.. I saw them. And they're alive. I'm so close to crying, but if I cry, I'll make too much noise. "Hey!" I whispered. They looked at me. Momma gasped. Daddy smiled. Akari and Mitsuko ran as far as they could without being held back by their chains. Neko was sleeping, but she gave a little sleepy smile. Momma was holding Neko. So cute!!! "We're here to rescue all of you. Don't worry, we brought friends and people who are not dangerous." Chaser told them. Momma was crying, but she nodded. "Omni, can you pickpocket the chains please?" I whisper-asked her. She nodded. After she did that, the twins' hugged her. Then she brought them back to me and Chaser. "Scout, Delta, can you two please bring them back to the car?" I whisper-asked. They nodded, and went. "Pallet, can you please calm down our Mom while PJ is breaking the cell please?" Chaser whisper-asked him. They nodded, and headed over to her. Pallet sweet talked her while PJ was sawing off her chains, careful not to hurt her. How sweet.. I heard Mom ask if someone could take Neko. "Switch, can you take Neko please?" I whisper-asked her. She nodded, and went over to her. She held out her hand, as soon that the baby would be placed in her arms. Then she brought the sleeping angel back over to me. I held her. "Mr. Ink, can you and Coach Error please free our Dad?" Chaser whisper-asked them. They nodded, and went over to free Dad. Momma and Daddy stood up, and thanked them immediately. They brought our parents back over to us, and we hugged them. They hugged us back. "Let's go." I said. We all went back up. Just then, we heard ticking. Confused whispers grew around our little group. Just then, I noticed... Oh no. "Everyone get out now!!" I said in my normal, non-whispering voice. "What?" Some of them asked me. "NOW!!" I yelled out. we all ran out the door. We all got in the car, and mom started to drive away. After a few seconds of being in the car and driving, we all heard an explosion behind us. We all looked back. The kidnappers' house was in flames. The doll we saw, its head rolled onto the road. It stopped rolling. But then it slowly moved so now that it was facing us. And then it smiled... IT FREAKEN SMILED!! "GO GO GO!" I screamed. Everyone's eyes were widened, due to the fact that we just witnessed some sort of horror movie. Mom stepped on the gas, and sped right out of there. In a few minutes, we were home. Momma couldn't stop thanking everyone. We all got out. Now Neko was awake, and she was slowly getting up. She started shaking in my arms. I held her closer to my body, and whisper-sung 'You Are My Sunshine' to her. She calmed down, and was fast to fall back asleep. Everyone stared at me. I tilted my head back up at all of them and smiled. They smiled too. I'm glad that all this drama is over, and that I met such nice people..
My P.O.V (Betcha didn't expect that, did'ja?)
BUT WAIT!!!!!!!!
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