Chapter 5: School (Part 3)
Your P.O.V
I woke up. I didn't know where I was, but whoever helped me wasn't here. Apparently, The nurse was taking care of me, so I left her a note that says, 'Dear Nurse, I am off to my next class. I am writing you this note so you do not worry. Your patient, (Y/N)' I then headed off to class. I showed up. I knew we had a gym uniform, so I quickly changed into that and went out. The skirt was a little too short for my taste, but otherwise, it was ok. I quickly found my friends and went over.
"WE'RE PLAYING DODGEBALL TODAY! GIRLS VS. BOYS!" I smirked. I quickly went over to where the other girls were. I had a plan, but I don't want to tell anyone. 'This'll be fun~' I thought. He blew the whistle, and most of the girls went for the dodgeball's. The girly girls were the first to get out. Then, the tomboys. I have to admit, the put up quite a fight to stay in. Soon enough, I was the only one in. I knew what was going to happen. The boys were going to throw in 3.....2.....1! They all threw. I jumped, did a backflip, and caught almost all of the balls they threw at me. Most of them I got out. and by that, I mean I got more than half of them out. It repeated over and over until there was one boy left. Coach blew his whistle. "PJ VS. (Y/N)!" He yelled out. I smirked. I had another plan. I threw all the balls in the air at once. And then, I threw them all at him. He doged all except one. The very last one. Coach blew his whistle again. "GIRLS WIN!" He yelled out. I quickly escaped and went to change. After I changed, I made my way through a swarm of people. I was about to leave when I got stopped by someone. It was another boy. "Did'ja need somethin'?" I asked him as I tilted my head. "Uh...........Yeah." "What is it?" "Is your back ok??" My eyes widened. "How.. How did you know?" "I was the one who carried you." My eyes widened. "T-thank you.. What's your name?" I asked. "I'm-" He was cut off by the bell. We said our goodbyes to each other. I went to my next period. It's music. I went to the music room and waited. A few seconds later, people arrived.
"Ok class, today you all will be singing a song of your choice with a group. Here are the groups;" I was partnered up with Dust, Cil, and Pallet. "So, what do you guys want to do?" I asked. "How about 'Gigantic O.N.T'.?" "Ok!" We all said.
I was just about to leave when Pallet came up to me. "(Y/N)?" "Yes?" "Do you wanna join a club?" "Uh.....Sure!" "Ok! Meet me after school at the gym, k?" "K." Then he ran off. Then I got a text.
C: Hey (Y/N).
Y: Hi!
C: I don't think I'm going to be able to walk you home..
Y: Why??
C: Remember our little crew?
Y: Yeah, why?
C: Well.............I JUST FOUND THEM! Also I overheard that they're gonna go to the park!
C: Yup!
Y: I'll meet you there! Where are you?
C: At the back of the school.
Y: I'll be there in a few!
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