Chapter 3: School (Part 1)
Your P.O.V
"BEEP BEEP BE-" I broke my alarm clock. I launched myself out of bed, grabbed my clothes and went to go take a shower.
After I took a shower, I grabbed my clothes and slid down the stairs' railing. "Morning sweetie!" Mom said. "Dad's already at work, and your brother's still sleeping." I had an idea. "Is he now?" I said. I smiled mischievously. "Hold this." I gave her my phone. I went into the kitchen, got some pots and pans, and pressed the 'record' button on my phone. We went up the stairs to our room. I had a plan. "1........2........3!" I whisper-yelled. "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE' A YA'LL! YA'LL NEVA' GET NO SLEEP CAUSE' OF ME!~ " I screamed and banged the pots and pans. Sure enough, he shot right up and fell right out of bed. "............Why do you do this to me?" "Its fun! Duh!" He made a ' -_-' face, which made us laugh even HARDER ! "Anyhow, c'mon! Its the first day of school and breakfast is ready!" I told him after we finally calmed down. We all went downstairs for breakfast.
We finished breakfast and went out. I had a eye-patch over my right eye because I didn't want to seem like a freak and get bullied on my first day. Chaser tried to convince me to go without the patch, but failed. Once the bus arrived and we got on, I started to hear whispers. 'Who's that girl?' 'What happened to her?' And other stuff like that. I walked to the nearest open seat and sat down. I'm not sure where Chaser went. As I was about to go near him, a skeleton sat next to me. "HI!" He said. I jumped and looked at him. "Uh.........Hi...?" I said. Honestly, if I'm around anyone other than people in my family, I get super shy and tense up. But I don't let it show. "Hey, mister?" I said "YES?" He said. "Can you please be a little more quiet? I......I-I have social anxiety.." I said. "Oh! sure." He said. I thanked him. "Welcome! Say, are you new here?!" "Yea.." "You want me to show you around?" "Uh.. Sure! But can my brother come with?" "Sure!" "Thanks.." "Welcome!" The bus stopped. "Oh! I almost forgot! What's your name?" "(Y/N). Yours?" "I'm Pallet!" He said. We got out of the bus, and I quickly found my brother. "Chaser!" I said and started going towards him. "My new friend is gonna show us around!" I pointed to Pallet. "Thanks!" Chaser said. Then we started to hear panting coming from behind me. Once I turned around, a skeleton ran right into me, knocking me over. "(Y/N)!! Are you ok?!" Chaser and Pallet asked me. "OHMYGOSH! I'M SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO SORRY! ARE YOU OK?!" The skeleton said as we got up. "I'm fine sir, but are you ok?" I asked him. He looked very surprised. "Yea.. I mean I GUESS, but who would care, am I right?" He said. "What? Wait- is that what you really think?" "Yeah.." "Why?" "Because no one's ever cared before.." He said. "Who says I don't?" I said. I looked the boy in his eyes as I said this. "Why were you running?" "Because someone was chasing me." "Why?" "I don't know." "Gender?" "Male." "What did he do to make you so scared?" "He and his little 'crew' have been bulling me." My eyes widened. I looked at Pallet. "Pallet." "Yes?" "Where is the principles office?" They all looked at me. "I'll take you there." Pallet said. I thanked him. "BTW, what's your name?" "Fresh." "I'm (Y/N)." I said. Then I grabbed Fresh' hand and followed Pallet. Once we reached the principles' office, we were greeted by one of the secretaries. "Hello. What can I do for you?" He said. "We need to see the principal, please." "Ok. Go ahead in." He said and pointed to a door labeled 'Principal and Vice principal'. We went in and were greeted by a small cat-dog thing. "HoI! MuY NaME iz PrINcePle TeMMie!" Temmie said. "Hi. Me and my brother are new here, and my friend, Fresh, is getting bullied and I would like you to do something about it." I said with full authority. "Pr00f?" I looked at fresh and said "Well?" He looked back at me. "I got some. I took video of the entire thing." Chaser said. He played the video and it showed a zoom-in of Fresh getting bullied. "ThaNkS! EveRYoNe BuT FreSH cAN LeaVE NOw! yAYa1!" Tem said. After that, I went back to the secretary and asked for me and my brothers' scheduals.
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