Chapter 29
Your P.O.V
I woke up beaming. Todays the day before prom! I'm so excited! My brother was already awake, and some people were at my house. I made my way downstairs to Delta, Levi, Chaser, and.... Oh. My. STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE OF MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!! "ANAYA RIKO SINISTER HYPNO IRENE!!!!!!!!" I screamed out, catapulting myself off of the stairs. They all flinched. Riko ran and hid behind Anaya, and Sinister and Hypno looked my way, clearly surprised that I can still scream as loud as I used to. Irene ran over and hugged my leg (Irene is 3 years old, Anaya and Riko are both 12, Hypno is 15, and Sinister is 19). "Hewo!" She said, looking up at me. I picked her up and hugged her. I spun her around holding her up, she giggled cutely and smiled. "Its so good to see you all again!!" I said, walking toward them. I let Irene get down, and Anaya ran over and hugged me. "Hi (Y/N)!" Anaya and Riko said at the same time. "Oh, so I see you've met my cousins?" Delta asked me, looking at me. I looked back at him, surprised. "Wait WHAT????????????" I asked confused. He smiled. Anaya let go of me. "He said that you were going through kind of a hard time, and he knew we were in the area, so he invited us over so we could surprise you!" She said, beaming. I ran over to Delta and hugged him tightly. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!" I screamed out, probably suffocating him. I let go. He just smiled and said; "No problem." Then, Levi grabbed my wrist. I looked at him. "Did you need something?" I asked, tilting my head. He blushed. "U-uh.. n-no." He said, letting go of my wrist. I smiled. Just then, Anaya pulled me back over to her. "Hey, wanna go hang out around Sakura street?!" She asked, clearly excited. "I heard that the festival is today!" She said happily. I beamed at her. "Yes!" I said, excited. "Here, we all can go. Most of us need to change, so we'll meet you, Chaser, Amari, Mitsuko, Neko, and your parents there, ok?" She told me. I nodded. They all headed out. "C'mon Chaser, lets go get changed!!" I said excitedly as I ran up the stairs. He laughed. "Ok, ok, I'm coming!" He said, following me.
I came down in my outfit. Chaser was already done changing, so he was waiting for me. This is my outfit:
(outfit not mine credit to whoever made this) I came downstairs. Chaser was smiling. "You ready?" He asked me, clearly happy that we are able to do this again. I nodded, and smiled. We walked over to Sakura street. I was skipping my way down, and Chaser was right beside me. "You know, you look like a little anime girl when you skip and dress like this." He told me, smiling. I smiled, and nodded. He really likes anime. "Wait!" I said, stopping. He stopped as well. "What?" He asked. I teleported my cat ear headband into my hand, and then placed it on my head. "Look! Now I'm a true anime!" I said, beaming. Chaser just laughed. "C'mon, we're gonna be late." He told me. We began walking to Sakura lane. Once we got there, I ran up to Anaya. "So what are we gonna do first?" I asked her. Anaya smiled, and led me over to some of the rides. "Lets go on the Sakura Karuseru." She said, leading the way. We all got on. I was with Levi on the ride. Once we were at the top, we could see all of the Sakura trees. I was beautiful! Just as the festival was closing, once we were all outside, Levi asked to talk to me in private. I nodded, and he led me to behind one of the Sakura trees. "Did you need something?" I asked him, tilting my head like I did earlier. He blushed, and then got down on one knee. "(Y/N), I've liked you since the first day we met. Your beautiful (E/C) eyes, the way your (H/C) hair flows in the wind, everything about you is just perfect!" He said. I gasped, and covered my mouth. Surly he knows that PJ already asked me, right..? The others told him, right?! "(Y/N) (L/N), will you be my girlfriend and prom date..?" He asked me. "Oh.. Oh my... Levi, I...." I stuttered, not able to tell him. "I'm.... sorry." I said after I finally managed to get it out. He got up, and looked at me confused. "What for?" He asked. I took a long, deep breath of air, and exhaled. "PJ already asked me. I'm so sorry.. I'm going to have to say no." I finally managed to get out. I looked into his eyes. I can tell he's filled with rage, sorrow, and disappointment. He grabbed me by my shoulders, and threw me harshly against one of the Sakura trees, pinning me to it. Tears stung my eyes. "HOW DARE YOU PICK SOMEONE WHO YOU BARELY KNOW OVER SOMEONE THAT YOU'VE KNOWN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!!!! I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU FROM THE BEGINNING AND YOU'VE ONLY KNOWN THAT JERK FOR HALF A YEAR!!!!" He said, screaming at me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, my eyes closed as he said that. Nothing would have hurt me more than this. "Fine. If I cant have you willingly be mine...." He said, trailing off. I opened up my eyes. "Then I'm going to have to force you to be mine." He said, smirking, gripping my jaw. "Wh-what do you m-me---" He cut me off with a forceful kiss. I struggled against him. I broke the kiss. "LEVI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed at him. He smirked, and tried to kiss me again. "H.. help-... HELP!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.
PJ's P.O.V
I arrived just as the park was closing with Omni, Scout, and Katana. I met up and talked with the others as the children played, when suddenly we all heard a scream for help. "HELP!!!" We heard someone scream out. That sounds like....."(Y/N)!!!!!" I yelled. They looked surprised. "WE HAVE TO GO HELP HER!!!!!!!!" I told them boldly. They nodded. We all started running into the forest. "KATANA, WOLF FORM!" I heard Anaya scream out. Katana dropped on the ground, and transformed into a baby wolf. "How will that help?!" I asked. "You'll see!" Anaya responded, her hair and eyes becoming a deathly red color. We found her. The kids ran to Levi and began to yell at him. He was pinning MY girl to a tree..!! "HEY!" Irene screamed at him. He looked to her. "Leave my cuzzy aone!" She said, angry. Her hair and eyes became the same death red color as Anaya's. Levi laughed, and punted her to the side. "Oh, and what're YOU gonna do, little girl?! Cry to your mommy and daddy?! HAH! And all you have is that weak dog of yours to defend yourself!" He said. Just then, Katana transformed into a terrifying wolf thing. "W h a t w a s t h a t?" Irene asked him in the most terrifying voice ever. I jumped out and jump kicked Levi to the ground.
Your P.O.V
PJ jump kicked Levi to the ground. Anaya, Riko, Sinister, Hypno, and Chaser ran over to me. I sunk to the ground and cried. Anaya hugged me while Chaser was trying to heal me. The kids came over and asked if I was ok, and eventually Delta came over to me. Omni and Scout were scolding Levi. "Are you ok?" Delta asked me. I looked up, and nodded. Levi and PJ were fighting. "C-can we s-stop t-them pl-please?" I asked. Anaya nodded, and walked over to Levi and PJ. "Alright, that's enough boys." I heard her say. They were still fighting, so Anaya used her magic to separate them. I saw them both glaring at each other. I finally stopped crying. "A-are you h-hurt?!" Riko asked me, panicking and crying. I calmed him down with calming magic, and smiled softly at him. "I'm fine, sweetheart." I told him. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. Just then, I saw Levi with a weapon in his hand, and he charged at PJ. Due to my instinct, I ran over and protected PJ, resulting in me getting stabbed. I glared at him. I heard everyone gasp. "What..?" I asked. I crossed my arms, then yelped and flinched back in pain. I looked at my arms to see blood. I looked back at my friends, and then fell to the floor. I all the sudden became dizzy, and I looked at all the blood on the floor. I could feel it coming straight out of my gut, I grunted in pain. I was panting as I saw the blood gush out of my stomach, screaming in the pain that I was in. I felt someone catch me as I fell asleep. And then...
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