Chapter 24
Hello everyone, I would just like to say thank you for 2.2K and in the next chapter, I will let you comment truths and dares for all the characters. But it will be in the bloopers for the Christmas special. Here are the characters:
Mr. Ink
Coach Error
Original Ink
Mr. Nightmare
Mr. Dream
Mr. Cross
Original Cross
and ME!!!
Thank you for all the love and support you gave me. You can comment truths, dares, asks, or anything else if you all want. Thank you for reading this! And now, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!)
Your P.O.V
I woke up in my bed. Wait how did I even get here? I was in the living room when I fell asleep! Whatever, I probably was sleep teleporting again. I got up and out of bed, and went to check on my brother. I lifted myself up on the bunk bed, and saw him still sleeping. I smiled softly to myself. I climbed down, and went to change into my outfit for today.
(Change the gloves and stockings to orange and the boots and belt to brown the white can stay as it is) It was simple, and it looked really good. It was a few days before the big day, and I was nervous and excited. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs to see who it was. Oh my gosh.. "LEVI?!" I yelled out. "Hey cutie~" He said. I hugged him tightly. Its so good to see my old friend again!! "How are you?" He asked me. "I-I'm better now that I have you back!!" I said, excitement filling my voice. Levi and I have been friends ever since we were kids! But once he moved away, I thought I would never see him again. But I'm so happy he's here now!! I let him go. "Wow, you've changed!" I said. "Really? How so?" He asked. "Well, you're taller, and your hair dulled a little." I told him. His hair used to me a bright blond color, but it dulled so much it looked like he had dirty blond hair now. "Pff-- wish I could say the same to you, shorty!" He said laughing. I glared playfully at him and punched him lightly in the arm. "And may I say, you look stunning hun!" He said flirtatiously. "Never mind, you haven't changed at all." I said, blushing. I looked away. "Anyway, you want to come in?" I asked kindly. "Sure!" He said. We went inside. "Is your overprotective brother still sleeping?" He asked playfully. "Hey, I'm not THAT overprotective of (Y/N)!!" He said from the kitchen, still in his pajama's. Levi and I both flinched. "O-Oh! I didn't know you were awake yet bro!" I said nervously. "You remember Levi, don't you?" I asked him. He nodded. We talked for a few minutes, and then we heard the doorbell ring again. "I'll get it!" I told them. I got up and opened the door. It was PJ! (Can you see what's gonna happen?) "Hi PJ!" I said cheerfully. "Hi (Y/N)." He said. I think he noticed that Levi was here, because he asked, "Oh. I didn't know you had company over.. Did I come at a bad time?" PJ asked. "Oh no! Not at all, come on in!" I said, motioning for him to come in. He entered. "PJ, have you met Levi?" I asked. "I don't think so." He said. "Levi, this is PJ. PJ, this is Levi." I said, motioning to each one. "Hi." They both said. I could tell PJ was blushing. "Is something wrong?" I asked him, tilting my head a little. He looked at me, and his blush intensified. "N-no no! It's j-just..." He trailed off. He put his arm on my back and pulled me closer, and put his hand on my chin and lifted it, so now I was looking straight into his eyes. "You just look so beautiful." He said, clearly blushing. I was blushing too. Then Levi appeared out of nowhere and came in between us. "EYYYYY PJ WHATCHA DOING THERE BUD?!?!" Levi asked. PJ and I flinched back. I could tell Levi and PJ were glaring at each other. "Hey, can you both back off and give her some space please?" My brother asked, clearly trying hard not to obliterate the both of them because he thought they were 'too close'. They both stepped away from me. "So, what have you both been up to lately?" I asked, trying to break the tension. "That's exactly why I came here, (Y/N). Switch told me you needed help, and she asked me if I could come. So I did, and she already told me the plans, and I memorized every entrance and exit in the house." He said seriously. I was surprised. "W-wow.. Y-you'd do that for... me?" I asked him. He started blushing a light orange. "W-well duh! You're my best friend, of course I would! And it's a way of paying you both back for saving me so many times!" He said. I ran over and hugged him tightly. "Thank you..." I told him. I let him go, and we were both smiling. I turned around to see PJ fuming. "Awww, is someone feeling left out? Or..." I trailed off. My brother knew what was coming ever sense I hugged Levi, and he already was recording us. "Jealous?" I asked smirking. He instantly blushed. "W-WHAT?! NO!! I-I JUST--" I cut him off by running over and hugging him. "Awww, its ok PJ!" I said smirking. I could faintly hear my brother whisper to Levi, but he said; "Hey, your not gonna let him win this game of passion, are you?" I blushed, but was still hugging PJ. I could see both of them behind us. Levi was fuming and Chaser was laughing and recording. So, I gave them one of my, 'You'd better knock it off or I will destroy both of you' glares. They noticed, and flinched back. I broke the hug and saw some kids staring in our window. They noticed I saw them and hid. But I knew both of them. I smiled, and sighed. "We've got more company." I said. They all looked at me confused. I walked over to the door and opened it. They are so bad at hiding. I found them, and picked them both up by the back of their shirts in each hand. "U-uh....." They both said. It was TK and TG. "I-its not what it looks like!" TG said. "Its ok, but how'd you know I was he--" "TK! TG! SO THATS WHERE YOU BOTH WENT!" I heard someone yell. I looked behind me to see Ink (Not NAJ Ink, original Ink) running at me. "(Y/N)!" He said as soon as he noticed me. "I-I'm so sorry about this!!" He said. "Its fine Ink. Do you three wanna come in and tell me what happened?" I asked. The three looked at me surprised. "You're..... Not mad?" Ink asked me. "Nope, I just wanna know what happened." I said. They nodded, and we went inside. "Dad?" I heard PJ ask. "Oh, hi PJ!" Ink said. "I thought you were at home with the others." PJ said. "Ink, this is one of the A.U.'s where you and Error are PJ's parents." I told him. "This is Ink from another timeline." I explained to him. "Ohhhh......." Levi, Chaser, and PJ all said at the same time. "Sooooo......... Does that still make you my dad or.." PJ asked. I could tell Chaser was near laughing. "PJ, lemme tell you about the A.U.'s..." He said. Ohhh boy, this'll take a while....
It's over. "So, wanna tell us how you even got here?" I asked. Ink nodded, but I felt like he was going to lecture the kids for some reason. "Well, I was babysitting them both and we were in FlowerFell, and we were playing hide and seek.. And I went to find them after counting, and for a good 20 minutes, I was searching for them until I saw a portal open near one of the Echo Flower patches, and figured either Error took them, or they accidentally opened one and went in it. So I went in, and was wandering around here, and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. Then I saw them and knew either they were spying on someone or they were causing trouble. So, I had to get them back because Emiri was....." He trailed off. Then full panic came upon him. "OH NO!! EMIRI WAS COMING TO PICK YOU UP!" He yelled out. The kids looked like they just lost it without actually losing it. "WE GOTTA GO! BYE!!" He said, painting up a portal and jumping through it. "Bye!" I said back. The kids then jumped in the portal, and then it closed. A few minutes of akward silence followed. "Well, I've got to go." PJ said, as he got on his coat. "Ok. Bye PJ, thanks for coming!" I said as he opened the door. "Bye guys!" He said as he closed the door. "Hey (Y/N), since I have nowhere to stay, (and I'm for sure not staying with Switch) can I crash here for the night?" Levi asked. I saw Chaser recording, but I shrugged it off. Just then, I heard running outside and PJ kicked the door open. "I'M STAYING TOO!!!!" He screamed out, totally fuming harder than before. Chaser burst out laughing, but Levi was fuming harder than he was before. "Sure you ca--" "NO!!" Levi cut me off by yelling that. Chaser stopped laughing. PJ and Levi walked over to each other, glaring. "Uhh...... Sis, go upstairs." Chaser said. "But I--" "NOW!" He said, cutting me off. His sudden change of tone scared me, so I did as I was told. I went upstairs and went in our room. I played my phone until Chaser came upstairs. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. We talked for a few minutes until I heard pounding, glass shattering, and loud yelling. I ran over and threw open the door and tore down the stairs. I heard my brother call after me, but I didn't listen. I ran into the living room where I saw Levi and PJ wrestling. But not just wrestling, like actually fighting. Like, for real. My eyes widened as I heard them threaten each other over me. I started to tear up. I walked over and tried to stop them, but one of them accidentally hit me so hard I fell on the floor. I screamed out as soon as I could. They both looked at me, surprised. I was crying. "(Y/N)?" They both asked. I was mad, sad, and just so disappointed. "(Y/N), we're so sorry--" PJ said, as he reached for my hand, but I pulled it away fast as heck. "NO!!" I screamed at him cutting him off. I stomped over to the coat rack and grabbed my coat. " (Y/N), where are you--" Levi asked, reaching for me, but I pulled away and screamed, "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I cut him off, and threw open the door. "Sis, wait." I heard my brother say. He touched me, but I didn't know it was him, so I accidentally slapped him hard across the face. Realizing what I had done, I gasped and covered my mouth. I ran out the door in tears. I ran across the road and ran to the woods. I knew there was a cherry blossom park near the school, so I went there because it always calmed me down. This is what it looks like btw:
(Imagine this in winter) I sat behind one of the trees, brought my legs close to my chest and sat there crying. I felt someone lightly put there hand on my shoulder. "(Y/N)?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Omni. "What's wrong?" She asked me, sitting down. I hugged her tight. "I-I just d-don't know w-what t-to do!!" I told her, crying into her jacket. She rubbed my back sympathetically. "Shh, shh, its ok sweetie. Just let it all out..." She said. I broke the hug and she wiped my tears away like mom used to do when I was little.. "Wanna tell me why your crying? Do you wanna come to my house?" She asked. "*sniff* Mmhmm..." I said. "Ok, lets go." She said softly. She helped me get up and then we walked to her house. She opened the door, and I hid behind Omni because I didn't want anyone to see me crying. "Hi sis, hi (Y/N)---" I heard Scout say. Then she gasped. "(Y/N) YOUR HURT!!" Scout screamed out. "Huh?" Omni and I said at the same time. "*gasp* OH MY GOSH, WHO DID THAT TO YOU?!?!" Omni screamed at me, but all that did was make me even more scared. "I heard yelling, what's going on?" I hear Delta say as he was coming down the stairs. ".....Kid, what happened?" He asked me, walking over slowly to make sure he didn't scare me more than I already was. "U-uhh.." I said. I sighed. "Well, me, PJ, Levi, and Chaser were all hanging out until PJ said he had to go, so he left, but apparently he could hear Levi ask if he could stay the night, so the ran back to my house and kicked open the door, and said that he was staying too. As I was about to say ok, Levi screamed out no, and then Chaser told me to go upstairs. So I did, and he came up a few minutes later and we talked until I heard crashing, pounding, and yelling. So I ran downstairs and noticed they were fighting pretty hard, so me being me, I tried to stop them. But I heard them making death threats to each other over me and I was pretty hurt, but what hurt worse was knowing that I caused this. And then one of the two hit me and slammed me down to the floor, I screamed, and then they noticed me. They kept trying to talk to me, but I kept pushing them away, so finally Chaser stepped in as I was about to leave, but I didn't know it was him and I accidentally slapped him across the face really hard. And then I ran out to go to the park, but after a few minutes of crying there, Omni found me, and you can probably tell what happened next considering that I'm here now." I told them. No one said a thing. "That's not your fault. Its theirs for being idiots and fighting even though they probably knew they were gonna upset you." Scout said. " Your staying with us tonight." Omni said. "Huh??" I asked. "I said your staying with us tonight. I don't want you walking back in the dark cold night to your house. Your staying here." She said. The three nodded. "O-oh.. Thanks!" I said. "I'll text him." Delta told us.
It was near time for bed, and the others were already asleep. I was slowly drifting off... So.... Sleep....y....
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