Chapter 22
Your P.O.V
I woke up and got ready. I was still scared, but I'm determined that I'll be ok. "You ready bro?" I asked as soon as he came down. They others were already awake. "Breakfast is ready!" Mr. Ink told us after a few minutes. We were staying here for a while, or until we were ready to go back to our house. We all sat down. We ate, and then got ready for school. Because Mr. Ink and Coach Error were teachers, they had to be early. I was too scared to eat really, so I didn't eat much. We all headed out to the car, and drove to school. We arrived at least a few hours early. There were a few more students other that us, but not that many. Fresh was there. I ran up to him, and started talking to him. "Are you ok?! I haven't seen you for a while!" I asked and told him. "I'm ok. How have you been?" He asked me. "I think I'm ok." I said. "I have to go now." Fresh told me. I nodded. I noticed some of my friends. I walked over to Snazzy, Siren, and Swifty. "Hi guys!" I said. They looked at me. "Are you ok?!" They asked me. "Yeah. Why?" I asked sweetly. "What they did to you. Are there any scars?" Siren asked me. "Not that I know of, but thank you all for caring so much!" I told them, all smiles. They smiled too. "Why are you here so early anyway?" Snazzy asked me. "I have to spend a few days at PJ's house." I told them, giving off a hint that they shouldn't ask why. They nodded. Someone approached me from behind, I could hear the footsteps. "Who's there?" I asked, too scared to turn around. They looked at me. "Come with me." They said, dragging me by the wrist. I nodded, but signaled for them all to follow me. PJ and the others noticed, so they and their friends followed them. I was led to the back of the school. I noticed some teachers were following as well. Honestly, I'm terrified of what might happen to me, but I know my friends and brother are going to protect me at whatever cost possible. "W-what do you n-need?" I asked, stuttering. I'm near crying, I'm so scared! "Do you know what you did to them?" It asked me. "W-what?" I asked, completely terrified. It grabbed my throat, and slammed me against the wall. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT PAIN YOU PUT THEM ALL THROUGH?!" It screamed at me. I started crying, I can taste the blood in my mouth. "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!!" I heard PJ and Chaser scream at her. Everyone came out. I looked over at them. I saw Delta get an attack ready. I smiled at all of them. "I-Its f-fin-ne..!" I said while letting out a cough. I was still smiling. Omni was ready for a fight, and I saw her have Scout quickly hide behind her. They were all trying to fight while protecting everyone and themselves. I knew that if I gave them a hint, they might understand. "It...Its Ok-kay. D-don't fir-re... P-please.." I said. They looked at me. I can tell they are very confused. "Do...Not... Let thi-is b-blo-od on c-consci-ous-ness.. P-pleas-se... T-trust- AHHHH!!" I screamed because she tightened her grip and I can feel it digging into my skin. They aimed their attacks at it. "N-NO!! I-IF YO-OU DO T-THIS-S I G-GET-T T-THE AF-FTER-M-MATH OF-F I-IT!!" I screamed at them. They all lowered there attacks. I then let it out. I let Ghost take over. I screamed, and started floating. My eyes turned a full black. I could see them all backing up, and it let go of me. I readied an attack, and without hesitation I fired. It's too much power!! I fell down. I heard screams, and felt someone catch me. I passed out.
PJ's P.O.V
I saw her fall. I ran over to catch her, and luckily did. I shook her a few times and made sure she wasn't dead. I saw it slowly get up, but someone fired an attack. I looked back at our little group for who did it. "I said I had an attack ready didn't I?" Delta said smirking. "You actually did it?!" Mr. Ink asked him. "Yep. And I don't regret it either." He said. I heard someone calling the police. I checked her pulse. "You'll all pay!! This isn't the last of me, so don't think it is. But mark my words; I will be back." It said, following by crazy laughter. Omni fired an attack, but it escaped too fast. We all looked at her. I looked back at (Y/N)."She's alive, I feel a pulse." I told them. They all looked back at me, and nodded. "They'll be arriving soon." Mr. Cross told us. Just then, we all heard sirens approaching us.
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