Chapter 18
Your P.O.V
I woke up and quickly ran into the closet to grab my favorite dress. Today was my date with PJ! I'm so excited! I changed into this:
(Sorry if you don't like it but this is the best I could do. Credit to whoever made the anime and credit to whoever made the costume) I left my brother a note because today's Saturday and he's still sleeping. And I left him a voicemail. And if he doesn't text me for a half hour after 5 I'm gonna spam him with text messages until he responds. I went to the car and started it. I drove to PJ's house. He gave me his address. I knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" I heard a muffled voice say from the other side. Mr. Error opened the door. I don't think he knew it was me, because he asked, "Did you need something, ma'am?" I giggled. "Its me, (Y/N)!" I told him. He looked surprised. "Oh! Sorry. Didn't recognize ya. Come on in." He said. I stepped in. "Go ahead and sit down, PJ's almost ready." He told me. I nodded. "Cil, keep (Y/N) company, I have to do something real quick." He said. Cil nodded, and Mr. Error walked off. "So, How's your day so far?" asked him. "Good. How about you?" He asked me. "Good. If Chaser doesn't text me after 30 minutes after we arrive at the café, I'm gonna spam him until he responds." I said with a smirk. "Oh you're bad." He said while smiling. "Hehe yup." I said. "Be right back." He said. He got up and walked halfway up the stairs. "PJ! YOUR HOT DATE IS HERE! COME SEE HER!" Cil yelled. I turned into a blushing mess. He sat back down. "Sorry. Had to let him know you're here." He told me while smiling. "I-its okay." I told him. A few minutes later, I decided to go upstairs. "I'll go with." Cil said. "Ok." I agreed. We went upstairs. I knocked on hid door. I heard him run over to the door. He kicked it down. "CIL IF YOUR HERE TO TEASE ME AGAIN I SWEAR IMA- oh hey (Y/N)." He said once he saw me. As soon as he saw me, he instantly became a blushing mess. Me and Cil burst out laughing. I looked at him, and blushed a little. "Y-you look g-good..!" He told me nervously. "Thanks! You too!" I told him kindly, not letting my shyness get the best of me. He was wearing some sort of fancy school uniform. "Well, go on and go have fun!" Cil encouraged us. "Ok. You ready?" I asked PJ. "S-sure." He said. "Ok lets go!!" I said. I slid down the stairs' railing. I waited for him to come down. He just stood there. "You coming?" I asked him. He snapped out of it. "O-oh! Y-yeah, coming!" He said unsure, and slid down the railing. I smiled, and made sure he caught up with me. He opened the door for me. "Thanks!" I said sweetly. "No prob- I mean you welcome." He said, clearly nervous. "Its ok, just be yourself. You don't have to have manners, I just want to hang out with you!" I said while smiling sadly at him. I didn't want to have him think everything has to be perfect for me just to like him! It wasn't like that at all. I just want us to have a good time! I saw Cil smiling in the back round, and someone taking a video. "Alright lovebirds, go out now!" Cil said while pushing us out the door. Literally. Me and PJ became blushing messes. Cil slammed the door behind us. After a few minutes of standing there and processing what just happened, I said "I'm still driving." We both smiled, and burst out laughing. I walked him to my car, and I slid in the drivers' seat. "You sure-" "YES." I said cutting him off. I liked to drive. "Don't worry, I wont kill you." I said with a dangerous smirk. "I'll just give you a minor injury, that's all!" I said. He looked scared. I burst out laughing. "CHILL CHILL I AINT GONNA HURT YOU I WAS JUST MESSING WITH YOU I MEAN I'M CRAZY BUT I AINT NO PHSYCOPATH!!" I told him while laughing my butt off. He calmed down. So did I...... After a few minutes. After I calmed down, I started driving. But just to scare him, I started off with a jolt and then went at least 60 mph until we went past his block. Then I stopped the car with another jolt. He was freaking out! He didn't even have his seat belt on! I stopped the car. "HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA OMG PJ YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOU FACE OMG HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" I yelled out while laughing. He looked at me like I just broke him. "WHY?!" He asked me. I'm not sure if he's amused or actually angry at me. "Because I like to prank people that's why. Also I video taped the whole thing." I said that last part as quietly as I could. Thankfully, he didn't hear me. "Move. I'm driving now." He told me. "O-okay." I said nervously. We switched sides, and for the rest of the time, we drove in silence. I was scared that I just ruined everything and that he hated me now. "You...Okay-" "PJ are you mad at me?" I asked him while cutting him off. He looked at me surprised. "What? No! What makes you think that?" He asked me. "U-uhm...W-well... I-I just thought that.. N-nevermind." I said. I was tearing up. He stopped the car and hugged me. "I'm not mad, but please don't cry. Its such a shame to see a pretty girl like you cry." He told me. I smiled. "Th-thanks PJ.. I really needed that." I told him. "No problem sweetheart- (Y/N) I MEAN (Y/N)!" He said, noticing what he just said. He let go. I giggled. "What?" I asked him. He blushed. "I called you sweetheart.." He said quietly. He let go of me. "What..?" I asked confused. "PLEASE DONT BE MAD (Y/N) IT WAS JUST A MISTAKE HONEST I DIDNT MEAN TO CALL YOU SWEETHEART IT WAS JUST ON MY MIND AND--" "Whoa whoa whoa PJ, calm down! I'm not mad I just couldn't hear you!" I said while pulling him into a quick hug. "Its ok PJ, I'm not mad at you! I understand it was a mistake and that's okay, just don't beat yourself up over it!" I told him. He smiled. "Thanks." He said. We sat in the car for a few minutes. "Also you can let go now." He told me. I let go. "Sorry." I said. "Its fine." He said. We went in. We got a table almost right away. "Hello! I'm Willow, and I'll be you're waitress today. May I start you two off with any drinks?" She asked us. I smiled sadly. PJ seemed to notice, but he didn't say anything. "I'll have coffee please." PJ said. She wrote it down. "And you, miss?" "I'll have the hot chocolate please." I told her. She wrote that down too, and walked off. Akward silence followed. I noticed that it was over 30 minutes, and decided to put my plan into action. "Be right back." I told PJ. He nodded, and I head over to the bathroom. I went in a stall, and pulled out my phone.
Y: Hey
Y: Hey
Y: Hey
Y: Hey
Y: Hey
PJ: (Y/N) what are you doing??
Y: Wait did I leave it in chatgroup?
PJ: Yes.
PJ: Yes you did.
Y: Oops.
C: Did u need something?
Y: Did u get my note??
C: Oh
C: Found it
Y: Ok good
PJ: Bye
{PJ has left the chatroom}
Y: Well guess I should be going now... Bye
C: Ok I'm going back to sleep
C: Night
Y: Fine
Y: Bye
I went out of the bathroom and back to the table. I sat down. "So, what was that about?" PJ asked me. "I promised myself that if Chaser didn't text me at least 30 minutes after we got here, I would spam him until he responds." I told him with a smirk. "Oh, you're evil." He said while smiling. "Thank you!" I told him. We laughed. Then our drinks came. "Anything else?" She asked us. We looked at each other. "No thank you." I said. "You seem.... Familiar in a way to me. Tell me; what's your name, miss?" She asked. I teared up. I'm not sure if PJ noticed. "(Y/N)." "Is this your boyfriend?" She asked me. "What? No! We're just friends, ma'am." PJ answered. I smiled sadly. "Oh ok!" She said sweetly. I really miss Willow.... Her smile, her encouragement, her kindness.... I wish she were here with me. The waitress went back. " Heh..." I said. I started to silently cry to myself. "(Y/N)? Are you ok..?" PJ asked me with a worried tone. I looked up at him, crying. "I-its ju-just t-that...... H-hehe!!!! M... My s-siste-er w-was als-so name-e-d W-Willow-w a-and... Sh-she j-just would have l-loved t-to meet-t y-you-u!!" I told PJ. He looked at me surprised. He got up, and walked over to me. He helped me stand up, and we headed out. Once we got out, near where the outside seating was, he turned me around and hugged me. He comforted me, and sat me down. "I-its ok.." He told me. I couldn't respond. "I'll take you home. But before we leave, I have to go pay. I'll be right back." He said. He came out a few seconds later. I hugged him. He picked me up and walked me to the car. "B-before w-we g-go-o h-home-e I-I wanna t-take y-you s-somew-where.....Ok?" I asked, still trying to calm down. "Of course." He said. By the time we got there, the sun was setting. I was back to normal. "Hurry! Hurry! Or we're gonna miss it!!" I told him, dragging him up the hill by his wrist. I sat him down next to me. The sunset was beautiful. The sun went down. "Well we'd better get going-" "NO WAIT!!! The best part is gonna happen!" I told him, cutting him off. I sat him back down. A few minutes later, a shooting star appeared in the sky! Just what I was waiting for! In my family, its tradition to watch the sunset over a lake in a cherry blossom field on a hill with a cherry blossom tree behind you. How you know you have the right tree is seeing the swing I used to play on. Willow, Amy, and I used to play on this tree all the time. Just then, a ton of fireworks exploded, and lit up the sky, and the shooting stars were still going!! "Hey guys." I heard someone say. I flinched and looked over. Chaser was here. "I didn't know you were even awake!" I told him. "Yeah, you didn't come home and my twin instincts were telling me to track you down and find you." He said. Before I even asked, he said; "Phone tracker." I laughed. We went back to seeing the fireworks and shooting stars. It was like a dream. After the show, we drove back home. It was past my crash time, and I was going crazy!
PJ's P.O.V
(Y/N) finally passed out in the back seat. "When's your crash time?" I asked him. "3-5 A.M.. Once tried to finish my homework and all the missing things I had to do in one night. I passed out halfway through it and ended up staying home. (Y/N) did the same thing once too. It was really funny!" He told me. "What happened?" I asked him. "I left for a week due to something my friend needed me to help her with. (Y/N) ate a lot of sugar and broke almost everything. Finally got her to calm down, then she passed out." "How'd she get the sugar?" "Ultimate candy raid. Stole all of my fricken' chocolate." He told me. "Now I keep her away from my secret stash of it. Only on Halloween I allow her to get sugar high." He said. I laughed. We arrived at there house. I let them go, and then drove back home. I went in, and went straight to bed.
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