Chapter 17
Your P.O.V
I went out of the changing area and into the gym. "Morning class." Mr. Cross said. Most of us replied. I let my 'fighting side' come out. My eyes turned into a crimson red fading into a deep orange. The stars in my eyes became a deadly shade of yellow. My hair turned (F/D/C). After that, I turned my attention back to Mr. Cross. "Today we will be learning about fighting skills." He told us. I smirked. "Would someone like to come up and demonstrate?" He asked. I stood up. Everyone looked at me. At this point, Omni and the others were back. Now, when I'm in my fighting state, I'm dangerous as heck. No one else stood up. They all looked nervous until someone stood up. I'm not sure of his name, but I'll find out later. "Alright, come on up!" Mr. Cross invited. After a while of explaining, he told me to do this. "Alright (Y/N), now I want you to punch BP as light as you ca-" "Are you kidding?! That's gonna be sooooo weak! Give me a challenge!" BP demanded. I looked at him with a creepy smile and a death glare. "Wanna say that to my face?" I asked him. "Alright then, go ahead (Y/N)." Mr. Cross told me. "Ok... But its not gonna be my fault if he ends up in the infirmary, got it?" I said sternly. "Oh come on! You're a girl, how hard can it be-" I cut him off by punching him in the stomach as light as I could. Even though he deserved a harder punch and was asking for it, I didn't want to hurt him, so I went easy on him. He fell down to his knees and fainted. "(Y/N), WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" Mr. Cross yelled at me, clearly panicked. " Actually, I was going easy on him since I knew no matter how strong you are or say you are, your not strong enough to handle me. If I punched him harder, he would have died. He's just weak, but sense I feel pity for him, I'll take him to the infirmary." I said calmly as I picked him up and walked off. Everyone watched me in amazement. I quickly teleported to the infirmary and placed him down there because nurse Toriel wasn't in there at the moment. I teleported back to class. We were dismissed. I changed back into my regular clothes and my eyes went back to normal. I walked to my next class alone. No one came near me. I walked into Cooking class and sat down. I decided to check on BP. He looked fine, he just had a bruise. I teleported back. I was in my seat again, and I was just silently humming a song to myself when someone came over. "H-hey (Y/N)." "Oh hey." I replied. It was PJ. "Uhhh... I have a question." He told me nervously. "Alright, shoot." I said with a lazy smile plastered on my face. " W-will y-you..." He said trailing off. I looked at him. "Will I...?" I said. "Mmmmm......." He was blushing so hard. It was funny! "Is there something wro-" "WILLYOUGOOUTWITHME?!" He yelled out blushing. I blushed hard. "Uhm... W-what?" I asked. "I..I-I'm sorry, I didn't understand." I told him. He held out a piece of paper with something written on it. I took the paper. "Thanks." "N-no p-problem!" He told me. "I-I gotta g-go. B-bye!" He said. "K. Bye!" I said. Two minutes later, some of my friends ran in. "(Y/N)!!" Scout yelled between breaths. "Yeah?" I asked. They burst out laughing. Ok, now I'm confused. "What?" I asked. "(Y/N)-haha- you--ha-y-you gotta check the - hehehe- the Underhigh c-chat!!" Chaser told me. "Ok??" I said while pulling out my phone. I was in. "Oohhhhhhhhhhhhh she gonna kiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllll uuuuuuuuuusssssssssss!" Omni said. "Yep! Were dead now!!" Someone else said. "What?" I asked. I looked at it. My eyes widened. It was a video of what just happened, and PJ running out, turning the corner, and hitting a pole. I snickered a little. For some reason, seeing people fall in a funny way made me laugh. "Uhhh who took this?? And how did they know how to find us?" I asked. "No idea, but whoever did it just made things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better!" I think Scout said. I started to laugh.
PJ's P.O.V
It took a whole day of prepairing, but I think I'm finally ready to ask her! I went to the room, and made sure Cil wasn't recording me. I went in, and went up to her. I hope she says yes! And I hope I don't mess up. "H-hey (Y/N)." I said nervously. "Oh hey." She replied. "Uhhh... I have a question." I told her nervously. "Alright, shoot." She said with a smile. "W-will y-you..." I trailed off. She looked me in the eye. "Will I...?" She said. "Mmmmm......." I'm blushing so hard right now. "Is there something wro-" "WILLYOUGOOUTWITHME?!" I screamed out, cutting her off. We were both blushing so hard rn. "Uhm... W-what?" She asked me. "I..I-I'm sorry, I didn't understand. My heart sank. I gave her a piece of paper. "Thanks." She said. "N-no p-problem!" I told her. "I-I gotta g-go. B-bye!" I said. I ran out of the room. I heard her call out bye after me. I ran, and hit a pole. I got back up and ran even faster.
Your P.O.V
Everyone came in and sat down. So did my friends. The teacher came in. "Good morning class. Today, we will be making cakes. I will pair you all with partners." The teacher told us. I was paired with Dust and Horror. We headed over to our places. We were given five minutes to plan. We did that in two minutes. We got to know each other for the rest of the given minutes. "Alright, so you can all now begin!" He told us. I got the ingredients for the cake batter. I gave them to Dust, and then preheated the oven. I went to check on Horror. Dust was done with the batter quicker than I thought, so I went over there and put it in the oven. I set it in the oven, and started to try to make glaze. I think I did it right. I went to go check on the boys, and they were doing a good job! I started to help them because I knew a lot about baking. I did it when I was bored and still had time to spare. It was easy after a while! I heard the timer go off, so I took the cake out of the oven. I put it on the table. "Alright, ten minutes left!" The teacher told us. My eyes widened. I didn't know that we were being timed! I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab some frosting and ran back. I put it on the table/counter and ran and got the glaze. "Horror! Can you frost it Please? And Dust! Can you help me with the glaze?!" I asked them panicked. They nodded. Horror got started on the frosting, while Dust came over to help me. After about two minutes, we were done! All we had to do is add the glaze, which we couldn't find the right tool for. COME ON!! I searched the pantry and FINALLY found it! "Alright, 30 seconds!" Our teacher said while counting down. I ran back and quickly did the glaze. Even though I did it fast, I did it right. "TIME'S UP!!" He yelled out. I flinched. After that, class was dismissed. I headed to Dance class, when I was greeted by a new friend (hopefully). "Hey kid." "Hi." "Your (Y/N), right?" He asked me. "Yeah. What's your name?" I asked. I was getting used to new people knowing my name. "I'm Dance. Hey, come with me." He told me. I nodded and followed. He guided me to the dance room. "This is the dance room. I want you to do something for me." He said. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "I want you to show me your talent. Rumors are going around that you can sing really well, and I want to hear it, and we can dance together!" He told me. I could tell that he was kind of excited. I blushed. "O-oh.. o-ok.. I guess I could sing. What song?" I asked him. "Can you maybe sing 'Shut Up And Dance'?" He asked me. "Ok!" I said happily. I love that song! I started to sing.
I stopped and opened my eyes. I noticed that he wasn't dancing anymore. He was sitting on the bleachers. "Wow! You ARE good!" He said while recording. I blushed. HARD. "H-how long h-have y-you been r-recording me?! A-and when d-did you s-stop dancing?!" I asked him. "Eh, for a while. But on the bright side, now everyone is gonna know about your talents!!" He told me. My eyes widened for at least the third time today. "Don't you da-" "Oh I dare. POSTED!!" He said. "Three.." He gave me a confused look. "Why are you counting?" He asked. "Two.." I smirked. "W-why are you smirking?!" He asked. "One.." ".....I'm just gonna go- OH CRAP!" He yelled as I ran at him. I chased him around for a while until I gave up/ ran out of breath. He turned around. "You ok?" He asked heading to me. "Y-yeah.." I said. I fell on the floor. "You sure?" "Yes." I told him. "We still got Dance class." He told me. Suddenly, everyone came in, including the teacher. "Good morning class." She said with a stone cold voice. We began dancing I think Ballet or something. But I did it more of my way, which was what I call, 'Freestyle Ballet'. If its a certain type of dance, I mainly just freestyle it. Its basically my version of what ever dance we're doing. I got yelled at for it. Then the period ended. Onto Drama class! I sped walked there. But I got stopped by someone new. "Hey there cutie~" He said. I saw some of my friends in the distance, but I wasn't sure if they saw me. "Were you the one with the amazing voice? Hmm~?" He asked me. "U-uh.. N-no..?" I said nervously. "Aww~ You don't have to lie sweetheart." He told me. "Now-" "SF, what are you doing?" I heard PJ ask. I smiled as SF turned his head to look at PJ. I escaped. "Thanks." I whispered to PJ. I ran to class without anyone noticing. After a few minutes, everyone came in. "Hello Beauties~" Our teacher said. " Today, we are going to learn about a play that we will be doing~!" He/ She told us. "We will be performing 'Hamilton'!" (Credits to Lin Manuel-Miranda for making the musical Hamilton) He/ She said. I grinned like crazy. That one was amazing! I loved that musical! "We will be deciding parts today." Mr./Ms. Mettaton told us. I didn't know who I wanted to be, but I'm sure whoever I am will be fine! He gave out parts. I was Elizabeth Schuyler! I already knew my parts. I already memorized the whole musical! I was so excited! I didn't know anyone else's part, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Drama class ended, and I headed to my last class of the day; Astronomy. I walked there with no interruptions this time! I went in and was immediately greeted by Pallet. I haven't seen him in a while! "Hi (Y/N)!" He said. "Hi!" I said back. "Do you wanna join a club?!" He asked me. "Uhh... Sure!" I said, not knowing what to do. "GREAT!! Hey, can you meet up with me after school today?!" He asked me. "I think so." I told him. "Thanks!" "No problem." I told him. Then, class started. We all went to our assigned seats. "Good morning!" Mr. Dream said. We all replied. At least, most of us did. We were learning about constellations. "We also have a test today." He said. Some people groaned but some just stared at him. I was one of the people who just stared. The tests were passed out, and we all started. I put up my little divider so no one could see my answers. Just then I got a text.
CC: Hey
Y: Did you need something?
CC: Yeah you already went to History right?
Y: Yes why
CC: Did you finish ur hw?
Y: I don't remember
Y: Whats the question
CC: #4
Y: I didn't get to that one
CC: Ok
Y: Hehe ok bye :)
I went back to my test. "Alright 5 minutes left!" Mr. Dream said. I began to panic and rush answer questions. I finished with a minute to spare! "Times up!" He said. We passed up our tests and headed out of the classroom. I went and got my backpack and packed up. We heard the bell to go. We all went out. I was waiting, but I couldn't find Pallet. So I decided to text my brother that I'd be late but I was ok.
Y: Hey I'm gonna be late but I'm safe I just need to talk to Pallet he asked to see me
C: Ok
C: About what?
Y: Clubs or something.
Y: I have to go bye
C: Bye
I saw Pallet. I ran over to him. He told me about Cheer club (cheerleading). I decided that I wanted to sign up, so I did. After that, I went home. I talked to my brother for a while, and then I took out that paper PJ gave me. It included his number. The note said:
Please text or call me if you have time.
I decided to text him
Y: Hey
Y: Did you need something?
PJ: Yeah..
Y: What is it?
PJ: Do you wanna hang out @ the café @ 5:00 tomorrow?
Y:... Like a date?
PJ: Not really but if you want to view it as that then sure
Y: Ok!
PJ: Soo should I pick you up or...
Y: I'll pick u up if that's alright.
PJ: Ok
PJ: See u @ 5
Y: K bye
PJ's P.O.V
SHE SAID YES! JACKPOT! "YES!" I screamed out. Someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I said calmly. "I heard a yell. Everything okay?" Cil asked. "Weeeellllll........." I said with the biggest smile ever. "You know how I asked (Y/N) out but failed, but then gave her a sheet of paper with my number on it?" I asked him. "I trained you all day of course I remember." He told me. "Weeellll she texted me and she said yes." I told him. "What? You said that to quietly." He said clearly teasing me. "I said...." I was prepairing to tell him. "She said yes!" "What?" "SHESAIDYES!" I told him. "Loud and clear this time, bro. One more time." He asked. By now I was blushing "SHE.SAID.YES!!" I screamed out. "YES! IMA GO TELL THE OTHERS!" He said and ran out my room. Best. Day. Ever.
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