Chapter 16
Your P.O.V
We arrived at art class JUST IN TIME!! JACKPOT! "Good morning everyone!" Mr. Ink said happily. We all replied either with a 'Morning' or didn't speak at all. My brother was already their. 'Yes!' I thought to myself. "Today we will be working on a project with a partner! But I will be pairing." He said. Some groaned, some smiled, and some looked like they couldn't give a crap about anything. After a while of explaining, he paired us up. I was paired with someone named Frost. We both sketched out the photo, and then the class bell rang. We all exited the class. Next was... P.E.! I walked to gym class and once I got in, I changed into my gym uniform in the girl's locker room. Before I went out, I put my hair into pigtail's (If you have short hair then you kept it down).I got out and went to the bleachers. PJ greeted me. "Hi (Y/N)." He said with a nerveous tint to his voice. "Hi-" I got cut off. "Ms. (Y/N) (L/N), pLeaSe COme tO tHe OffiCE. ThAnk YOu!!" The announcement said. I got up and went over to Coach Error. "May I go?" "Yeah." "Thanks!" I said. I wonder what they need me for.. I arrived to the office, not realizing I was still in my gym uniform. I walked into the office. "Hello. Did you need something miss?" One of the secretaries asked me. "I was called down h-" I was cut off by Principle Temmie. "Hello! I called you down here because I need you to show the new students around. Is that ok?" She asked me in her regular voice. "Mmhmm!" I said happily. I love meeting new friends! I'm just to shy to say anything. I let them make the first move. Two people came out. "I'll leave this up to you three. Bye!" She said as she somehow disappeared. I guided them out of the office. "So, what are you names?" I asked them. "I'm Ganz. That's Novia." He said pointing to the girl when he said her name. She waved shyly at me. "She's shy, but once you get to know her, She is a literal social butterfly." He said. "Well, welcome to Underhigh, you two! What do your schedules look like?" I asked them. They showed me. "We missed Art, where's gym?" Novia said quietly. "Follow me, please." I told them. They nodded, and followed. "Also, what I'm wearing is the gym uniform. You'll see what the boys' uniform looks like." I told them. They nodded. We entered gym. I went up to Coach Error and told him about the new students. He nodded. 'What's up with all the nodding?' I asked myself. He blew the whistle and told the two to introduce themselves. They did, and he gave them their uniforms. They went and changed. After a few seconds, they came out. We had 10 minutes left, and we were playing volley ball. Girls went on one side, boys on the other. It was really fun for me since I'm really good at it! And I think Novia had fun too! Coach Error blew the whistle. We all went to the locker rooms- I took Novia with me. "We can change back into our original clothes now. Next subject?" I told and asked her. "Ok. Next is...Music." She said. "Alright!" I said. "And I'm assuming that Ganz has the same schedule as you?" I said. She nodded. "Cool. Once you're done, you can go ahead out of the locker room and just wait and try to make new friends, kay?" I asked her. "Sounds great!" She told me happily. She went out, smiling. I changed. When I got back, they were sitting on the bleachers. I saw my brother walk up to them and say hi. I smiled, and went over there. "Gym's over. Next stop--Music class!" I said. They laughed. I led them all to music. We all sat down-- The teacher asked them to come up and introduce themselves. They did, and then the teacher told us what we were going to do. "Class, we are going to sing songs today. I will pair, and give you all 30 minutes to review the song and figure things out. Just--no bad things, okay?" She asked us. We all nodded. She named the groups. I was with Mellon and Sugar. Not sure who everybody else was with. "So, what song do you guy's want?" I asked. None of us said anything. "How about 'The Call' by Regina Spektor?" Sugar suggested. "We all agreed. "I'll do vocals!" I said. "We'll do instruments." Mellon and Sugar said. "Okay." I said. "Time's up!" Mrs. Shyren said. "First group to go is.. (Y/N)'s group!" I quickly gave Mellon and Sugar the music notes. We went up and started playing. (PLAY SONG NOW.)
It started out as a FEELING...
Which then grew into~ a~ HOPE...
Which then turned into a QUIET~ THOUGHT~
Which then turned into a QUIET~ WORD...
And then that word grew louder and LOUDER!!
I'll come back~
When you CALL~ ME
No need to say goodbye..
Doesn't mean.. It's never..
Been this way before! (Ah, ah, ah)
(AH) And all you can do is TRY TO KNOW WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE..
As you head off to THE WAR..
(Ah, ah-ah, AH!) Pick a star~ on the DARK HORIZEN~!
You'll come back.. When ITS OVER~
No need to say goodbye~
You'll come back~...When ITS OVER~!
But just because they can't FEEL IT TOO
Let your memories grow stronger AND STRONGER!
You'll come back~
When they CALL YOU~
No need to say goodbye~
You'll come back~
When they CALL YOU~
No need...To say... Goodbye~~~!
I shocked everyone in the room (including myself) with my pitch range and how I sang it. I looked at the ground, and realized that I was now in a galaxy themed outfit. My eyes turned the color of the galaxies while my pupils became star-shaped. Everyone stared in awe. I kept my head down. "Th-thank y-you, you m-may go b-back to y-your s-seats now.." The teacher said. PJ was blushing like mad. Bunny glared at me. On the way back to my seat, someone tripped me. A few people laughed at me. I got up, and went to my seat as instructed. I kept my head down and listened. I felt hot tears sting my eyes. I sucked them back, determined not to cry. I'd get made fun of for sure! When it was time to leave, I was first to leave the classroom. I quickly went to the science lab, and took my seat. I put my head in my hands and laid down on my desk. I sat up straight when I heard footsteps near. I looked up, and it just so happened to be Bunny the wannabe and her wannabe friends. They insulted me. "Hey!" One said to me. "Y-yeah?" I asked quietly. She grabbed my hair. Hot tears stung my eyes. "Show-off." She looked me in the eyes, and then threw my head back on the desk. I felt a tear roll down my face as I looked at all the blood that was now on my desk. "Weak!" Bunny said while laughing her butt off. One grabbed my throat and threw me to the ground. Once I was down, they started to kick me. I was silently crying as they insulted me. "Help.." I said quietly. "What was that, loser?!" One asked me. "H..elp!" I said a little louder, making sure I was heard. "What?! No ones gonna help yo-" I cut her off by screaming "HELP!!" As loud as I could. "SHH KEEP IT DOWN IDIOT!" One yelled at me. They duck taped my mouth so I couldn't call for help. I felt blood roll down my face. They tied my hands and legs together so I couldn't move. I heard someone break down the door. I heard Bunny's group mumble things like, "Crap.." "We're dead." and, "We just got caught." They looked innocently and kicked me behind them. I could see my brother, most of my friends, and four teachers. "Bunny.." I heard someone say. "Yes?" I heard her say innocently. "Move." I heard Chaser, PJ, and Snazzy say at the same time. "W-what?" Bunny asked, still pretending to be innocent. They pushed her aside, and looked at me. Everyone except for Bunny and her group gasped. At that, I fainted.
Siren's P.O.V
(Y/N) fainted. Everyone gasped. "QUICK, GET HER TO THE INFERMARY!!" My brother yelled. "On it!" I replied. I grabbed (Y/N) and ran out of the classroom. I ran to the infirmary. "Hello, did you need somethi---" One of the secretaries asked me. He looked at (Y/N). "Nurse is to the right." He said. "Thanks!" I said. 'She better be in there..' I thought. "Hello, how may I he- OH GOODNESS WHAT HAPPENED?!" She asked me. "Bunny and her 'friends' happened." I told her. "Lay her down." She told me. I put her on the bed. "Will she be ok?" I asked. "Yes, but she will miss her class. She may need to go home." She told me. "Now, what happened that Ms. (Y/N) is hurt so badly?" She asked me. "I wasn't their the entire time, but I was walking past the room and thought I heard some one call for help. So I waited before I walked again, and then I heard her start screaming for help! I ran to everyone I could find, and we just grabbed random teachers and told them that we heard someone screaming. So, we all ran back there and broke the door open. We found Bunny and her so-called 'friends' playing innocent with us while (Y/N) was behind them. So I don't really know why they did this, but they're hopefully gonna get at least suspended." I told her. "Are they gonna get suspended?" "Yes. " She told me. Just then, she started to wake up. "Ow.. I-it h-h-hurt-ts.. Why-y.....?" I heard her say.
Your P.O.V
"Ow.. I-it h-h-hurt-ts.. Why-y .....?" I asked. I tried to get up, but they softly pushed me back down. "Hey...Hey, just rest for now, ok?" I was told. I did as told, and went back to sleep.
~Mini time skip~
I woke up with bandages all over my face. One of my eyes were covered by bandages, I could see out of the other one. "What.....W-what happened?" I said. I looked at my arms. Bandages. I looked at my legs. Bandages. I pulled my shirt up and looked. Bandages too. "Ah, my child, you are awake now." I heard someone say. "Y-yeah.." I said while sitting up fully. "How are you feeling?" She asked me. "It stings a little, and I'm kind of dizzy, but ok, I guess." I told her. "You may rest or go back to class." She told me. "I'll rest." I said. I sat down and talked to her for a while. "I should probably get back to class now. Thank you, Ms. Toriel!" I told her. "You are more that welcome, my child." She told me, smiling. I smiled and headed out the door. I walked out of the office and into the hallway. I could tell it was time to switch classes. I looked at my schedual and I had math next. I went to the math room Halfway there, someone grabbed my wrist. "Hey there cutie~" He said. "Um. Hi. What's your name?" I asked politely. "I'm G, but you can call me your's, ok sweetheart~?" He told me. "Ok, 'yours' I'm (Y/N)." I said with the biggest smirk on my face ever. He let go of my wrist. "Uhh.....Not what I meant, but....ok." He said to himself. "What's your next class?" I asked sweetly. "Math." He said. I beamed. "Me too!" I said. I said excitedly. I grabbed ahold of his wrist. I dragged him to math class. Once we got in class, I let go and went to my seat. "Hello class. I will be your substitute teacher for the day. My name is Helen." She said. "Now, lets see..." She said while looking at the papers. Just then, we saw two people rush in. 'They look like they just ran 20 miles!' I thought to myself. "A-are we late?!" One asked. It was a girl, I'm sure. The other was a girl too. "Yes, but we haven't started yet. Now, introduce yourselves!" Helen yelled at the two. "Ok. I'm Omni." The one wearing a White shirt said. "I'm Scout." Said the other one. She was wearing a Black shirt. Both had Brown hair. Omni had long hair tied up in a pony tail. It was a mess! And Scout had two braids in on different sides. They seem nice! "Take your seats!" Helen told the two rather roughly. They took random seats that were open. They were obvious tomboy's. I can tell. Also I could tell that Omni was older that Scout. Hight difference. "Now; lets begin-" I spaced out for the entire time. I was too worried about my family. I was fantasizing about things. Before I even knew it, we were dismissed. Welp, recces, here I come!! I went outside and found the new girls! I walked over and said hi to them. "Hi!" I said happily. I always need to make a good first impression. "Hey." They both said. We kept talking until we heard the lunch bell ring. "Wanna sit by me at lunch?" I asked. "Sure." They both said. I guided them to my table after we got our food.
Lunch is over. Now I have History class. Cool. I walked over with Omni and Scout, and halfway there, I heard a loud -BANG!-. I looked over and saw Novia getting bullied by a jock I didn't know the name of. Omni saw this, and appearantly knew who she was, because she yelled out; "LEAVE NOVI ALONE!!" She screamed out. Her hair was fading into black, and her eyes were fading into a crimson red. "Or what?" The jock asked. "Or I'll end you." Omni said. Her hair was full black and her eyes were the color of blood. Literally. Scout's eyes widened. "Quick, go get Mr. Dream and Mr. Nightmare!" She told me. I nodded and ran like my worst fear was right behind me chasing me with any weapon imaginable. I found them and told them that Omni lost her temper on a bully and now is probably either beating up the bully or getting held back by Scout. But most likely both. They followed me. I was running so fast I think I broke a record! And I was right. Omni was being held back by Scout and someone else. I didn't know who it was, but it was a skeleton. I let the teacher's take it from there. After a while, we were given late slips and headed to History. I started up a conversation with them as Omni, the unidentified bully, and Novia went to the office. We all were walking to the classroom. "So, when'd you transfer?" Scout asked. "Planned for a few weeks, finally got accepted today." He told her. Scout turned to me. "This is one of my friends, Delta." She said, introducing him. "Hi, I'm-" "(Y/N)?" He asked, cutting me off. "Uh.. Yeah! How'd you-" "I have my ways." He told me. Omni or Scout probably told them (I hope). "So, what's up with the 'kidnapping of family' thing?" He asked me. "Wait what?!" Scout looked surprised as ever. "Oh! Ummm..... Well.. S-someone just took them and left a ransom note and now I need to plan when we're gonna strike, that's all!" I said while giving one of my creepy-as-heck smile. "I've got a shotgun if you need to borrow one." Scout offered. "Uh.. Thanks, but I prefer to not murder anyone here. I'm pacifist, thank you very much." I told them. We arrived at the class and headed in. We all sat down in out seats. Class begun, but I wandered off. I wasn't paying attention. Thankfully, no one talked to me! Before I even knew it, class was over. I headed out and too my next class, Self-Defence. It was in the gym. I headed there. I changed into my 'Fighting outfit', which was basically just bandages all over my body covered by a black leather jacket and shorts.
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