Chapter 13
Your P.O.V
After a day of searching, we all finally decided to stop and search again tomorrow. "Hey sis!!" My brother called to me from upstairs. "Yeah?" I yelled back. "You gettn' ready for bed?" "I was just gonna go search one more place. That alright?" My brother came downstairs. "It's almost 11. " "Please it'll just be real quick!!" I told him. He sighed. "Fine. But if your not back in 20 minutes, imma call or text ya, K?" "K! Thanks bro!" "Np, sis." And with that, I left the house. As I was walking there, I heard a voice. I turned around. No one was there. I soon reached the place. And their I was. They say the Echo Village was haunted. But they didn't know how much this place meant to me.. 'NO!! You can't flashback now! You have work to do!' I mentally yelled at myself. I started knocking on doors and asked if they saw my family. After a few minutes of searching, I found an old, abandoned house. I went inside. I saw many portraits of a family. At least, whats left of them. Then I was faced with a room. I went inside. It looked like it belonged to a little girl. All that was left inside the room was light Pink and White hospital bed, a light purple side bed table, a heart monitor, one of the Echo flowers, two notes on the bed, a book shelf, a window, a piano, and a little white chair with a teddy bear holding a picture book on it. At least, a memory book on it. I started to tear up. I walked over to the bed. I took one of the notes and read it aloud.
"Dear Amy, Hi! Its me, Willow.
I wanted to write you a letter because I want to have your day be good!
I know that might not make sense, but I'm trying to say I hope your day is better now that I'm writing you.
And (Y/N) is writing you too!
I hope you get better.
And we might be allowed inside to see you today because they promised that we would be able to.
Anyway, I gotta go!
Daddy's calling.
Bye sis!
Hope you get better soon!
Love you!
Love, Willow."
A single tear slid down my face. "I miss you, Willow.." Then I reached over to the other note and picked it up. I put Willow's letter down. I started to sing mine.
"Anata arimasu ji bun no nikko
Ji bun no nomi nikko
Anata tsukurinasu eye happi itsu joku gure
Anata wa yo kesshite shitte imasu
do yatte haruka ni watashi ai anata
Onegaishimasu ikemasen toru ji bun no nikko sakini.."
I stopped singing.
"Watashi ai anata, imoto.
I started to cry. Then the Echo flower started playing our conversation and the music we played for her that day. After it ended, I realized my shirt was drenched in tears. I put my note down, and walked over to the piano. I sat down on the piano stool. I started to play 'His theme'. After that, I just broke down. I started to cry. I got out of the house, I stopped crying, and I walked myself home. Once I got home, I found my brother asleep on the couch. I picked him up and carried him to our room and put him in his bed. Then I got ready for bed and got into bed. And I almost immediately fell asleep, only to have a night terror waiting for me. At least, a horrible memory waiting for me.
(In dream)
"C'mon sis, we're gonna go see Amy today!" Willow yelled. "O-ok.." I said as she was dragging me into mommy's house for a visit to Amy. She was too young to go with daddy. And.. I'm kinda glad she didn't come with us. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. But.. she would've been sad if she knew the lengths that daddy had been put through to protect us. Once we got into Amy's room, I delivered our letters to her since she was sleeping. I decided to play 'His Theme' on her piano. I know she loves this song, so I played it for her. I wanted to talk to Amy, but Willow's talking to her. Then, I saw something outside. It looked like the thing had a flamethrower. My eyes widened. "I'll...I-i'll be right back.." I told my sisters. They both looked at me. Willow nodded. I nodded back. I walked out of Amy's room and went into the living room. I told mommy and daddy and they aloud me to go outside, I walked out the door. "WHO'S THERE?!" I yelled out. No one responded. 'Maybe they saw me notice them..' I thought. Then I heard screams. I looked back at my mommy's house. The house was on fire. I froze, processed it, and went to my neighbor's house. I pounded on the door until she opened the door. I told her what was happening and to call 9-1-1. She called and literally had to hold me back from going outside. But when the police arrived....It was too late. My family was dead.. Then.. Everything went black. No one was there. It was just me, myself, and I. And.. voices? 'Your fault.' 'You could have saved them.' 'You did this.' 'Why didn't you go in and save them?' 'Look what you've done.' They kept saying things like that.
Chaser's P.O.V
For ONCE I didn't wake up to screaming! Finally!! Wait.. is that good or bad? ... Yeah I have no idea. I heard soft cries though. I don't know how I even got in our room. I hopped down from the top bunk. I saw (Y/N). But I still didn't understand how I got in here or when she got here. Then I heard more crying. I turned my sister over so she was facing me. She was crying. And something weird was happening to her. I was about to wake her up when I got a text from someone.
???: Meet me at the school grove tomorrow.
C: Who is this? And how did you get my number??
???: Well, wouldn't you like to know?
C: Yeah. That's why I asked.
???: Well, I have some information that might come in handy with the whole, you know, kidnapping, secrets, memories and lies that you and everyone else tell.
C: What.
???: Come meet me or else.
C: Or else what?!
???: I know where you live. I know everything about you and what your family and friends have done. I know all your little hiding spots.
???: No wa gemu o purei shite mimashou... WATASHI no gemu...
C: I have no idea what that means..
???: Times running out~
C: ..Creep.
Wow. That was interesting. Whoever just texted me is ether crazy or just a complete psychopath . Or both. But it got worse for (Y/N). Not really sure what's going on with her, but whatever it is, its probably bad. Then I got ANOTHER text.
NM: Hello.
C: Hi. Did you need something?
NM: Well.. Dream and I have found something that we need to discuss with you both.
C: Is it that urgent?
NM: Yes. You and (Y/N) need to come here soon.
C: K. Where do you want us to meet?
NM: At Ink and Error's house.
C: Ok. We'll be there in five!
Well then. Guess we have to do this. "Sis.. Wake up.." I said. She waited a few seconds before shooting right up in bed. Actually, she shot up so fast that she banged her head on the top of her bunk. She let out a moan. "You alright?" I asked her. She didn't respond. I shook her a little. I moved her hand that was covering her face. She had a HUGE scar on it. And it was bleeding. Wait what. Oooooooooooooooook then. I ran to the bathroom and got out the first aid kit. I wrapped the bandage where the scar was. She woke up after about 2 minutes. "You ok?" I asked her. She still was crying a little. " Y-yeah.. W-what h-happened-d?" She asked. "We need to go to Ink and Error's house." I told her. "W-what? W-why?" "They only told me that they needed us there soon. Now lets go." I told her while helping her up. I walked downstairs. Half-way down, I looked back to make sure that she was following me. She was limping down the stairs. I went back up and helped her. "Y-you really d-don't h-hav--" "Its ok. I don't mind." I said while looking at her. She smiled a bit. We walked down the stairs and out the door. Half-way there, she was looking really tired and starting to pass out. I kinda shook her softly every few minutes to make sure that she was awake. Once we arrived, I could hear voices on the other side. I knocked on the door. No one spoke. PJ opened the door. "Thanks." I said while dragging a sleeping (Y/N) in the room. "Np." He said. He closed and locked the door. Once I sat down, (Y/N) woke up. "W-wha?" She said softly. She closed her eyes again and layed on me. I looked at the others. "Uhhhhhhhhh.. Sorry! Just give me a sec." I said. They nodded. I told my sister to get up. She did...After a couple of minutes. "Do we have any coffee that she could drink?" I asked. I could tell that they were gonna ask why, so I answered. "It only works for a hour." They all looked at each other and nodded. "I'm on it." PJ said. He walked off to the kitchen. He came back in a few minutes. My sister looked at it and slowly started to drink it. "So.. Why did you need us?" I asked. "Well.... Did you get a text from an unknown number?" "Yeah, why?" I asked. "(Oh no..)...Did it tell you to meet at the school grove?" "Yes.. Why..?" "Did (Y/N) have a night terror earlier?" "Yes, why?!" I said kind of panicked. "Oh no.. We were right." Mr.Ink said. "What do you mean 'we were right'?!" I asked. "We NEED you to read the ENTIRE conversation out loud to us!!" Mr.Dream said. "Why?!" "JUST DO IT!!" Cil yelled. "Ok.." I said. I read the whole thing out loud.
After that they all exchanged nervous glances with each other. They looked back at me and my sister. "Do you two remember what you told us about the culprit earlier?" Mr. Nightmare asked. "Yes." Me and (Y/N) said. "Ooh boy." PJ said. "What is it?" I asked. "Well........................................
Do ether of you know a man by the name of (B/N)??"
**Hint: (B/N) for right now means "Boy name"**
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