Chapter 12
Your P.O.V
After about an hour of searching, Me and my bro found this creepy old house. "Wow..." I said while staring at it. I shivered. It wasn't even cold out! It was the middle of summer! Then I heard something. I flinched and turned myself around quickly and got ready to fight. No one was there. It was just me, my bro, and my school. "(Y/N)? What's wrong did you hear somethin'?" My brother asked. "I.......I-I guess I thought I heard something...... But I guess I was wrong..?" I replied unsure. "Uhm....Can we go search somewhere e-" "HECK YES!!" He said cutting me off and dragging me away to someplace near the school. "Hey guys!" Someone said. I whirled around quicker than last time and almost slapped whoever was talking. Keyword: Almost . But Chaser stopped me. Probably because the last time I slapped some one, they fell down to the floor. But I didn't even put effort into that one, but THIS one, I put almost all of my power and effort into it. and the last time I did THAT, uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... Lets just say that person got owned. HARD. Then I noticed who I was about to slap. It was the guy that carried me to the Nurses' office! I apologized about 20 times. He kept saying that it was fine, but I didn't feel that way. After a couple minutes of akward silence, I finally broke it. " I don't think we had a proper introduction.." I said while giving a unsure and half-smile. At first he was confused, but then he realized what I was talking about. "Oh.. Oh! OH!! Yeah, I guess not.." He said. "Well.. My name's (Y/N), what's yours?" I asked sweetly. "I'm Blueberry, but you can call me Blue." He said. And as if on cue, Pallet ran up to us. "Blue, why did y--.... Oh. Hi (Y/N)! Hi Chaser!" He said. "Hey." We both replied. "So....... anyone have any luck yet??" I asked. "Not as far as we know." Pallet said while shrugging. "Ok, thanks." I said. "Sis?" My brother asked. "Yes?" I replied. "Didn't you say that we had hidden security cameras all over the house?" He asked me. I face-palmed. "We should have just checked those." I said. "Well..... We're gonna go check.. BRB!" I said as we teleported into our house. We ran up the stairs and into the security room, the one with all the cameras. We watched the video until this one point. My bro stopped the video and zoomed in. "Good thing that the cameras have night vision features, right sis?" He asked. "Hehe, yup." I said. He zoomed in until we could both see who it was. "OH COME ON!!" I yelled and threw my chair at the wall. I broke the chair. "What?" He asked me. "He's wearing a freaking mask tHAT COVERS HIS WHOLE ENTIER FACE!" I yelled out of frustration. "Waaaaaaaaaaait.. Didn't your ex have brown eyes?" He asked me. "Yeah, so?" I asked. "Weeeeelll........ This person has black eyes, soooooooooooooooooooo...... It wasn't your ex." He said. "Wait what." I said as I ran over to the computer. He's right. Crap. My eyes widened. "We HAVE to get back to the others and tell them." I told him. "K. Short cut?" "Short cut." I said. Then we teleported back to where the rest of the school was. I told my brother to tell a teacher. So we went and found the two nearest teachers. I didn't see who my brother went to though. "Uh, excuse me? Mr. Nightmare?" I asked. He turned around. "Oh, yes (Y/N)?" "Uh.. Well, who we thought kidnapped our parents........turns out that they didn't do it.." I could tell that he was a little confused. "Who did you think did it?" "I thought it was my ex, but I was wrong." I said. His eyes widened. "Should I tell the other teachers?" He asked. "Sure. Thank you!" "Your welcome." And that ended our conversation. So I went and found my brother. "Did you tell?" I asked, which got his attention. "Oh! Yep." He said. "Well..... We better go and search." I said after a few seconds. "Yeah. I got somewhere I wanna check tho.." He told me. "K. Is it far?" "Nope." He said. "Alright then, lets go." I said. I let him lead because I had absolutely no idea where we were going. Then I heard something. It sounded like a whisper. I think it said 'I'm coming for you..'. I flinched and swirled around. "What?" My brother asked. I faced him. "I thought I heard a whisper saying: 'I'm coming for you..' really creepily." I told him. "Well, we're here." He told me. I looked around. In the distance, I saw something. "What's that over there?" I asked him, pointing at the thing in the distance. He looked. "Uhhhhhh..... I'm not sure." He said. After a few minutes, we decided to go back to somewhat near where the school was. Then, as we were walking, my brother said that he had to call someone, so I just kept walking and let him do whatever. As I was walking, I bumped into someone. I fell. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said while getting up. "Its alright. You ok?" He asked helping me up. "Y-yeah.." I said. Then I recognized who he was. "L-lost?" I asked. "How do yo--.......(Y/N)?" He asked. I hugged him. TIGHT. "(Y/N).......Can't......... breath......" He somehow managed to get out. I let go immediately. "SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!!!!" I kept saying over and over again. "B-but.. I thought you..." "We transferred." He said once he regained some air. " 'We'?" I asked. "Yup." He said while smiling. And as if on cue, someone else came over. "Meet a new frie-.... (Y/N)?" He asked. I, once again, noticed who it was. "Music?" I asked. Now it was HIS turn to choke me. "Can't..................................Breath............................................................." I somehow managed to get out. He let go. "................Whoops." He said. We all laughed. "Well, guess we're all back together again." "What?!" Music and Lost said at the same time. "Wait...Are you saying-" "YOU'RE BACK!!!!!" My brother yelled. He pretty much tackled them both from behind. "AH!!" They both flinched and fell to the ground at the exact same time. "Oops.. Sorry guys!" He said while helping both up. After a few minutes of talking, I got a question that kinda scared me. "Hey, (Y/N)?" "Ye, Lost?" "What happened to your right eye?" I froze. "U-uh.." I managed to get out. Chaser's eye's widened. "I-i'll show you. But you have to promise me that you WON'T JUDGE, ok?" I told them rather harshly. They all promised. I took my patch off. Music and Lost just stared, wide-eyed. Chaser just stared. That kinda scared me. "W-what's wrong?" "Sis, I think your colors got brighter." My brother told me. The other two just stayed silent. "How bright?" I asked a little nervousely. "Bout' 30% or more." As soon as I heard that, I immediately put the patch back on. I didn't want to attract any attention. My brother sighed. The other two just stared. "Uh.. Are they ok?" I asked. I waved my hand over both of their faces. "I think we broke em'." My brother told me. Then their faces lit up with joy. Actually, it looked like they were gonna EXPLODE with joy. I'm pretty sure they were gonna start fangirling if my brother didn't stop them. After they calmed down, I asked if they were ok. They both nodded. "Ok good." "We should get searching, right sis?" My brother asked. "Yeah. You guys wanna come with?" I asked. They nodded. "Ok." I said. I started walking, the others following close behind.
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