Chapter 11
Chaser's P.O.V
It was the second day of school, and we were both ready for the day. The bus arrived. "You ready to face today (Y/N)?" I asked (Y/N). "Yeah, why?" She said giving a small smile. "Oh, no reason!" I told her. "And don't try to convince me. I wanna keep the patch on." She said with a blank face, still smiling. "...........................fine." I said quietly. "I heard that." She said with a smile. I gave her a kind of annoyed look. She laughed. The bus arrived. Once we were at school, (Y/N) was greeted by Pallet. "Hi (Y/N)! Hey, can I ask you a question?" "Uhh.. Sure!" "Why didn't you call me yesterday?" He asked. 'Wow its happening already..' I thought while smirking to myself. "Oh!.... Well...." She said looking down. Befor she could answer, I put my hand over her mouth and said, "You'll know soon enough.". Just then we heard an announcement. "EmeRgaNCy StAfF MeeTiNG RigHt NoW!!" Principle Tem said through the speaker. "The plan's working.." I said quietly to myself while smiling. My sister and Pallet gave me a confused look. "Nevermind." I said.
~Time skip to after the meeting~
Your P.O.V
Another announcement. Wired. "AttEntIon EveRyoNe! YoU ALl HaVe THe DaY OFf ScHoOl BuT yOu WIll AlL pARtICeApATe In hELPiNG ThE (L/N)'S FiND tHEiR MiSsiNg FaMiLy! ThANk yOU!" Principle tem said through the speaker again. Every one was talking now. I looked at Chaser. He smirked. I saw CC in the distance. She was smirking too. 'So this is what you all were planning while I was doing my phone call..' I thought. "ALRIGHT NOW LISTEN UP!" I heard Coach Error yell. "YOU WILL ALL BE PAIRED IN GROUPS FOR SAFETY, SO IF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE WANTS TO GO SEARCH SOMEWHERE, YOUR WHOLE GROUP GOES! AND IF ANYONE IS TAKEN, WE WILL FIND YA!" He continued. "ANY QUESTIONS?" He asked. A few raised there hand. "Do you know who took them?" "NO, BUT WE HAVE A PRETTY GOOD GUESS." "Do you know where the person who took there family is?" "THE (L/N) KIDS DO. ANY MORE QUESTIONS?" He asked. One more person raised there hand. "YES?" "When we find this person, will we all be in the place they took them trying to get them back, or will the (L/N) kids do it?" They asked. Coach Error looked at us. Before I could answer, my brother nodded his head in a 'yes' manner. "THEY SAID THAT THEY'D DO IT." "Why? Isn't that dangerous?" The person asked. I sighed. I walked up to where Coach Error was and yelled out my answer. "WE WILL BE DOING IT OURSELFS BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT ANYONE ELSE GETTING HURT OR CAPTURED!" I yelled out. "LETS GET ON WITH IT NOW!" I yelled out. 'Welp, its time' I thought. "Hey sis, you ready?" "I guess" I said while shrugging. As we were searching I found him. I let out a soft growl. "Uh.. Sis? You, uh, you ok?" My brother asked me. Then he found what I was growling at. "(Y/N)..Don't you dare. We don't have any proof that he did it ye-" "Aah, but we have proof of him breaking into our house, correct?" I asked my brother while cutting him off. "And plus, we have those hidden security camera's that we both hid, right~?" I said in a creepy manner. "So, we actually DO have proof." I said giving one of my 'we-have-proof-because-he-thought-he-can-get-away-with-it-but-he-was-wrong' smiles. "And plus, I'm sure his girlfriend would just LOVE to meet me. After all, I just want to warn her so her family isn't next~! Now, what do you say~?" I said getting a little to close for comfort "Partner~?" I asked him, my voice echoing. "Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope!" He said. "NOT!*clap* TO!*clap* DAY!*clap*" He yelled. I snapped back into reality. "Ugh.... What......What happened...?" "Ghost took over. And she tried to convince me to let her get your ex." He said. My eyes widened. "What?! I thought I- but I- Are.....Are you sure?" I said giving him a ' 0_0" ' Kind of look. "Yup." He said. "We'll talk later. Now lets get on with our mission." He told me. "O-ok.." I said, still trying to understand if this was reality or not. He grabbed my hand/wrist(whichever you prefer) and dragged me away. Then suddenly, he stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Uhh.... nothing.....???" He lied while smiling nervously.
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