Chapter 1: Moving
Your P.O.V
As I was almost done packing, I- Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't introduce myself now, did I? My name is (Y/N) (L/N). We are moving because of, well, a lot of reasons! One is that my brother and I get bullied (Mostly me.) at our school. I got bullied because of my right eye. I'm not sure why they mess with him, but still. No one should be messing with us in the first place. And our youngest, Neko, is very sick and where we live is probably causing this. No one can figure out what's making her sick. Not even the doctors! Anyway, we are moving to a new town called (Y/T/N). Our dad is a skeleton Inu and our mom is a human Neko. Me and my brother are the only normal ones in the family. Neko has wings, Akari is a Inu, and Mitsuko is a Neko. And I have been acting really weird. At least, that's what Chaser says. Actually, I have. I caught my now Ex-Boyfriend kissing his new girlfriend. And it was the night I was going to tell him that I was moving! Anyways, I just got finished writing my name on all of my boxes when Mitsuko came in. "Big sis, can I borrow your marker?" "Don't you and Akari have one already?" "Yes, but Akari's not sharing!" I made a 'Oh' sound, then went to the twins' room. "Akari?" "Yes, big sis?" "Please share with Mitsuko." I looked her right in the eyes as I said this. "But I have been!" "No you haven't!" "Yes I have!" They glared at each other. 'I should have just said yes..' I thought. "Haven't!" "Have!" "HAVEN'T!" "HAVE!" "HAVEN'T!" "HAVE!" They yelled at each other. Then, as I was walking out to get Chaser and ask for help, The twins' ran at each other and ran right into each other, making a loud 'thump'. When I looked back, both of them were on the floor, crying. I ran out of the room and got everyone and led them to the twins' room. Mom asked them if they were ok, and her and dad scolded them. "She started it!" Mitsuko said, pointing to Akari. "Nu-uh! You did!" "Nu-uh!" "Yuh-huh!" "No!" "Yes!" They glared at each other. Honestly, I was getting pretty mad at this point. "(Y/N)? Sis, you ok?" Chaser asked. I showed him how mad I was by showing him my eye. Right now, the colors were Red, fading into Dark Blue, fading into Dark Purple, fading into a Midnight-Black color. He knew what I was going to do, So he went and got his headphones. Right now, the whole family was arguing. Well, everyone except for me and Chaser. "ITS YOUR FAU-""EVERYONE,STOP!!" I screamed at them. Everyone flinched and looked at me. My Left eye was Black and Red, and my Right eye was, well, the colors I told you earlier. They both were glowing. They knew what I was going to do and all took one step away. Then, I stomped right out of the twins' room and started loading my stuff into our moving van. I kept my headphones out because I was going to play music while we were driving. And cause' I do that when I don't want to or feel like talking to anyone. After a few hours, everyone joined me. They tried to apologize, but I tuned them out. Then I got a text from.............Mom? Oh. I get what she's doing. She's trying to talk to me. I ignored the text and her and kept playing my music. That's when I felt something. It felt like sadness. I looked at my brother(He was sitting next to me.) and sure enough he was on his phone. I looked up from my phone and looked at the twins. Nither of them was sad. I looked at mom and dad from the mirror. Nope. I feel so guilty. Not only I don't know who's sad, but its probably because of me. I know none of them like when I yell. Oohhhhhhh bboooooooooooyyyyyyyyyy. This'll be a lllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg car ride.
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