Chapter 7
Phil smirked at you after posting the picture on Twitter. "So, (Y/n)." He started before playing with his napkin.
You silently laughed at his cuteness. Secretly, you liked Phil and Dan both- but Phil was so nice and Dan hadn't said a word to you yet. "Phil?" You asked.
He looked up from his napkin that he somehow made into a bow tie. "Yes?"
"Do you want to hangout soon? Me and you? Maybe even Dan?!" You said. Phil nodded, obviously hoping for that too. He looked like an excited puppy.
"Yeah that would be nice." He replied, grinning from ear to ear. "Should we invite Dan?"
"Yeah! I want to know both of you!" You answered. His smile faltered, but he did text Dan if he wanted to hangout soon with the both of you.
"He said yeah."
"Cool! When do you want to? On Wednesday its my typical 'In my life!' Videos, maybe you guys could be in it!"
Phil nodded, "That would be awesome."
"Great! Just text Dan when he wants to meetup, and I'll be there!" You told him before going back to your pasta.
A day with Phil, (Y/n), and I. That would be interesting- seeing that Phil might kiss her again.
"UGH MY LIFE." I sighed and flopped on my bed. I checked all social media and that video. (Y/n)'s comment had three hundred and forty-seven likes. Obviously Phan-shippers we're proud she was included into their bubble.
Phil texted me again, Wednesday at ten. That would be easy- except I don't typically get out of bed until eleven or later. Only ten for important things.
I guess (Y/n) is an important thing.
"Hello again! So I am wide awake somehow, and going to meet up some special people!" You said with a wink. "This is my OUTFIT OF THE DAY! Surprisingly this Steve Madden bag was only twenty dollars at TJ MAXX- which is my clothing bae. All my other stuff, my tank top was from Target on sale, jeans were from American Eagle, and yeah! I like the clearance stuff!"
You walked out of your brightly lit bedroom with the sun of London. You poured a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and talked more about what you would be doing today. "So, I was planning to go to the zoo today and maybe to an ice cream place. Apparently there are llamas at the zoo! OOH!"
Finally you were done and checked the time. "Ah! It is time! See ya guys when I meet up with those special people!"
Turning off your camera, you walked out of your apartment and out into the crisp autumn air. Luckily you put on your leather jacket, otherwise you would be drinking Starbucks drinks for hours to be warm. But you did stop at the Starbucks nearby to get a drink and continue on your way!
You knocked on the door of their apartment. You could hear faint Muse music playing and started to hum along.
Dan answered the door, still fixing his hair. You pulled his arm down, "You look fine, Dan!" You laughed.
He laughed nervously and let you enter their apartment. It was so nice and big! As you talked to Dan, Phil came in and scooped you into a hug.
"(Y/N)! WELCOME TO OUR FABULOUS ABODE!" He laughed, twirling you around in his lanky arms. You giggled as the dizziness set it once e put you down gracefully.
"Good job, Phil, you made her dizzy." Dan scoffed.
"I'm good!" You replied, standing up.
Phil laughed and helped you stay standing.
"So what are we doing today?" Phil asked.
"THE ZOO!" You squealed. Dan and Phil both smiled at you as you went on and on about the new exhibits. "Ooh! And I have to show you guys in my video! I forgot to start taping once I came!"
They both nodded while you grabbed your camera from your bag. "HELLO AGAIN! Look who I'm with! The fabulous Dan Howell and Phil Lester! Whoa!"
They waved at the camera. "Let's go to the zoo!" Dan sang and grabbed your hand. You giggled and turned off your camera again to go to the zoo.
Phil hailed a cab and got one quickly. You all piled in, you in the middle. The taxi driver sneered at the lot of you before starting off to the zoo. You watched the window from where Dan was sitting. As you looked at all the huge buildings you passed, Dan grabbed your hand.
I saw (Y/n) watching the buildings and cars flash by as we drove to the zoo. Even in the horrible cab lighting, she looked beautiful. I grabbed her hand.
She blushed, her face turning to the color of a tomato. Luckily, Phil wasn't paying attention to us, he had his headphones in and eyes closed as we drove.
"Heh," (y/n) awkwardly laughed, looking up at me. She grabbed her phone and went back towards her seat more, but still had her hand in mine. She took a photo of all of us, Phil was still sitting there with his music, not paying attention to the real world, but (y/n) and I smiled at the camera. She posted it.
There was one comment I saw.
"Omg look they have their hands together! What a whore! First Phil and now Dan. #Phanisbetter"
(Y/n) bit her lip, whispering to me, "What have I done?" Before hurriedly stopping the taxi and getting over Phil to get out, then running down the sidewalk.
She left us right there.
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