Chapter 6
Dan looked at me with a cold stare. I was used to this when I finsih anime alone, or eat all his cereal, but this was completely different. It was about (Y/n). He grabbed my hand and dragged me off.
"Don't you have to see your friends?" I asked, with a slight tone of sarcasm in it.
He kept his frosty glare at me. "I cancelled with them. I wanted to tell you a little while ago, but you went prancing around with her and Jack to the fucking Disney Store."
I bit my tongue to try and not lash out. I had to keep my composure. We were in a quiet and popular place- no need for two giants like us to get any more attention.
"Why are you mad anyway?" I told him.
"Because I've watched her longer! I want to talk to her and watch anime and she like that!"
"Uh. Dude, we've only met her today."
"In real life," he replied.
I shrugged, "(Y/n), Felix, Jack, and I were gonna go out to eat later. But we already reserved a table so."
Dan quietly sighed, and I could tell if we weren't in a public setting he would've yelled or something. "Fine, Fine, I'll just be on my way home. See ya then, Phil." He told me, walking towards the door.
"I'm sorry, Dan." I replied. He turned to look at me and I could see just sadness and despair in his eyes.
"Just text me when you're on your way home. I'll be good in an hour."
I nodded, knowing that to be true. He just needed some Chinese food and a new show to get him back in his good spirits. He awkwardly waved at me, then went to say bye to everyone at the table, Felix included.
(Y/n) and I walked together towards the restaurant. Jack and Felix were looking in the shop windows anyway, so we hurried up and got to the restaurant sooner.
"OH GAWD ITS BREAD!" (Y/n) said excitedly. I smiled warmly at her and she hugged me.
"Thanks Phil for meeting us all up. I'm so happy to meet you and Dan." She said into my shirt. I squeezed her back tightly before Jack and Felix walked in.
We got our seats and I quickly checked Twitter. Dan just tweeted out:
Ugh all alone with Chinese food... Wait- that might be a good thing? Lol
I replied: Sorry again dude! 😜
He didn't respond. So I decided to put my phone away and eat some bread, after all, they gave us four baskets for FOUR people. Mmmmm.. I'm gonna enjoy this.
I sat there on the couch crease I have made. An anime I wasn't even interested in was playing while I scrolled through Twitter. I saw that Phil tweeted out a picture of them all at dinner. (Y/n) was kissing Phil's cheek.
Oh for fucks sake. I was in love with a girl that likes my best friend more than me. Probably.
I finished my food and turned off the TV, going to my room. Maybe I should make a video- since I haven't in a few weeks- besides, people were urging me to anyway.
"Hello Interent!" I said after getting everything set up. "So I decided that this video would be about loving someone that won't love you back."
I ended the video, got editing done, and actually got it posted to YouTube. Finally!
All the feedback was wondering who the lady was. Some were even like "ARE YOU MAD THAT PHIL IS POSSIBLY DATING (Y/n)?! #Phan #(shipname)
Oh god, already people were questioning me and it has only been an hour since the video was uploaded. Then I saw a username that has been burned into my head. (Y/n's).
What have I done.
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