Chapter 4
The Disney Store was waiting for you.,you knew it. You waited a few minutes for slowpokes Jack and Phil, before finally leaving them to go inside and fangirl aloud.
"Jesus Christ," Jack sighed when they walked in. Phil and him followed you around until Phil saw a Totoro in the plush section. You was surprised they even had them there, for you were also a huge anime nerd.
"What are you going to get?" Jack muttered in your ear as you grabbed an Alice In Wonderland dress with little caterpillars on the collar. You smirked at him, slowly shaking the dress.
"That's cute," he replied. You grinned, skipping over to Phil with your dress.
"PHILLY MEH BOI!" You yelled, attacking him from behind.
Phil shrieked until he saw that it was just you. "Frickin lord have mercy."
You giggled while he showed you all the cool stuff he found. He found more than you did! DISNEY IS YOUR LIFE. (Just deal with it lol)
"Dan is gonna be mad!" He told you.
"Welp, that's not my problem!" You sarcastically replied. "Now let's buy this stuff before we spend anymore of our money!"
You grabbed his hand, leading him to the cashier. You quickly paid before meeting Dan and Felix up again, now talking about Vidcon.
Phil was the lucky guy. I tried to act cool and collective (which ya know didn't work at ALL) around (Y/n) while he went shopping at the Disney Store the second time he sees her. He flashed a quick smile at me and Felix before joining his new little friend group outside of the cafe. (Y/n) walked in moments later and ordered all of them drinks.
"So, Felix, how long have you known (Y/n)?" I asked him, taking a sip of my hot tea. It was scolding hot still, even after fifteen minutes.
He shrugged, "Basically at a summer-long camp, then we met again in High School. She was really good friends with Jack, and we all became a little group I guess. She's like a sister to me now."
"That's nice," I replied. "Has she had a lot of boyfriends?"
Felix raised an eyebrow, but continued to answer the questions. "She has had a few- not many because they always lasted so long- typically it just didn't work out cause one of them would move or one of them had to pay attention to school. It's surprising how little guys want to break up with her for an actual purpose- like not wanting to have sex, or cheating, it's always something stupid. Ever since the last boyfriend, (y/n) hasn't been looking that often for a boyfriend"
"Ahaha," I mumbled in my mug. Felix gave me a look like he knew about my crush.
"So, Danny me boy, you don't have a girlfriend yet either?" Felix asked, winking.
I shook my head in a no. He sighed, "well- that didn't stop you from flirting with (y/n)- unless Phil gets with her first."
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