Chapter 11
"OH MY FUCKING GOD IVE MISSED YOU!" Tyler squealed in your ear while hugging you. Troye didn't say anything, but continued to squeeze you.
"SAME!" You squealed back. You all continued to hug until Troye muttered that people were looking and that you all were standing there for ten minutes straight just hugging.
"Oh shit, let's go back to my place then!" Tyler annoyed, and you split from the group hug and followed Tyler to his shiny car. Troye walked besides you and hugged you again, "I've missed ya, Y/n! I wish that we all lived closer."
You giggled, "One in Perth, London, and then California."
He chuckled and let go when you reached Tyler's car. "LEGGO!" You squealed and hopped into the backseat with your luggage.
You departed the airport and found yourself standing in front of a large apartment complex. Tyler glanced at you with a big smile plastered onto his face, grabbed your hand, and quickly darted inside. "Fans sometimes see me," he explained while you walked up the flight of stairs to the fourth floor (where his apartment is). "They know where I live, then threaten me. If they are fans- why would they threaten?!"
You shrugged and continued up the stairs. Finally you reached his apartment! It smelled like vanilla cupcakes when you entered, the aroma following you to the guest room besides Troye's and down the hall from Tyler.
"Ooh!" You laughed when you entered. Last time you were there the guest room wasn't decorated or fixed up at all- that was when Korey and Tyler hosted a party after Playlist. Now it was all clean and smelled like window cleaner. The walls were now covered with a fresh coat of yellow paint to math the gray and white bedspread with red and white pillows. So many fall colors.
Troye followed you into your room, "Yours looks so much better than mine." He whispered, then gestured for you to follow him to his room.
The walls were a deep blue with only one window, unlike yours with floor to ceiling Windows on one wall. You looked out, and realized why he didn't have the same luxury as you- it looked right down at the sauna- where as you got to look at the pool and back of the sauna, Troye had the pleasure of seeing bare chested men through the window... They could probably see his poor little face, his mind now full of dark memories of Tyler's house.
Other than the horrendous window, which Tyler apologized so much after telling him about, the room was pretty nice. The bedspread was gray and red stripes with white pillows. You flopped on his bed, and when he laid down next to you, you whispered to his chest, "America."
"Want Mexican food?" Tyler asked later that night. You were all lounging in his apartment, laying about on computers and sipping bubble tea- which you found better in America than in London- and having Scream Queens play in the background.
You looked up from the computer with Troye simultaneously, nodding excitedly at Tyler. "FOOD!"
Tyler chuckled and pulled out his phone Bessie's him, whispering to you and Troye what the wanted.
About an hour later you were all munching on burritos and watching Americas got Talent when Phil called.
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