Chapter 2
So here she was in another town in another car. Driving down another unknown road to a place she would stay at long. She knew it wouldn't last long none of them ever did. She stayed closed off due to the fact she didn't want to lose anyone again. She was smart and she was stronger than most girls her age. It was due to the magic that ran through her veins. She was considered a freak and had no friends due to that near fact. She thought back to all the other houses and families she went to. None of them liked her so how would this one be any different. She knew it wouldn't be any different it wasn't some magical thing.
It was never easy for a foster kid to find a family that loved them for who they truly were. Although she was proved wrong when she found out who this family was.
"Hi I'm Jackie this is Ron my husband" Jackie said
She knew right then and there that Jackie was a witch. She smiled brightly for the first time in years. The papers were signed and Jackie closed the door behind the social worker.
"Your a witch" Adelina said brightly
"And you are as well little witch" Jackie smiled
"Your back with your own people now so don't worry kiddo" Ron said
"I hope things work out real I do" Adelina said
"Us too sweetie" Jackie said
"Let's show you to your room" Ron said
"We have enrolled you in the local school and we plan to teach you more about your origins and magic if that's okay with you"Jackie said
"I'd like that a lot my mom never got the chance to do so" Adelina said looking down sadly
And with that they showed her to her room and she got settled in with the few items she always carried on her. Those items included a teddy bear, toothbrush, hairbrush, some shirts both short and long sleeved. Shorts, pants, a jacket and hoodie, an old beat up pair of converse and some ChapStick. That's all she had and the bear had been given to her by her parents when she was a baby. It was all she was allowed to take with her when she left the home she'd known since she was small. Of course now she doesn't really remember it as well as she used to when she first left. Now being fifteen she didn't remember much about them except for the horror she witnessed at five years old.
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