Chapter 16
I wasn't prepared, I wasn't emotionally ready for this trip yet. I thought I was but it turns out I was completely far from ready for this.
"I can't do it Jen" I said as we pulled into the cabin styled home
It had a wheelchair ramp and a red barn like garage next to it. I took deep breaths but nothing was helping me and I hated panicking.
"Hey look at the bright side kiddo" she said
"What bright side there is no bright side of this, I'm moving yet again to another family this might be relative to me but they might not understand me okay I don't like moving and I've done enough of it already" I snapped
"Hey breath your abilities are showing" she said as I noticed my eyes change color
"I really don't like this Jenny what if their mean?" I asked
"Then call me right away got it" she said
I nodded and she told me to wait in the car as step two was in progress. I listened as far as I could but I don't have as good as hearing as vampires or wolves even shifters have. Some fae have better hearing as well, but I do have heightened reflexes and senses but not as heightened as theirs. I sniffed the air and sensed a shifter and my body tensed up on instinct. I looked around upon feeling as though I was being watched. Soon Jenny came out with a bright smile on her face which was freaking me out.
"Come on grab your bags he's got a room prepared and is absolutely ecstatic to meet you his son isn't home right now and won't be for a while so it will be just you and billy" she said
I nodded and slid out of the car and went to the trunk to get my belongings. Which wasn't much honestly it was two simple suitcases and a backpack that held my electronics inside. Of course I was beyond nervous as I walked through the door. Billy was in the kitchen that I could tell and was in a wheelchair. A ping of guilt and sadness for the man hit me upon noticing him in his wheelchair. I took in my surroundings noticing a set of stairs in the distance That went downwards towards what might be a basement. I saw the hallway filled with pictures on the walls but who or what was in them I couldn't tell not yet.
I walked further in and to my left was the living room which held a couch, chairs and a TV of course. To my right was the kitchen and the table that could seat six people in it. The kitchen was a cute country styled homey feel to it which I liked right away.
"Hello you must be Adelina" billy said sticking his hand out to shake mine
I smiled softly and shook his hand nicely.
"You must be billy" i said
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