~Chapter 9~
Natsu's POV:
It's been one month since I have come home from the hospital and was told that Lucy died. I don't want to believe and it seems everyone else doesn't believe it either. I left the group and I really haven't contacted any of them at all. Every time I walk by them or anyone I keep my head down because I feel ashamed I couldn't save her. Levy and Lisanna have been trying to get me to talk to them because they could tell that I needed the company but I just walk away.
"Lucy died on October Wednesday 31st and today November Friday 30th exactly one month... I can't believe it.. is she really dead?" I think to myself. I was laying in my bed and I hear a knock on my door. I chose to ignore it but then the door slams open and I see Erza and Jallal. "NATSU!" They both yell and I cover my ears and turn away from them "Natsu! look at us" Erza demands but I don't move. Ya she would normally scare me but right now I don't care. "Natsu listen to us... it's about Lucy!" Jallal yells and I jump up "Don't EVER say her name!" I start to get enraged and start to throw things at them "get out! Get out! ...get out" I fall to the ground tears threatening to fall as well and Erza walks up to me and gets on her knees. She grabs my shoulders "Natsu... look me in the eyes" she demands and I do so "I want to know if your prepared for what I'm about to tell you" she says and I hesitate to nod "We think Lucy is alive. She told us what happened and her being poisoned doesn't add up. She looked like she passed out from shock and not eating. She is also a run away right? So what if her father needed her back for something? She could still be alive." She said calmly and my eyes widened "L.. Luce could be... alive?" Those tears that were threatening to fall, roll down my face and I was in shock "yes, so please help us find her" Jallal says and I slowly stand up, Erza helping me. My bangs cover my eyes "I will help. I have to find her. If it's the last thing I do then so be it!" I half yell and Erza sits me down "ok tomorrow morning we will go to Lucy's house and see if she is really alive. We can't sit by knowing she may be alive and being used for cruel things" Erza says and they take their leave. I sit there for awhile with tears still falling and a smile on my face "I promise Lucy... I will save you"
~The next day~
"I researched where the Heartfilia family lives and it's about 5 hours from here threw car. So what do you say Natsu? Your car?" Erza asks and I nod. " there are still four seats open so how about we bring Mira, Gray, and Lisanna?" I ask and they nod "yes good idea. I will call them right now" Jallal says. When they get here we get into my car drive off quickly.
Lucy's POV:
I have been at this prison for one month also known as my house. I was told that my father had bribed one of the doctors to tell my friends that I died... I hate him. I am able to speak right again but still stutter sometimes. I was told in three months I would have to marry into the Eucliffe family... two more months. I lay down in my bed and cry silently.. Natsu where are you? I miss you so much.
I curl up into a small ball and role around in my bed. I hear a knock on the door "come in" I say and Virgo walks in "hello princess, you are needed in the dining room" I frown "no thank you. I decline.. please bring me my food in here" she nods and bows. Not soon after she walks back in with scratches all over her and her dress torn, my father was holding her by her arm looking angry "LUCY! I SENT HER TO COME FETCH YOU! IF YOU WOULD HAVE LISTENED SHE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He boomed and he throws her to the ground stomping on her "AAAHHHHH" I hear her screams and stand up. My bangs cover my eyes and I walk up to him. "Stop.." I say and he looks at me "what did you say!" He yells, I slap him across the face and his eyes widen "YOU WILL STOP HURTING HER OR ELSE!" I scream and he takes me by the hair and lifts me up "what did you say little girl?" He ask darkly and throws me on the ground and starts hitting me and stomping on me. I tried to get up but kept being knocked down. He stomped on my arm and I scream in pain, it felt as if he broke it. He stomped on my head and I cough up blood "I said.. DON'T HURT HER!" I quickly get up and knee him in the gut. He's holding his stomach so I take the opportunity and kick his legs which makes him fall hard "and I will also NOT marry into the Eucliffe family!" I slowly make my way to Virgo, help her up and we start to walk out "where do you think you're going!?" I stop and look at him "I'm going back to my real home where I am loved. I'm also bringing Virgo with me. Oh and father... if you ever try to hurt my friends again there will be consequences" "if you leave you can never come back!" He half yells "I never wanted to in the first place so that won't be a problem now will it" We walk out of the mansion and down the long road.
We get passed the mansion's gate and start to make our way to Magnolia, which on feet should take about a full day so by tomorrow afternoon we can get there. When we were walking a car passed us and it looked familiar to me but I chose to ignore it then we heard the car stop and we start to freak out "leave me princess! It's the best thing to do" I looked at her shocked "NO WAY" then the doors open and I start trying to run with her still close by to me.
I feel muscular arms tightly wrap around me and wince in pain. Someone tackled Virgo, holding her down and she screams in pain "VIRGO!? LET HER GO!" I yell and kick who ever is behind me and run to the person who is holding Virgo down. I take their hair and throw them off of her "Virgo are you ok!?" I yell trying to help her up "Damn that hurt Lucy!" I hear a familiar voice say and look at the person I had thrown away from my friend "Gray?" I say and stand up. I walk to him and slap him across the face "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY FRIEND!" Genuine tears start streaming down my face and I was enraged. I start stomping on him "LUCE! STOP IT!" I hear another familiar voice say and I turn around to see... Natsu. I was speechless and start to slowly walk towards him "Natsu?" I say faintly but then stop and he looks at me confused. I walk over to Virgo and help her up "please help her! She is severely hurt!" I half yell, Erza and Lisanna run up and help her while Natsu looked offended "Luce?" I look at him and sigh "I'm thinking for my hurt friend right now. There will be time to catch up later ok" I walk over to Gray and help him up "I'm sorry.. that wasn't like me. I'll tell you guys all about it when we get home ya?" I say and smile at him. He looked at me shocked "you can talk!?" He yells and I nod. We walked and before we passed Natsu and I grab his hand "let's go home... Natsu" I smile at him tears streaming down my face and hug him. "I missed you so much. I hope you know that"
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