~Chapter 25~
Three years later
Lucy's POV:
I look at Natsu "remember that project in high school when we had to do that baby project? Ya well when I was 5 months pregnant then... I think being really 5 months pregnant is a lot worse." He looks at me and smiles "is it that bad?" He asked and I nod "yes it feels like my back is breaking" I weakly smile and get up while holding my back. "I think I'm gonna go out with the girls" he looks at me "what? Why!? You can't leave me!" He whines. I sit down next to him and put my head on his chest "please" I beg and he groans. "Fine, but be careful ok?" I nod and call the girls. They said they would be ready in thirty so I hurry and start to get ready. After I'm done I hear the doorbell ring. Natsu answers it and the girls walk in. I see Levy and Juvia's belly bumps. "OH MY GOSH! There huge! How many months again?" All the girls laugh "Juvia is 8 months along" "I'm 9 months along! They should be here any day now" I laugh and place a hand on my stomach "well I'm only 5 months. How had does your back hurt Juvia, Levy?" They stop to think about it and Levy answers first "it feels like my back is broken and my stomach is being stabbed" "same for Juvia"
~10 minuets later~
"Natsu we're leaving now! LOVE YOU!" He looks at me and waves me goodbye with a smile "love you! Stay safe!" "Ok I will!" We get to the mall and start to shop anywhere and everywhere. First we go to a boutique store and look around. "AWE LU-CHAN! TRY THIS OOONNNNN!" I nod and take the cloths.
~Several minutes later~
All of the girls cheered as I walked out with a different outfit on every time. I sweat dropped when they did too. I decided on buying all of the outfits because I thought they would be cuter after I give birth.
We walk into Hot Topic. We were laughing and talking. Levy and I were talking about a book that she found at the local library. Erza calls us over to where they were to check out an outfit. When we were making our way over I felt something in my stomach. I felt as if something went wrong with the baby. I silently grunt in pain and slowly feel myself falling and I black out.
Levy's POV:
I look back at Lucy to tell her something but I see her slowly falling. I managed to catch her but when I sit her down and get into my knees I see her blacked out. "Lucy? Lucy!? LUCY!" All of the girls look back at me and run over to us "Oh my God! What happened!?" Yukino yells but my voice was to shaky and tears stream down my face. I couldn't say anything. A few guys in the store run over to us and pick Lucy up. One had already dialed 911. I cry into Ezra's shoulder and all of the girls surround me and Erza with a hug "I'm sure she's fine Levy." Bisca says and Juvia nods "yes we can't stress our selves. I bet she just passed out from exhaustion." I slowly pull away from Erza and wipe away my tears and nod in response.
I pick up Lucy's bags and we follow the three guys outside to wait for the ambulance. "Oh no... I don't.. I don't think this is good guys." The one holding Lucy is looking down at her and we look down as well. I gasp and see the blood running down her legs from under her dress "I KNEW IT! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HER BABY! WE CANT WAIT FOR THE AMBULANCE! WE NEED TO TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" I yell and everyone nods. The other two guys offered to carry Juvia and I since we are pregnant and can barely walk. We gladly accept and they pick us up bridal style and start to run, the girls right behind us.
We get to the hospital and the guys set us down. The one carrying Lucy kicks the doors open "WE NEED A DOCTOR! WE THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HER BABY!" He booms and the nurses scattered everywhere to get some doctors. They bring out a stretcher and the man placed her on it and they start to role her away "LUCY!" I yell. The girls tried to grab me but was unsuccessful. I almost made it past the guys but they managed to hold me back "NO! NO I WANT TO BE BY HER SIDE! I NEED TO SEE LU-CHAN!" I cry out but their grips got tighter. I slowly start to give up and they gently let off of me. One still held onto me. I fall to my knees and he falls with me "I'm so sorry about your friend" he whispers in my ear and I let out a loud sob and cry into his chest. He hands me over to Lisanna and Mira. The three guys bow and say their goodbyes and good lucks. Wendy calls Natsu right after.
Natsu's POV:
I get a call from Wendy and answer it not expecting what she was going to say. I quickly hang up and grab my car keys. I jump in the car and speed off to the hospital. I had tears threatening to fall but I blinked them back.
Once I get to the the hospital I turn off my car and run inside. I see Levy being comforted by Mira and Lisanna. I walk up to them and just seeing their faces sends me over the edge. I fall to my knees crying. I feel arms wrap around me and I sob loudly "I can't believe it! THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT! OUR FIRST BABY CAN'T BE GONE JUST LIKE THAT!"
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