~Chapter 24~
Five days later Christmas Eve:
Lucy's POV:
All of the girls and I were out finding presents for the boys because we knew they would go looking for them before and would have looked to see what it was.
We go into a antique shop and find some really cool stuff. I find Natsu a little statue of a red dragon breathing fire. After everyone finds something for the guys we decide to go eat at a restaurant. Once we are seated we order our food and drinks. "So Lu-Chan are you ready to study all winter break?" Levy asked and everyone sweat drops "why all winter break?" Mira asked and Levy looks at her "well I know that you and the other teachers didn't give us work but I still want to be way ahead" Levy explains some everyone laughs.
After we eat we go to Wendy's house and wrap the presents. I get done before the girls and say my goodbyes. I start to walk home. I was passing threw a scratchy neighborhood and start to hear footsteps behind me. I was already pissed so I slowly turn around to a tall man that looks 7 foot. I walk up to him with my death glare and I kinda flinches. "Ok! Now you listen! I know your following me so back off! I DONT HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT! I JUST ALMOST COMMITTED SUICIDE! I DONT NEED YOU IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!" I pull my shirt up a bit for him to see my stab wound. I put my shirt down and then pull up my sleeves to show the cuts "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I NEED TO DEAL WITH YOU RAPING AND KILLING ME!? THE ANSWER IS NO!" I poke him hard on his stomach looking up at him "I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH YOU NOR DO I PLAN ON IT IN ANY WAY! SO I SUGGEST YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF BEFORE SHIT GETS REAL!" His eyes were wide in terror. He runs away and I continue walking "damn this is why I hate the human species" I mumble to myself and walk into the house after 11 minuets.
"Natsu! I'm home!" I yell and take off my boots by the door. I see Natsu in the living room "hey Natsu? What are you-" I was cut off by a beautiful Christmas three with beautiful ornaments hanging gracefully from it. I slowly walk over to it and see a present under it. I look at him and smile. I grab the perfectly wrapped present I got for Natsu out of my bag and placed it under the tree. "So, when did you do this?" I asked and he laughs "I just got done with it. I think I did a pretty good job don't you think?" I nod and kiss his cheek. "I love it.. but not as much as I love you" (*gags* ew love... something I don't have and don't want to have but also it's NaLu.. I can make an exception) he gives me a toothy grin and I walk to his room "I'm going to take a small snap. Wake me up in 2 hours" He just nods and I lay down.
Nastu's POV:
It's been four hours and I feel like I was supposed to do something but I just shrug it off "probably nothing" I sit there on my phone for about four minutes but then something goes off in my head. Shit I forgot to wake Lucy up! I run into my room and gently shake her "Lucy come on get up!" I yell and she slaps my hands away. "Well damn I was just trying to help." She then jumps up and looks at me "Natsu," she pauses and gives me a glare "y-yes?" She starts to get out of bed "what time is it?" She says in a stern voice and I gulp "w-we'll it's umm.." "NATSU WHAT TIME IS IT!?" I fall backwards and she towers over me "it's 2:00" she now has a blank emotionless expression "you let me sleep for, FOUR HOURS!?" I nod rapidly and she yells in frustration "NATSU I WAS SUPPOSED TO MEET THE GIRLS AT MIRA'S HOUSE!" I sat there not knowing what to say or do. She growls in frustration and walks into the bathroom and gets undressed. She looks at me with a death glare and slams the door shut. I hear her lock it too. "Damn she's really mad at me..."
Lucy's POV:
I get done taking a shower and wrap a towel around my wet body. I walk out and her Natsu screaming. I look up and see him pounce off of the bed and towards me. I HAVE TO THINK FAST! "LUCY KICK!" I yell and kick Natsu in the gut and he's sent flying across the room. I run up to him and apologize. I help him up "DAMN LUCE! You can kick!" He yells and I role my eyes.
After I get dressed I take Natsu's car and head to Mira's house. Elfman and Lisanna live with her. I pull into the driveway and was tackled my Lisanna "Hey LuLu.!" We are on the ground and I swear she may have broken my back. I whence in pain and she quickly gets off "AH! I'm sport LuLu! Are you ok?! I forgot about your stomach!" She helps me up and I smile at her "no it's ok. Is everyone else here?" She nods and we walk inside. All of the girls say their hellos and we start to talk about the Christmas Eve Party for tonight.
"I think we should put the dessert table right there, the Christmas tree there, and we need to start making the food. Mira, Lisanna, and Lucy! You are on cooking duty! Me, Bisca, and Levy are on Tree duty! And last but not least Yukino and Wendy are going to go buy presents!" Ezra yells. We all look at her and nod "AYE SIR!" We all scramble around and get to work.
Yukino's POV:
We get to the mall and split up. Ezra gave me a list of what store to go to and how many presents to buy. I go to Hot Topic first and get 5 different gifts 3 for girls and 2 for boys. I move onto Vermona and gets 4 different gifts there. 3 boy gifs and one girl gift. I finally get done and text Wendy.
Wendy's POV:
My first place I stop was at Hollister and buy a few things there and then I move onto American Eagle. I was having a hard time picking out stuff in American Eagle then I get a text from Yukino. I call her and tell her I'm freaking out and about 5 minuets later she comes rushing in. "WENDY IM HERE!" She yells and I calm her down. "Ok now let's figure this out!" I say determined.
Lisanna's POV:
Mira was making the cake while Lucy and I made the other desserts. After we made the desserts we start to make the roast. Mira finishes the cake and makes mash potatoes, hot rolls, green beans, and cinnamon rolls. "Phew I'm tired!" Lucy and Mira whined and I roll my eyes "come on guys we are almost finished. It's only been three hours and at 7 we are supposed so send out a message to all of the guys to tell them to come over. Sadly Elfman and Evergreen are out of town." Lucy nods
Ezra's POV:
We were putting on the ornaments when Levy starts to fall off of the small later. Bisca and I go under Levy and catch her "LEVY BE MORE CAREFUL!" I yell. "Sorry Ezra" she apologizes and we get back to work. After about 27 minuets later we got done. At the same time we got done Lucy, Mira, and Lisanna walk out of the kitchen. Yukino and Wendy walk in too with a lot of bags "Hey guys sorry we're late."
Two hours later
It's now 7 and we text all of the guys to come to Mira's place. We soon hear them all pull up and get ready.
Natsu's POV:
We all pull up generally confused and get out of our cars. I had to ride with Gray. We knock on the door and Lucy answer it. We walk in and see the tree, the dessert table and many other things. "We decided to make a Christmas Eve party!" Wendy yells with a big smile.
(How do you guys like my decorations?)
I was shocked. They did an amazing job. I pull Lucy cloths to me and kiss the top of her head. "You guys did such an awesome job!" I say and Lucy smiles.
We play games, eat some food for three hours. Then we get around to opening presents. We pull out sticks and get specific numbers. Ezra and Jallal called out the numbers. I had #five and Lucy had #eleven. Jallal called both of our numbers and we walk up and get a present. When I open mine it was some necklace to do with fire and Lucy for a book full of constellations and there Origins. "Oh! We got the perfect gift hm?" Lucy said with a smile and I give my signature grin.
After the party ended we helped clean some stuff and gathered our stuff.
Lucy and I get in my car and we drive off she falls asleep and I don't blame her it's 11:37. When we get home it should be about 11:56.
I pull into the driveway and turn off the car. I get out of the car and go to Lucy's side. I grab Lucy and pick her up. I put her on my back and close the car door. I unlock the door and put Lucy on the couch. "Hey Lucy.. wake up it's almost midnight. Her eyes fluttered open and she looks around for a bit then rubs her eyes "what time it it?" She asked and I look at my phone it's 11:59 "aaaaannnnnddd.. it just turned 12:00. Marry Christmas Luce" I take her hand and lead her to the Christmas tree. I sit down and she does too. I grab her present and hand it to her. She opens it and looks inside. She instantly puts a hand over her mouth and tears cloud her eyes. Lucy picks up the golden key and looks at it. "Oh my... it's Aquarius's key." I look into her brown orbs "so.. do you like it?" I ask and she looks at me "like it? No I don't like it.. I love it! Thank you Natsu!" She pounces at me and hugs me. "I'm glad you do." She pulls back and smiles. She quickly grabs my present and hands it to me. "Here you go!" He talks in excitement. I know whatever it is, is going to be an amazing present but I'm going to mess with her. I open my present and look down. Oh God... I don't think I can do it. It's a dragon and I love dragons! I take a deep breath and make myself frown "what's wrong? Do you not like the present?" She said worried and I look up at her "no... I don't like it at all!" I yell and her eyes widen in shock. I start to laugh and she looks at me confused with sad eyes "I'm kidding with you Luce. I love it!" I get closer to her and cradle her in my arms "and I love you" I say and kiss her passionately.
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