back in the horde, catra had stolen some eyeliner from octavia thinking it was just a pen. catra had messed around with it for a bit but not done anything serious until octavia had stopped being mad, and then catra had realised what it actually was.
she practiced doing eyeliner for ages but could never get it right, until one day she used a sharp peice of metal, and for the first time she did good eyeliner. she wore it in front of everyone and they didn't really care.
but then shy lonnie walks up to catra and asks catra to give lonnie eyeliner. they start hanging out more and catra teaches lonnie, its just a small bonding thing but lonnie completely changes. no more shy cadet, just lonnie and catra being complete badasses. they bully everyone (bar adora).
so when catra joins the rebellion bow brings it up how good catra is at doing eyeliner, and she's like "oh yeah i practiced a bit". bow asks for tips and catra just brings out a fucking knife and presses it against bow's face. adora and glimmer get ready to fight her but instead of hurting him she takes out eyeliner and does his makeup.
everyone is super confused, so catra tells them the backstory behind it. soon everyone starts wearing eyeliner like catra and she has to fucking beg everyone to stop because she thinks they're making fun of her.
also catra hates seeing a child looking like her.
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