Chapter 9
Skys P.O.V
It was Monday right now and I was eating. I got up at 5 and changed to get ready for school. Alexa said that Kyle wasn't going to make it to the party on Saturday and that was good. If he had went Alexa would had left him the second we got there. She had been tryting to call him but he wouldn't answer. Alexa even went to his house and guess what we found out.
HE FUCKING LEFT WITHOUT SAYING GOOD BYE TO ALEXA. Ya Alexa just met him but still they were friends I'm guessing. Nobody will know he left tho even if Logan and us bullied him and only remeber him once they see him.
"Sky hurry are we leaving or what?" My brother said. He doesn't hang out with us alot but he does talk to Logan.
"Umm yea let's go." I went to his car and he put really loud music. I still look the same just without glasses and different clothing and a little bit of makeup. I still look the same and people already saw me.
Hi darling I'm only letting you stay with your family for 1 month then I'll come and get you. You need to pay for what you've done. ;)
Just leave me alone I haven't done anything.
Wow you have changed. You always called me thing and said you're not scared of me. I'm guessing that kid did me a big favor. Oh and my sister and brother miss you they wonder where you went.
I didn't answer I don't remeber his brother or sister. I didn't even know he had one.
"Who texted you?" My brother asked.
"Huh... oh no one I was just reading the messages he send me." I replied to him. I know he didn't believe me because he looked at me suspiciously.
After school
No one at school bothered me. And I and I was right no one even notice Kyle was gone but the teachers.
1 month later (I don't know what to write so 1.month later)
It's been a month since Kyle moved and I have been getting messages from 'stalker'. I changed the names from Unknown to stalker since he knows everything. I told my parents what he send me a month ago. A few days ago he send me he will get me on rhw first day of October and that's tomorrow. So I'm moving and leaving everything behind. The school knows but they know I'll come back next year for sophomore I'm just going to miss Freshman year. Alexa said she wanted to come and I said sure. She wants to see her boyfriend again she hasn't seen him ever since she moved. Same with her brother.
"Do you have to go?" Asked Em. I'm at my house putting all my things in the car. I was with all my friends.
"Yes I do." I answered simply hopefully they don't ask wh....
"Why tho do you have a reason?" Rachael asked me.
"Well..... I do I have to go see someone over there." I said I knew I sounded nervous.
"Where are you going cupcake?" Logan asked I was going to miss him the most.
"I'm going to Hawii." I replied. I been wanting to go there plus it's the farthest from where we live. So I will be safer over there hopefully.
"Why so far?" They asked at the same time.
"That's where some of my family members live." I replied casually. They nodded.
"Sky are you ready to leave?" Alexa asked me.
"Ya. Just wait a minutes." I replied. Alexa was already in the car but I needed to say bye to my friends. "I'm going to miss you all. I won't forget about you guys ok. I'll be back next year." I said.
"We're all going to miss you to." said Emily I smiled.
"I'll miss you the most Logan I like you a lot." I smiled at him he smiled back.
"I like you a lot to. I'll miss you so much cupcake." He said and then he kissed me. I hugged them and Dane my parents and brother and got in the car. Alexa started to drive to the airport.
"Where are we staying?" I asked her.
"In a house a friend if mine got it. I also need to tell you something." She replied
"What?" I asked.
"I'll tell you once we get to Hawii." She said and I nodded my head.
At Hawii.
We got our of the plane and went to the house. Alexa already had the key since her friend gave it to her. The house is huge and Alexa said I could pick any room.
"Sky before we settle in we need to talk." Alexa said sounding nervous.
"OK." I just relied.
"OK thus might sound horrible this isn't my home."
"OK who's house is this?" I asked her.
"Her name Jo Jo she'll tell you her real name if she wants to." She said I nodded. "And they call me Lex or Lexi."
"What will they call me?" I asked her.
"I don't know how about Skylar." She said I flinched at that name I think she noticed because she quickly changed it. "nah to easy how about we could call you my your middle name."
"alright." I said she smiled.
"Well Jo Jo will be here later let's settle in. Once she gets here we will get started on teaching everything about how the house works" She said.
"OK let's go." I said.
Hey guys I'm sorry for another short chapter. I've been trying to post because I haven't posted. I going to be editing some if the chapters because I know how it feels like to read with mistakes. Please comment and vote. And I'll try to post a new chapter for my other book.
Liz 😘😙😙😘
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