Chapter 6
Kyle P.O.V
After what I saw I went back to my classes. I can't believe Sky is dating the Logan. She said she will never date him she lied to me again. I didn't see her or any of her friends during lunch. I was walking to my table that now I sit alone when I bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry I wasn't looking." I said to her. I looked up and she looked really pretty but not as pretty as Sky. She smiled at me.
"Uhhh I mean it's ok I wasn't looking either." She said.
"My name is Kyle." She looked at me when I spoke again.
"My name is Alexa. I'm new here and I was looking for my cousin." She said I wondered who was her cousin.
"Who's your cousins?" I asked her.
"Her name is Sky Martina. She knows I was coming today. I just got here." She explained I can't believe Alexa is her cousin. She never told me probably because she never cared.
"Wai you're Skys cousin?" I asked in shocked. She nodded.
"Ya I juts moved here she has been wanting me to come." She replied I just nodded. "Do you know where she is?" She asked me.
"No. her friends and her ditched school." I explained to her.
"How long has she been doing this?" She looked very confused and surprised.
"She just stared today she has never ditched her whole life." I said.
"Is Sky your friend?" She asked me.
"Umm.... not anymore we stopped being friends yesterday." She just nodded.
"Do you want to be friends with me?" She asked me.
"Ya." I replied.
"Cool could you show me around?" She asked me I nodded. The rest of the day I showed her around the campus.
After school
I just finished showing Alexa around and we were getting out of the school building.
"So how long are you staying here?" I asked her.
"I don't really know I might start to live here with Sky. Why?" She asked me.
"Just wondering." I replied to her.
"So why did you and Sky stop being friends?" She asked me. Before I answered I saw Sky with her new friends and boyfriend. Logan, Rachael, and Emily were talking while Sky was on her phone texting someone again. She was never on her phone while we were still friends.
"Hold your answer I see Sky, she said she really needs to talk to me." She expalined I nodded.
"Fuck this." Everyone turned there heads to where the voice came from. It was Sky's voice, she didn't seem to notice that she basically shouted that out because she was still on her phone. She was starting to text the person she was texting but stopped when she heard Alexas voice.
"Hi Sky. I see you fianlly decided to change again. And are you ok?" Alexa shouted Sky looked up but didn't even look at me. She looked worried but then smiled when she saw Alexa.
"Alexa, you made it. And ya" She smiled while hugging her. Logan, Rachael, and Emily just looked confused. Sky whispered something to Alexa but could hear it.
"How could I not come help my cousin. When did it start?" She asked her something. what were they talking about.
"Umm... Alexa could we talk about it when we are alone?" She asked her.
"Wait they don't-"
"Alexa no and please." Alexa nodded.
"OK we will talk about it at home." Sky nodded and hugged her and Alexa left. I was still standing there.
"What are you looking at?" Sky asked me in a rude tone. Even though we aren't friends I still care.
"What was she talking about?" I asked her.
"That's none of your business. Keep your ass out of other people business if you don't want to get hurt." She warned me I never seen her this serious.
"Sky are you ok." Logan asked her.
"Ya I just need to get some rest." She said.
"OK but you are coming tomorrow right?" Emily aksed her.
"How could I miss it." Sky answered her and they walked away. What were they talking about. But I don't care Sky is being super rude and I know how to get her back. Her cousin Alexa I need to make her trust me. I saw Alexa going to her car.
"Alexa what were you and Sky talking about?" I asked her.
"I am sorry Kyle but I can't tell you that's something Sky needs to tell you. But I have to go see you on Monday." She waved her hand and left. My phone dinged and saw it was a message from SKY.
You better stay away from my cousin ok bitch.
Oops. Wrong person but you should stay away from her
I don't have to explain just stay away.
What are you jealous
Ha you wish. I don't care who you fuck and play with. I just don't want my cousin hurt. Oh and 1 thing you should just leave the world it would be better without you.
I can't believe she thinks I am a fuck boy. And she just told me to die. I do hate her but not like to want to kill her but I hate her. I really wish I never met her. She was a great friend while it lasted but now I know the real her. And who else would she have told to stay away from her.
Skys P.O.V
So far the day was going great we went to a carnival and it was super fun.
"Hey we should start heading back to school. It's almost time for school to end." Em said we all nodded at went to the car.
"I want you all to meet someone. She is very sweet you will see her when we get to school." I said they nodded.
"Em so about your birthday party is everyone going?" Rachael asked her.
"Ya everyone from the whole school even the stupid nerds." We all groaned. "Well let's go." The car ride to school we were all singing but I stopped when my phone chimed.
Hi again I know you're trying to ignore me as possible
Why would I ignore you I am not scared of you
Really because I few years ago you were really scared of me
That was ages ago I am not anymore.
Really ok just saying I am always watching you. So you better think before going to the police bitch. And remeber always betray the ones you love or they will get hurt.
This is one of the reasons why i want to get away from Kyle. I didn't notcie we were at school already. I didn't want to answer him and I was still a little afraid.
"Sky are you okay?" I heard Logan ask me.
"Huh.. umm.. ya I am fine. The person I want you to meet will be here soon." I said trying to change the topic.
"OK so please be at my party first. I want you all to help me decorate to make it the best party." We all nodded we kept talking about stupid shit. I heard my phone chime I really hope it wasn't him.
Stop ignoring me princess. And I see you told your cousin that I am back.
Leave me alone please. I haven't done anything please. What do you want.
You know exactly what I want.
See you later. ;)
I was scared I just stared at my phone WTF what does he mean by see you later.
"Fuck this." I yelled I felt people staring at me but I could care less.
"Sky are you okay?" I heard Em ask me.
"Ya I just saw something on Instagram that's all." I made up an excuse they all just nodded. I was about to text back the stupid idiot when I heard someone I missed for so long.
"Hi Sky. I see you decided to finally change again. Are you okay?" She asked me. I love Alexa so much and I will tell her since I trust her so much. Just not now since my friends are here and they don't know. I told her to come because she was with me the last time. I needed her right now but no one could know why she actually came for.
"Alexa you made it. And ya" I hugged her. I looked over at friends they looked so confused.
"How could I not help my cousin. When did it start? " She asked me
"Umm... Alexa could we talk about it when we are alone?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Wait they don't..."
"Alexa no and please." I cut her off. I know my friends will want me to explain but I don't like talking about it.
"OK we will talk about it at home." I nodded my head and Alexa walked to the restroom. Then I saw the person I hope I will never see again. I hope he doesn't question anything but of course he did. I just gave him a warning and started to walk away. While Logan, Em, and Rachael are asking me if I am ok.
"Yes guys I am fine don't worry what my cousin was talking about. And that's who I wanted to introduce to." I said to them. "Hey could she come to your birthday party tomorrow?"
"Ya sure the more the merrier." She said smiling but she was faking it I know when she is.
"Em are you sure it's ok?" I asked her again.
"Yes, why did you ask?" She asked me
"Because you don't....."
"It's fine its just my parents don't know her and my parents know everyone." She lied. I know when she lies because she always twirls her hair. Logan and Rachael knew what was bothering her because they looked uncomfortable and I knew they could tell I didn't believe them.
"Whatever..... I am leaving see you tomorrow at nigh." I said but I think I sounded annoyed.
"Are you mad?" Logan asked.
"Why would I be mad." I said.
"Because whenever you say 'whatever' you are mad. Plus you're leaving." He said.
"First of all I don't say 'whatever' when I am mad. And second of all I need to talk to my cuz so see you all tomorrow." I tried to force a smile on my face. Then I remeber I need to text the person that has been texting me. I saw that I accidentally texted Kyle and told him to back off my cuz I don't want her getting hurt. So I did text him and he thought I was fuckin' jealous. I them texted him something I will always regret. I told him he should just kill himself. If he is found dead the next day I will be the one blamed.
Heyo I am working on a new chapter for my other book will be uploaded before the 20 byee. And please vote and comment.
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