Chapter 2
After school
"Ohh look here are the two nerds who are both worthless piece of shit." Rachael yelled. I looked at Sky she looked annoyed.
"Oh they are so scared they can't even talk these bitches are scared what babies." Logan laughed and everyone laughed. Then our of nowhere Logan punched me in the face and stomach. I saw Rachael slap Sky in the face.
"Hope you enjoy your treat slut it will be your treat every now and then." Rachel laughed at Sky and she started to cry. "Oh look who is crying the slut is crying!" She yelled and everyone laughed. I couldn't do anything even if I wanted too.
"Why don't you guys just leave us alone?" I asked they turned their attention to me.
"We will stop until we want ok now don't talk back to us you nerd." Rachael yelled.
"You guys should just cut deeper and kill yourselves already." Logan said and started to laugh. How can he be so fucking cruel. What did he mean by cut deeper I don't cu... wait.
"What do you mean but cut deeper we don't cut." I mumbled.
"Oh really none of you cut. Sky show him your arm." Logan demanded she shook her head. Does she really cut. "NOW or Kyle gets hurt more." He yelled at her.
"I am sorry." She mumbled and rolled up her sleeves, there were cuts, tears started to roll down her eyes.
"Wow she cuts."
"She should just cut deeper next time"
"She doesn't belong here not even Kyle" Sky started to run I tried to go after her but then Logan stopped me.
"Leave her go she needs to be alone." Logan said.
"Why would I listen to you this is your fault." I yelled then Logan punched me in the face.
"Don't talk back to me you bitch." Everyone started to laugh. That is all people are good a these days, being cruel "Emily go catch up to Sky, calm her down." Logan said she nodded and went running the direction Sky left running." See now Emily will calm her down and don't you even think about going after her or tomorrow things will be bad for Sky." He warned me. I went to my car and went home thinking about Sky.
Skys' P.O.V
I left running I couldn't stand it anymore what they were saying. So I just did the first thing that came to my mind was to run. I left my best friend alone with them. I am a hypocrite, telling him that he should ignore them and man up but here I am being a fucking pussy. After a while I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw it was Emily.
"Please don't hurt me." I pleaded, Emily was not the nicest person I know but she is not as bad as Logan or Rachael. I known Logan and Rachael since elementary we were friends but somethings happened and I distances myself from them.
"I am not going to hurt you, now listen to me ok." She demanded I nodded. "We are going to make a deal." She says. "Your brother Ryan is going to explain it. RYAN COME HERE!" She yells then my brother comes running. does he really hang out with him. Knowing how they treat Kyle and I?
"What do you want I was bus.... What is my sister doing her?" He ask.
"You need to tell her to deal idiot." She says and she sounds annoyed.
"Oh right, Sky I know you have been bullied but we could make that stop." He says.
"How the fuck are you going to help me, everyone hates me because of you and her and her stupid friends." I yelled.
"I knew it." Emily whispers, what did she mean by that.
"Well Logan and Rachael want you to be there friend again they miss you a lot." He says Emily nods her head in agreement. When i heard that I scoffed.
"Why the hell would I be there ere friends again they hurt me." I said a bit calmer but I was still pissed.
"They just bullied you because they wanted to show you that they didn't care about you anymore and they bullied Kyle because it's his fault you left. You used to be super popular back then and people were scared of you. Now you get bullied, it used to be the other way around. I know you miss those days where YOU bullied people when you were yourself." He said. He was right I miss my old self so bad. The one that was able to stand up for herself, I didn't like bully people but I did it just to fit in. I did not want to be friends with people like them anymore.
"What's the deal?" I ask my brother. I had to know if it would benefit me or Kyle.
"You have to join us and be yourself again. If you do you won't get bullied anymore." He says.
"What about Kyle?" I asked them.
"Forget about that loser. You need to forget about him. It was his fault you turned all sweet and kind. Now let's go we don't need to shop. I already know you have pretty decent clothes so that is off the list" Emily says I nod my head, if I join them then they won't bully Kyle anymore. I know it will hurt Kyle because I left him but if this is the only way to stop all the bullying than I'll do it.
"What happened to Kyle though why didn't he come looking for me?" I asked Emily.
"Ugh... he left home. Logan told him if he was going to go after you and Kyle said. 'She is not worth chasing over she could get lost if she wants. I never cared about her she is just shit." She said. What, he wouldn't would he, what if she is lying. She has to be lying, Kyle is an amazing human being and cares about everyone.
"He wouldn't do that to me he actually does care about me." Tears wanted to come down, but I hold it in
"Are you seriously going to cry? He turned you too soft. But I have proof." She said she took out her phone and pressed play. And there was him saying it. More tears wanted to come down but I hold it in. Emily was right he turned me soft I used to be cold. I actually thought he loved me as a friends.
"I am ready to be myself again I missed her since I became all nerdy." I told Emily she nodded.
"I never liked you but now that I am getting to know you, you are very kind." She smiles at me and I smile back. We start talking while walking to the car and she drives me home. I just have act like I like them for they could leave him alone.
I won't post this whole week or next week because I will be at science camp. I usually take forever to write one chapter even if they are not good so ya. I am also going to be fixing any grammar errors
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