Chapter 16
Kyles P.O.V
I'm in front of the school with all of the guys and Charlotte. Everyone at school was only talking about one thing, can you guess.
Well if you guess thats it was about the new student, you are correct, even my friends are talking about it.
"What gender do you think the new student is?"Asked Richard, everyone one said they hope it's a girl.
"Why is everyone so excited about this new student by the way?" I asked them, they all shrugged but some girls behind us heard.
"Excuse me, are you guys new here, everyone knows why." She said, I looked at her friends and they nodded. They were looking at us and giving flirty looks.
"What's your name?" I asked the pink hair girl.
"My name is none of your business." She answered me, she looked familiar like I've seen her before.
"Hello, none of your business." Alex said to her while smirking, she rolled her eyes
"I've seen you before haven't I?" I asked her.
"Duh, you dim-wit I'm in cheer." She answered "Anyway, everyone so excited because everyone thinks it's Esme who's coming back." She said.
"Who?" Alex asked, all of us have a confused face.
"They are definitely new." She whispered to her friends behind her.
"Who is Esme?" Asked Victor, he started to look around.
"She is someone that people refer her as "she" and that everyone at school likes but at the same time hate." She replied, I was very confused. "Ok by your faces I could tell you didn't understand me. Esme came to this school for sophomore year but left the next year. When she was here, she made people smile all the times. But she could've hurt us if we hurt one of her friends or basically anyone she loved. In short, she was one of the sweetest people you could ever meet." She said, I understood but who would she hurt.
"Did she ever hurt anyone, like phisaclly?" Asked Alex, the girl looked at us, but didn't answer. "Did she?"
"Well, we're not ever supposed to answer that question if someone asked us but, she did." She looked at one of the girl behind her and nodded her head.
"She hurt me." On of the girls said. "My name is Winter and this is Scarlet." We said hi to them.
"Why, why would she hurt you?" I aksed, Winter looked down, as if she was guilty.
"Esme always had a reason to hurt someone. If anyone ever asked her why she did it, she would only answer with 'I have reasons alright, now stay put of it.' She was a very nice girl but she would break rules and laws with her friends." The pink hair girl said, she looked at Winter.
"What did she do to you, and why?" Asked Charlotte, Winter looked at the pink hair girl and nodded her head.
"Esme didn't really like them for some reason, but later on we found out why. In the beginning of sophmore year, Winter kissed I think Esme boyfriend. No one knew if she did date one of her friends and Winter kissed one." She said "Esme found our and got mad, she went up to Winter one day and slapped her hard. She also yelled at her."
"Damn, why would you kiss her boyfriend?" Asked Nathan, he was shaking his head.
"It was a dare ok, I tried telling her that but she wouldn't listen." Winter said, "I knew it wouldn't change anything."
"Now you know who she is." The pink hair girl said, "and you've seen me at the office when you first came." She said "my name is Crystal, I'm the one that flirted with him and you." She said while pointing at Nathan and I.
"Oh right, now I remeber." We all said at the same time. Crystal opened her mouth, but then closed it because we heard a loud noise. We all turned around and saw six motorcycles.
There was a gold, silver, blue, red, black, and red and black. They were at the stop light a few feet from the school. When the light turned green they all went really quick. The first motorcycle was the gild one then the back and red, silver, red, black, and blue.
They parked, four of them took off their helmet. It was Ry, Dyl, Lexi, and Jo Jo. When everyone saw it was them they broke into whispers. The whsiperes were like.
"What if it is her?"
"It has to be her, she is friends with them."
"OMG it has to be her."
The other two were talking to each other and the one in the black and red motorcycle and the one in the gold one.
"One of them is Esme." Said Crystal, she was looking at the motorcycles carefully.
"How do you know?" I asked her, she looked me and then back at the motorcycles where they were still talking.
"Esme hanged out with them, and no one else did, but I don't know for sure because there is a sixth one." She said, the one on the black and red motorcycle got off and gave something to the other person.
The person took off their helmet, I saw someone I haven't seen last week. It was Logan, if he's here he should known where Sky is because I haven't seen her either. He went up the Lexi and her friends, he told them something. The be on the motorcycle got off and then took off their helmet.
It was a girl, she had a nice body, sexy cruves, she was hot. She looked about 5'8 She went up to her friends. She was talking to them, she looked around. She looked at us for a while and then turned around. She had Hazel eyes, a very colorful hair that went to her waist.
"Is that Esme?" Asked Nathan, Crystal shrugged.
"Oh I'm going to be honest, I don't really know. She looks very different than how Esme did. Esme had beautiful brown silky hair and her face structure was different too. But if her name is Esme then it must be her." She said. "Well it was nice talking to you guys bye." She waved at us, but before she left she winked at me.
When I looked back, they were gone.
"We better get going, we're already late to class everyone left already." Charlotte said, we went into the school.
"See you guys at lunch." We said I gave my friends a bro hug and we all went to class.
Once I got there, I was about 5 minutes late. I opened the door, and everyone looked at me. I sighed, and looked at the teacher. There was the girl we saw in the lot.
"You're late Kyle." The teacher said, he was looking at me.
"At least I decided to show up." I replied, the teacher just sighed.
"Just take a seat Kyle." He said and then he turned his attention the the girl who was looking at something in her notebook. "Ok, Esme here is a new student, would you mind telling us about yourself ?"
Esme sighed, so it is the girl everyone was talking about. "I would mind but do I have a choice. I was born in this town, I don't like it when people are near me." Okay weird. "That's all." She said.
"Okay any questions you want to ask Esme?" He asked, people started to just ask questions.
"Are you single?" One of the football players asked.
"Have you ever been to this school?"
"Why don't you like people being close to you?"
"Because I don't" She replied coldly.
"Why is there a bruise on your cheek?" Someone asked, when I looked there was one but you could barley see it.
"This school asks to much personal information but to answer your question I fell off my bed, are we done here?" She asked the teacher he nodded his head and she went to her seat behind mine.
Lunch time
We were at our normal table talking, when I saw Esme friends walk in but she wasn't with them. They sat on the table behind us, people were watching them. Then the door open and in came a girl with a hoodie on so I couldn't see their face. Then the door opened in and in came Esme and everyone was looking at her.
"So, have any of you met her?" A voice asked behind us, I turned around and saw Crystal.
"Nathan and I have her in our second class." Charlotte said.
"I have her in first class." I answered her question. "But I haven't actually talked to her, she was very distint from everyone."
"Yeah she is, and she isn't how you described her. You said she was nice to everyone but the people who hurt her or her loved one. She was rude to everyone including the teacher." Charlotte said, Nathan nodded her head.
"She is very strange and qui-"
"Ahh I knew I heard Crystals annoying voice somewhere." A voice cut Nathan, the voice was very dull and cold, and straight away I knew who it was. We all turned and saw Esme, people were watching.
"Ahh if it isn't the famous Esme." Crystal narrow her eyes at her and Skylar just rolled her eyes.
"Yup that's me, and who are your new...... friends?" She asked her, but you could see she didn't actually care. I notice that she was quite far from us.
"Why do you care?" She asked her.
"Just answer my question." She snapped at her.
"Don't talk to her like that." Nathan snapped at her , he was the kind one to in our group. Esme laughed but it was bitter and definitely sarcastic.
"You're right Crystal I don't care i don't want to know who they are.but I never seen them before." She looked at Crystal, completely ignoring Nathan.
I saw Rachael walk up to us, she looked at Esme
"Why did you come back?" She asked her. I saw Esme features change when she saw her.
"I wasn't taking to you, I was talking to Crystal." She replied and the next thing she said made me go pale "-and why are you asking me that, why don't you ask your boyfiend why he decided to come back after three years when I've just been gone for 1." And then she walked away.
People were still staring and I think Esme notice. "What are you guys looking, can't you mind your own business." She shouted and their was clearly anger in it. People looked terrified and looked away.
"What just happened?"Asked Alex, I shrugged "How did she know you were-"
"Dude everyone knows that I left in freshman year." I cut him off.
"Yeah well that's the things, people knew you left but Esme came in second year of highs cool, and nobody talked about you leaving anymore." Crystal responded. After that she sat next to Alex and started to flirt with him.
Rachael came up to me "stop staring at her, she always causes attention when she's here." She said "She's a slut, baby look at me."
I looked at her and she kissed me after I broke the kiss I look at their table again. They were gone.
"Why did you help Crystal from Esme, are you guys friends or something because you-"
"Even if she helped me doesn't mean we are friends okay, the only reason she helped Is because she wants to "change" well that's what she said." Crystal said, and when she said friends she said it in disgust i don't know why.
"I do want to-"
"I know you want to change but you could start from not being a slut in the school, and then you could be nice to people." Crystal said, and then she got up and left. I stared at my friends Rachael was about to scream but she just got up and left.
Crystal said Esme was nice but she acted like a total bitch to everyone. Crystal acted like a bitch to her too.
At home
I was looking at my ceiling because I couldn't sleep and it was almost 12 am, and all I could think of was about what happened today. I got up from my bed and went to the closet and took out the box, I opened and saw all the pictures with her, I stopped looking once I saw the ring, I promised I would've thrown it away but I couldn't, but I couldn't wear it either. I put everything back and went to bed and finally closed my eyes.
Skylar s P.O.V
My stupid alarm woke me up, I got up and went straight to the shower. I decided to wear ripped jeans, a black shirt, hoodie, and my favorite high heel boots. I put on makeup to cover up. I went downstairs and saw my four favorite people. please don't tell them I said that, they'll tease me forever and plus I always tell them I hate them even though I'm joking.
"Hey baby sis, are you ready for school?" my brother Ryan asked me, I groaned and flipped him off.
"Please don't call me a baby, and no I'm not why can't I just go next month?" I asked him he narrowed his eyes at me. I know he won't let me because my parents would want what's best for me. I don't give a fuck what my parents want. I don't even know he still calls them parents, because that's not what they are to us.
"If you don't want to come to this school, why didn't you just stay at Paris?" Dylan asked me.
"Wow, I didn't know you guys didn't want me here." I said but I was joking, I know what he meant, plus even though I could go back I would never go again. It is beautiful but it's because of something more like someone. I turned around and started to walk away with my head down.
"I didn't mean it like that Sky, sorry." he said
"You're so mean Dylan, why would you do that to her." said Alexa, she clearly knew I was lying because I wouldn't cry for that.
"I didn't mean it like that, and I said i was sorry. Please Skylar don't leave." He pleaded I kept walking upstairs, I felt someone behind. I was about to turn around but someone spun me around, I stiffened when that person touched me. I kept my eyes shut tight,
"Skylar, open your eyes." a husky voice said, and I did, I saw Dylan's blue eyes.
"What?" I asked him.
"I'm really sor-."
"Dude, I was joking you didn't hurt my feeling, now go finish you breakfast for we could leave." I told him he nodded his head.
"Ok, aren't you going to eat?' He asked me.
"No, I already ate before you guys came." I answered, but it was clearly a lie, I smiled at him, I know he didn't really believe me but he still nodded and went downstairs. I went to my room and went on my computer. I decided to text my online friends
Me: Hey C.M I miss you so much, I haven't seen you in a while. I'm back home, I forgot to text you yesterday, sorry I fell asleep early.
C.M: Hey S, it's ok, I fell asleep early too, who knew I would ever fall asleep at 2 am so fucking early.
Me: Wow you did fall asleep early for once, had you finish writing your album yet?
C.M: No, I'm writing a new song right now about someone, hopefully that person won't mind when it's out because I won't take it down. I now that person would be mad at me but the song is coming really good.
Me: Who is this person, it better not be who I'm thinking.
C.M: you'll know once the song come out, ok.
"Skylar hurry up we need to leave." I heard Jo Jo shout from downstairs.
"Coming, I'll be down in a minute." i shouted back.
Me: We're not done with this conversation, but I have to go we'll talk later bye bae love you.
I turned it off and grabbed my bag and went downstairs, I went to the garage and took out my motorcycle.
"Cool bike." i heard a voice come from behind me, I turned around and saw someone I hoped I never saw again. There he is Logan on his motorcycle.
"Thanks yours doesn't look to bad." I responded. I tried not to show any emotion.
"can I talk to you for a minute Skylar?" he asked how in the world did he know i was her.
"I think you are confused my name is Esme not skylar." i replied he chuckled. Why did I pick my middle name.
"I know it's you, you don't have to lie to me." I was about to speak when he cut me off "Look I just wanted to say sorry for what i did when we were dating." Why does he need to bring this up now?
"Logan you know you don't need to say sorry, I kind of knew that would happen on day." I replied in honestly. He looked surprise "Logan just pretend we never dated and we could move on with our lives."
"Skylar I just wanted to explain why I did it." He said
"There's no need to explain, you already did over the phone three years ago. you said she was prettier and skinnier which is all true." I replied
"Look I said that, for you wouldn't call me again if i told you the truth you would call me and even though I wanted to hear your voice I couldn't let you call." he answered
"Why?" i asked him he sighed
"Rachael threatened me, she said if you or I called you she would make sure when you come back she would hurt you." he answered, honestly I'm not sure if I could trust him. "why didn't you come back?"
"Do you really think I would come back after you cheated on me with my ex best friend." I said did he really think at all.
"How do you know it was-"
"Rachael, because my friends go to this school and they told me." I said, but I only told hi half of it, how did he recognize me now and not when I cam back 2 years ago. "How did you recognize me?"
"because I saw your eyes, ya sure you look very different but if anyone knew you as long as I did they would know it was you by just looking at your eyes," he said wow, probably that's why he didn't recognize me because I still had my color contacts but I stopped wearing after that year,
I know this isn't true though, my eyes were full of happiness, now they are dull, and all you see is a dead girl. Only if you pay attention.
"Oh, well I have to go soon so," I said
"I know, but can you please just forgive me, we could be friends?" He asked, I don't know what to say. I could say yes but I could say no. "Please skylar."
"Ok I forgive you, only because this was like 3 years ago." I said he smiled and then he hugged me. It took me a while to hug him back, but I did. He looked at me, so I smiled at him.
"Skyl- Esme um, we need to go." Dylan said, I nodded my head "Who's this?" He asked.
"Dyl this is Logan, Logan, Dyl." I introduced each other, Dylan was glaring at him.
"Sup man." Logan said, Dylan didn't reply to him, instead he looked at me.
"Does he know?" He asked me, I was about to answer when Logan beat me to it.
"If you're ask if I know Skyl- Esme real name then no I don't know." Logan said while smiling. I saw Dylan roll his eyes.
"Skylar let's go now or..... WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?" Asked my brother Ryan. I saw the others come out.
"So since you know it's me I'm guessing you know who he is?" I asked pointing at my brother.
"Yeah, I do, hey Ryan." Logan said, he wasn't bother by my bros glare.
"This is Jo Jo and Lexi." I told him, just because we're friends again doesn't mean I'm telling them who they really are. I can't trust anyone, not after what happened. I shook the memories away because I know if I don't I'll tear up.
"Hey sexy." Jo Jo purred at him, we all groaned because she knows it annoys us.
"Flirt with each other when we're not here." Dylan said, all of us agreed.
"Now she's going for your ex, wow like she went for-"
"Alexa, stop it we've been over this." I whispered harshly to her.
"I know I just can't stop thinking about it even if it's been 3 years, I actually loved him." She said, I was about to speak "don't say get over it, because I already did. It just sickens me to think about it. I-"
"Let's not talk about this now." I said to her she nodded her head. I love Alexa, but it gets annoying everytime she brings up that.
"Are you guys ready to go?" Asked my brother, we all nodded.
"Hey Logan, do you want to race with us to school?" I asked him, he nodded his head "great the losers have to give the winner 20 bucks deal."
"Deal!" They said in unision.
"Alright guys, let's see who's the fastest." Logan said
"Ready?" He asked me, I nodded, I asked the others and Logan counted to three and we all went.
We were riding for about 10 minutes where I fianlly saw the school, I was in the lead. I saw the light turn yellow I was about to go full speed to pass but I didn't.
Logan was right next to me and the others behind. He nodded his head so did I. I noticed people were already watching us. Once the light turned green and I sped off. I got the the schools lot first and parked.
I came first, Logan second, Dylan third, Jo Jo fourth, Alexa fifth, and my brother last. I looked at my brother I stucked my tounge out at him he did the same.
The four got off and took off their helmets and started to count the money they owe me. I looked at Logan I pulled up the little window that's in the helmet.
"Look Logan, I don't know why you weren't here last year, but they sure know it might be you and me." I said to him.
"Skylar , I left for a reason which I'll tell you soon, can we please hang out like we used to before?" He asked me, I started at him for a while.
"Honestly, I don't know how we'll do that if I don't like Rachael or Emliy anymore." I said, he looked at me confused. "Right you left half way through second year of high school, they made something which I'll show you soon, but now isn't the time but if you want sure."
I looked around and saw familiar faces, I saw Rachael she was with Emily looking at us.
"Rachael is here." I told him, he nodded his head, "will she know it's you?"
"She probably already does, I got this motorcycle in the beginning of sophmore year so she probably recognizes it." He explained, I nodded my head.
I kept looking around when I saw someone I haven't seen spin a while. I saw Kyle and his friends talking to Crystal. They were all looking at me so I know they are talking about me. I made it look like I was looking around.
Kyle changed... A lot but so have I. He looked hot and I... Never mind. His beautiful greenish eyes, are still bright with happiness. I'm glad I didn't ruin anything for him.
"Look Logan, you can't call me Skylar you need to call me Esme , alright. Also call Ryan, Ry and no one can know he's my brother." I told him, he nodded I know he wants an explanation but right now it's not the time.
"Here's the 20." He said, he gave me the twenty dollar bill. "I'll see you later Esme ." He got off th motorcycle and took off his helmet, people gasp and started to whisper that it's Logan. I just rolled my eyes.
I put the money in my back pocket of my jeans. I got off my motorcycle, I noticed people were watching, don't they have better thing to do, like to go to class. I took off my helmet, and all I heard her gasp and peple saying shit.
"OMG is it?."
"Is it really her?"
I looked around and saw Kyles eyes on me. I looked away quickly, I could see he changed a lot, and not for the better. I heard he is the school player, and he doesn't go to most of his classes. I shook my head but I can't blame him he is friends with... How do I say thing. Cheater and helper. I went up to my friends. Logan was their too.
"Let's go, I don't want to speak to anyone. They are all just talking about me coming back it's weird" I told them, they looked at me weirdly, because 2 years ago when I came back, I loved speaking to everyone. I loved being nice and the attention. That was before things happened now I can't trust anyone around me not even myself.
I didn't wait for their response I just started to walk into the school. I ignored everyone, and wouldn't let them come near me. I personally think, it's better for them to stay away from me, all I'll cause is trouble in everyone's life. That's my talent. I felt all eyes on me it felt really uncomfortable, I was about to yell at them when my friends stopped me.
"S, hurry, you need to get to your class or you'll be late." Alexa reminded. We all said bye to each other and went to class.
When I got their the teacher was already there.
"You're late." He said..
"I'm got lost." I simply replied he nodded.
"Ok class, this is Esme
, she's-" then the door opened and, in came someone, I wished I won't have to speak to. Instead I ignored him and started to write on my notebook I shared with a friends.
You won't believe who's in my class it's Kyle.
I know I probably sound like a gossip girl.
I didn't get to finish my sentence because Kyle and the teacher conversation ended. Then he introduced me and made me say something about me. I just said anything that came in my mind. The teacher asked if anyone had questions and I knew people would raise their hand. I didn't really care what they asked at long as it wasn't anything that personally.
"Why is their a bruise on your cheek?" One of the girls on the front asked. Shit I didn't cover it well.
"I fell off the bed." I replied coldly, "are we done here?" I asked the teacher while glaring at him. I saw him gulped and he nodded his head.
I went to my spot behind Kyle, instead of paying attention I was writing on my journal.
Lunch time
I was outside the luck room talking to a girl.
"S, why do we have to do this?" She asked me.
"I already explained to you, know one can know or you'll know what will happen." I explained to her harshly.
"I know, it was scary, but you have to move-" I cut her off.
"Don't say what I think you're going to say, it isn't easy you didn't go-" But I didn't finish because I know she did. She hugged me.
"I'm here for you Skylar , no matter what we'll always be best friend. You can always talk to me." She said I nodded my head. She really thinks I stopped but u haven't. She went in the cafeteria. I waited a few seconds and then went in.
I went up to my friends table which is right next to Kyles. I heard them talking about me, and Crystal, was with them. They were talking about me, and I was annoyed.
"Ahh, I knew I heard Crystals annoying voice somewhere." I replied very coldly.
"Ahh if it isn't the famous Esme." Crystal said, she narrowed her eyes at me. I looked at her friends.
"Who are your new...... friends?" I asked, even though I already knew them, so I acted like I didn't care honestly I really didn't.
"Why do you care?" Crystal kind of shouted and that brought memories.
"Just answer my question." I snapped at her. Nathan stood up and told me not to talk to her like that. I just chuckled quietly.
"You're right Crystal , I don't care. But I never seen them before." Then fucking Rachael decided ro stand up to Crystal. And I said something iwasnt supposed to say, it was about not asking why Kyle came back after three years. And then I walked away.
"Guys let's go, I don't want to be here anymore." I told they nodded their heads and we went home. I stayed in my room the whole rest of the day, going through pictures of him. I still had what I bough for each other, i just don't wear it, I honestly think he through it away. The only thing I want on my fingers is the ring I gave a friends I met in Hawaii.
Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a month. I've been busy, I've been doing to many chores, plus school starts in 2 days. I'm sorry I haven't been active. This chapter might suck and have many grammar errors because I kind of rushed to give you guys a chapter.
Please comment and vote.
Liz 😘 😘 😙 😙
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